Guys! Boys! It's been such a long time! Over a year I think !?
Man, it's crazy crazy. I have so much to say I don't know where to start.
There's so much bloody noise. Bitching, barking, droning, ringing, especially ringing. And crackling. I seriously can't take all this noise anymore, I don't know what to do about it. Then I thought, Hey! what did I used to do when there was a bunch of noisy shit flying around? Tell all ma buddies on tl !!
Baguette bread is the best.
Oh man I forgot, I got a freakin haircut!! Shaved haircut, it was a big change fack. Actually my plan was to cut it to give me a sense of accomplishment, and it worked for a short while hehe.
Yeah so I wanna start making stuff, making stuff and showing it. Then I'm gonna f5 for comments till I'm blue in the face. Then I will be happy again. Only problem is I gotta go right now I'm exiting the noise for a while :O Definetly check again in the future though :D :D