As with the other conferences, there is a general theme to Microsofts conference. But, it is not explicit nor is it clear till much later, it is Entertainment. We begin the conference with explosions and bullets. We are given a hint to what the game is, and for those who have played the previous installment, there is a very similar quote. "A lie is a lie, just because they write it down and call it history, doesn't make it the truth. We live in a world where seeing is not believing. Where only a few know what really happened. e live in a world where everything you know is wrong." So what is the game we are being shown, giving a glimpse to? It has become of the best sellers for the PC and XBox 360. The game that I am speaking of is Call of Duty: Black Ops. As mentioned a bit earlier, the quote is a reminder of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, where the premise of the victor writing the history books is made. Mark Lamia, Studio Head of Treyarch speaks to us but the newest installment to the Call of Duty franchise. We are given a live demo of the game. We are taken to the past, wandering through seemingly endless tunnels underground. We are given a glimpse of the Vietnam war. The portion was brief, for we move quickly to the next stage where you (Mason) and another member of your team, hijack a helicopter. You fly the helicopter following the river, you are given selected targets of interest that are highlighted on the screen where you well, give them hell. Shooting rockets and using your machine gun and slaughtering the masses. There was even a moment where you are taking an attack helicopter. After destroying a great many buildings and vehicles, the demo ends and Mark Lamia exits the stage. Leaving us with a lot of questions but also a lot of excitement for the next installment. We are not told of the release date but instead, just on the screen, we are shown the date 11.09.10, which presumably is the release date. In the video trailer that was before the live demo, we were shown the present as well, so the game will most likely delve into the past of either our main character or the enemy and we will move to the present times.
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Following the short demo, we are introduced to Don Mattrick, Senior Vice President. He states that there will be an exclusive agreement between Xbox and the Call of Duty franchise where all add-ons and downloads will be available first for the Xbox. One of the first few points I noticed was the rather unenthusiastic crowd. Granted, there wasn't anything hugely important mentioned. But the speech Don Mattrick was giving just seemed too bland, fake, and very uninteresting. There were pauses where I think he expected some clapping or cheering (for example, the mentioning of Kinect), but there was none. I do realize that I may come off as being more critical then with the other conferences, but the way a speaker introduces new developments and news is very crucial and influential on how people will react to their game. But right now, I will simply move on to who it is that Don Mattrick introduces to us. Hideo Kojimo, director and executive producer is quite frankly, a hero to many. He has been a part of a series that has to put it bluntly, impacted our lives. Seldom will you find someone who has not heard of the Metal gear Solid franchise. He is at Microsoft's conference to give us a glimpse into the new installment to the series, metal gear Solid: Rising. Here, it was introduced a premier screening of the new installment in action. And for this, Hideo Kojimo passed it on to producer Shigenobu Matsuyama to lend a hand with the demo. The game was created around a word they (the producers) had created, Zan-Datsu. In Japanese, Zan means to cut, while Datsu means to take. So, we are shown a marvelously created CGI clip of the game to illustrate what Zan-Datsu means. So, the main character of the new game slices open a robotic enemy and pulls out a spine (that acts as a powersource) and absorbs all the energy from it. Following that quite remarkable video, we are shown glimpses of the game in action and I must admit, it is quite unique. Imagine having the ability to cut just about anything, and actually have it realistic. Cutting and slicing people in half and pieces. You can cut portions of buildings, vehicles, and people. We are also shown a game mechanic where the game slows down and it allows you to choose how you wish to cut the person. Followed by the best use possible for the sword ever, chopping up a watermelon. The game graphics looks absolutely stunning and seems very high paced, possibly the reverse of the sneaky fighting style we have grown accustomed to in previous installments.
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We move on to Phil Spencer, Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Game Studios. In terms of the speakers, Phil Spencer was probably one of the easiest speakers to listen to. After mentioning some highlight blockbuster games (that will be explained in further detail later), he makes the statement that right now, "every game, every demo, and every experience will be exclusive to the Xbox 360". We start off with the with Cliff Bleszinski, Design Director for Epic Gamers. Cliff Bleszinski is known for is work on one of Xbox's largest exclusive franchises, the Gears of War. I really enjoyed this live demo since unlike the Call of Duty demo, and various demo's from Sony's conference, Cliff Bleszinski goes into detail to what we are about to see and gives us some story of it. We are given a four player co-op for their newest installment, Gears of War 3. We will be seeing some of the game mechanics, graphics, and the new latent mutating enemies for thie game. Just like with previous installments, we are given the very high-paced game that is very reminiscent of the past. We are shown the reviving abilities and how players can give the downed players a weapon to use. We also see that these new enemies will be something that has to have teamwork and well, strategy behind it. Players cannot aimlessly shoot but instead, they must aim for specific portions such as the limbs. The game looks incredible, similar to the previous installments. We are also shown lasers that will help aid the soldiers in taking out the new enemies. But as we see in the demo, even with these high powered lasers from space, it can't fully stop these monsters. There will also be a new mode called beast. The game looks like it will be a blast to play in co-op and hope to hear more about this new beast mode that was announced.
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Moving along, we are introduced to Peter Molyneux, creative Director of Developer Zero. We are given another exclusive (which is all that will follow from now on) for the Xbox 360, Fable 3. The game will be shipped on October 26, 2010. The story given to us is that the king fall died and the crown was given to one of his two sons. The son that was given the crown is heartless and tyrannical. He rules his people with an iron fist that which leads to the people starving. While his other son is given the chance to go on an adventure where he realizes that there must be a revolution to save his people. In this story, the two brothers will be fighting against each other. One to hold onto his power and the other to save his people. You will play at the hero, the one aiming for the remove of his brother from the throne. Not a whole lot was shown to us, not the mechanics or enemies you will be fighting. Besides the English like soldiers in their red outfits and muskets. I am a fan of the Fable series but I cannot tell too much from the short glimpse whether the game will be as creative and exciting as the previous installments. We will simply have to wait until October 26th of this year to find out.
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Thankfully, Phil Spencer takes the stage once again to explain yet another title for the Xbox 360. From the developers of Crytek, we are given a teaser to a title for which is code named: Kingdom. Not a whole lot is shown, it is simply a teaser, depicting gladiator like warriors. Three of which, possibly teammates, and the grown covered with ruble and death. A sword dripping the blood of their enemies, and a stern look of desperation and commitment. Can't really say much beyond that but at least the feel of the teaser was nice and dark. Hopefully, whatever game follows will not be a disappointment.
The game that followed that is what Phil Spencer (and myself) would consider, a cultural phenomena. The game has changed gaming for generations to come, and has inspired an all new breed of gamers to take to the controllers. In the Halo series, over 34 million games have been sold. And over 2 billion hours have been played. With the introduction to Bungies Creative Director, Marcus Lheto, we are given the newest installment of Xbox's most successful and game changing franchise, Halo: Reach. We are given a glimpse to the new campaign for their installment. In the demo, you are dropped off in the middle of a large battle. Fighting enemies with shields and making your way to a large facility. The game has added the use of jetpacks, sprint, active camo, and various other abilities,. In this game, you are a new member to a team comprised of elite soldiers known as Spartans. You are unknown and you are identified but you call sign, Noble 6. This takes place prior to events that took place in the 2001 installment, Halo: Combat Evolved. At the end of the demo, you are shown rocketing off into space from the planet where you take to the joystick and start piloting the ship itself (and having a battle in space). The game is to be released September 14th (in North America) and September 15, 2010 (in Japan). There is not much else I really need to say about the game. When it comes down to it, what else does one need to say, it is a bloody new Halo game. There is no need to explain further the epicness of the news.
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After a round of applause, Marc Whitten, Corporate Vice President of XBox Live takes the stage. Of course, after some mic problems, he was given a handheld mic (thankfully). We are given a chance to see and hear about the Kinect for the Xbox 360. It sees and hears you, having the ability to recognize the user. Ron, one of the engineers for Kinect, demos for us the Kinect. Just by waving in front of it, it recognizes him and logs onto the Kinect menu. Following a second wave, we are shown some of the sorts of abilities we can use for the Kinect. We are shown a videogame, Netflix, Zune, Facebook, his profile, Friends, avatar edition (to customize and change the look of your avatar), and You can your hands to select, but you can also use your voice. "If you see it, just say it", so just by saying Xbox, and then the program you wish to open, it will be opened. For example, Ron opened zune, followed by how they brought the entire catalog of Zune movies to the 360. Having them in 1080p and 5.1 surround sound. To select what you want with your hand, you just move your hand to what you want and then hold your hand there. In the movies, you can also search just by scrolling like you would on youtube. You can also pause it by saying xbox pause (as well as stop and play). You can also choose between over 7 million songs. We also shown what other abilities it has. The Kinect allows for video calls as well. With the video kinect, you will be able to connect and have video calls with fellow users of kinect, as well as users using Windows Live Messenger. Seeing as the Kinect has a built in microphone, it allows for chatting easily. This allows for users to watch something together. So, you can watch the same video at the same time. This would be great for sports and various other videos. You can watch news, sports, and entertainment. The Kinect also has the ability to track the user. So, the kinect creates a skeleton of the user and will follow it. Just by saying "Xbox end chat", the videocall will end.
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In addition to the neat features, Xobx users will also be given the chance to watch ESPN. At the same time, users will also be able to have quizzes. In the first year, you will be able to view up to 3,500 sporting events. Most of which will be in HD. You are able to choose which team you wish to root for. Also, if there was a very big play in like football, you can say "Xbox, replay", and it will go back to the beginning of the important part. All of the ESPN will be given to the Xbox gold members for no additional cost. I know a lot of friends who own an Xbox 360, most of which are college students. So I think having ESPN in HD, with quizzes and various other aspect, would be a lot of fun. This is a great step in Microsoft's entertainment push. Since entertainment in the field of games seems to usually mean having fun of some sort. While Microsoft continues to push toward a broader sense of the definition and very inclusive. Given time, I am sure there will be many more aspects of Kinect and the Xbox 360.
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Following that, in continuation of the Kinect, we move to Kudo Tsunoda, Creative Director of Kinect. This is where we move toward using Kinect for video games. Here, we are going to see six Kinect games that will be released for the Kinect. The first game is called Kinectimals. Here, the user is able to pet and play with animals. Such as a little tiger. The will mimic what you do when you play, like jump, lie on the floor, and will sit if you tell it to. It also reacts to the user if they hide. Since the Kinect notices if the user is not around. You can play up to 40 animals in 30 unique environments. In terms of graphics and hilarity, the game is quite nice. It has a very soothing look to it, not trying to be entirely crisp and realistic. Giving almost a dream like feel to the game. The animals can also act quite funny and give the user an "aaawww" moment. Of course, it is no gun toting, bomb exploding game. But hey, it does help in illustrate the potential of the Kinect.
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The next game show is Kinect Sports. First, we are shown the abilities of controlling a crowd. Can control fireworks and get the crowd cheering. Following the introduction, after a slight technical difficulty, they have a racing game with hurdles. You run in place and jump when a hurdle is nearby. Following that, we are given a glimpse to the other experiences in the game: Soccer, Bowling, Track & Field, Ping-pong, boxing, and Volleyball. I must admit though, I am not a fan of the speaker. Wearing the sunglasses and his overall reactions seemed very annoying. Even when he spoke of a game being excited, there was no excitement in his voice. It game off a very fake and disingenuous.
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The next installment for the Kinect is Joy Ride, where you drive a car with an imaginary wheel in your hands. Which is a pretty cool aspect but I do not see how one controls the speed. I mean, it is great and all that the Kinect and pick-up on your hand movements and steer the wheel but steering is only half the game, controlling the speed and breaking is also very important.
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The next title is Kinect Adventures, this game allows for your entire body to be part of the video. The kinect will replicate your entire body. Here, where you move side to side will be replicated, your jumping, and arm movements. When a buddy shows up, it will automatically go into split mode. In the game, Kinect will also take photos of you in certain areas that will be indicated with a camera. The photos and videos taken can be uploaded on facebook and anywhere on the web. We are also shown various other games that are in the works, or well, types of games. Such as running, cardio exercises, punching, and other ways of getting into shape.
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The game Your Shape: Fitness evolved seems like a very fascinating game. One of the really neat aspects of the game is its ability to scan and know you. It can recognized your shoulders and joints, side, shape, all details of your body. Using the data when you are scanned, the game will create exercises specifically for you. You can have your own personal training, fitness class, or even play gym games. The personal training teaches you how to properly exercise your body, it also tells you how many calories you have burned. You can do combat training which gets your body moving using punches and kicks. As clichéd as it may sound, they are trying to make exercising fun. The game can even teach you some Zen exercises to calm yourself and cool down.
The next game developed by Harmonix is called Dance Central. This game is very unique in that, it allows for your body to be in the game. Co-Founder and CEO of Harmonix, Alex Rigopulos, discusses the inner workings of the game. They had been wanting for technology to get to the point where they could truly integrate someone into the game. The game as music from Lady Gaga and No Doubt, with many other artist. many top dance choreographs aided in developing the game, in allowing to have true, authentic moves in the game for the players to learn. For this, Kasson Crooker, Project Director was given the stage just to give us an example of how the game actually works. There is a mode called Break-it-down. This is where you learn move by move, one at a time, and then string them all together. With a vast assortment of moves and songs, along with the Kinect, the game truly can help to teach people with two left feet (such as myself) just how to dance. The game seems like it would be a lot of fun and very helpful for those who cannot dance, or do not know how to. Also, it also has a great listing of music that will make it even more entertaining. Granted, it may not be the game to have all your friends over to play (such with the fitness game), it is still very interesting to at least try out.
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Beginning November 4th, Kinect will be available to North America. Upon release, there will be 15 games available. Alongside that, there also have been an agreement between Microsoft and LucasArts to develop a game for kinect. We are shown a trailer of actual gameplay (without a controller and using the Kinect) of how it will be used. The game looked very average. The game did not seem very special, and possibly very far from being completed. The animation when you kill a storm trooper looks horrendous, like something from a 2000 game (possibly even further back). The movement seemed very sloppy and slow paced. I hope to see more in the future and to see how far they can push it but from what I saw, it does not look very appealing. In my conclusion, I will talk a bit more about the game. Moving on (and nearing the end), we are introduced to Bill Giese, Lead Designer of Turn 10 Studios and Dan Greenawalt, Creative Director of Turn 10 Studios.
Here, they are showing us how their game and how it will work with Kinect. In this game, you can drive using your hands, much like in the before-mentioned racing game. Being in the car, you can turn your head and move your head, and it will move in game. In a car viewing portion, the way you move is how you see the car. If you move to the side, you can see the side, if you kneel down, the camera well in a sense, move down. How you move is like how you move. Unlike carshows, you can get in the car and look all around. All of which is done in beautiful HD. This game also suffers the problem of, just how do we push on the gas and break? How to we switch gears if we choose a manual, or change the perspective of the car while driving? These are all questions I pose to the developers. Because if you move away from some of those aspects, you are actually removing very essential and important pieces to what it means to have a racing game.
Nearing the end of the conference, Don Mattrick takes the floor once again. After a long, inspirational speech (with no merit or basis), we are shown one of the highlights of the Xbox conference. We are shown the new Xbox Slim. It is a sleek, shiny and smaller version of the bulky, Xbox 360. With a built in wireless, ready for Kinect. It is whisper quiet (big change from the old one), with a 250gb hard-drive. The built in wirieless is a Wi-Fi 802.11N, the fastest of the current consoles. It will be costing consumers $299, the same price as the old one. It will be shipped to retailers as of well, it is already out. With that final announcement, the Microsoft Conference came to an end. So, how do I feel about it, the Kinect, and of all the conferences?
I wonder where I should begin. Overall, I feel that Microsoft's Conference was ok. It was not horrid, nor was it great. It was simply, ok. Besides a few releases, and the reveal of the new Xbox, it was not that spectacular. A few of the hosts just did not seem like they were really into it. Take for example the new Halo Reach. Granted, it has been in beta and it was not like it was any sort of secret. But for being Microsoft's baby, golden idol, possibly equivalent to Nintendo's Mario, it wasn't anything special. I mean, where was the epic music, epic moments and excitement? It seemed completely blown over. I do understand they were pressed for time, but they do have priorities. I mean, when Halo Reach is given seemingly less time than with a fitness game for Kinect, something is just wrong. The Gears of War 3 portion wasn't bad. We got the story, saw the gameplay, it felt and looked like a real demo. I was quite disappointed with Microsoft, who has been known for their conferences. I consider them luckily that they did not really have any technical difficulties. Of course, besides the slight delay for the track demo, which was hardly a concern. I think that had one of their demos truly had a technical difficulty, the view on Microsoft would have been far worst. It may sound like I am picking on Microsoft but the other conferences also had their problems.
What really brought me around was the first few games and the Kinect. I am not in love with the Kinect, I think it is quite flawed and has its limitations. I truly believe that when it comes to the games (as I had eluded to earlier in my previous blog), the Playstation Move is a far superior product. But, the problem is this. I find that the two are very different, apples and oranges if you will. I see the potential of the Kinect, I think it has a lot of possibilities and can be a great asset to Microsoft. I fear that Microsoft, if they do not truly sit down and truly consider their options, they may truly bomb and hurt themselves. The problem is this, I do not really see Kinect being used seriously for games. I think that for games, possibly suited for Nintendo's field, it would work fine. Like with the Mario Party installments. When it boils down to it, controllers and buttons do matter. They are important and necessary until we can simply play with our minds or in a hologram like in Star Trek. The Kinect is very limited in its ability to play games seriously. But, I really do like the aspect behind it. I was most pleased with the abilities of it in terms of movies, music, etc. It is the interface that I have fallen in love with. Being able to sit at home and control the tv without a remove or anything would be great. It really makes it feel like we are moving toward the future. And when it comes to entertainment as a whole, it he phenomenal. I mean, bring in ESPN, Zune, and Fm is brilliant. That is was Microsoft should concentrate on. Giving the consumers those sort of entertainment options that will make home use even more fun. There are so many possibilities in terms of home entertainment, and I fear that these will either not be explored or forgotten because of the gaming aspect. For that is what I fear the most, they will concentrate on the games and it will simply fall apart. I mean the whole idea of the Star Wars game. The game seemed and looked far worse than the other games. I felt as if they were cheating me, trying to cater to the Star War fan group, even if it is a horrible game. Catering to the shock value of using the Kinect and giving a poor game is simply wrong and a slap to the face of their fans. If I was a die-hard Xbox fan, I would have to feel offended to what they showed us. It is very sad, that is true.
Which leads us to the final verdict. Well, this is a tough one. I assigned points to various aspects of the conferences to choose which of them I truly believed to have been the best. I based it upon the feel and fun value of the conference, the quality of the games shown, and the technology shown to us. I allocated points out of ten based upon these three categories. So with this, I will begin with the bottom of the barrel.
Feel and Fun: Five Points - I chose five points because it was simply eh, it wasn't great or bad. It has its share of poor speakers and very bad vibes. This just went against any of the good speakers and left my feeling very unenthusiastic. There were hardly any applauding moments, and moments that brought us to cheer. Of course there is the ending but i am not counting that, and I do not believe I need to explain why
Games: Four Points - The games were alright, there were a few big hits that I was excited for like Gears of War 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops, and Metal Gear Solid: Rising. But overall, the overall performance given to us were a bunch of games that were for the Kinect, some of them was well, bland. It seemed like their sole purpose was just to illustrates the possible mechanics for the Kinect, and nothing more. I do not believe they are games I would be playing after a few weeks and end up collecting dust. I am believe though that come next E3, there will be many more and far better games shown to us, and I am going to await that.
Technology: Seven Points - I gave them seven points for a few reasons. I think that the Kinect is having an identity crisis. It does not know what it wants to be so it is throwing on all these various clothing styles to see what works. Until they really show us what it can do, and what really makes the Kinect its own thing, I can't take it seriously. And I am hoping that they get it in gear and put their efforts into home entertainment more so then gaming experience. With that said, what brought it up higher was the new Xbox. I will admit, the version looks amazing. It is very sleek and sexy. Having that fine furnish that gives it its shine is amazing (makes you hate fingerprints and smudges though).
So in total, I am awarding Microsoft seventeen points. I think they could have gone more so on an offensive against Sony, seeing as Sony did not hold back (especially when using Butler). So, who is in second place?
Feel and Fun: Eight Points - I really liked the feel and fun factor of the conference. I think they truly used their time well, and it did not feel truly horrific. I did have issues with the first portions of the conference, and it feeling sort of cheap. But in the end, I had fun and at the end of the conference, I was not disappointed or annoyed. I was very happy watching the conference and they truly snatched on to my nostalgic side.
Games: Nine Points - This was a very difficult choice on my behalf. I could not choose between nine or ten points. In terms of games, Nintendo did an amazing job. Their assortment of nostalgic games is amazing. Their lineup really did make avid gamers feel nostalgic and anxious to try them all out. They were amazing, and were all phenomenal. What was the deciding factor for why a nine and not a ten is because there were not many great new games. They had put on an amazing display for the old games but were lacking in the new franchises.
Technology: Seven Points - I am a huge fan of the 3DS, I do not want anyone to get the idea that I am not based upon the score. The problem is this, I really love the 3DS but it has its problems. When we look to the 3DS on its own, it is really nice (having three cameras), a new LCD screen, and being 3D. But this is to be expected from a new unit. The 3D'ness of it is amazing but limited since you have to find the sweet spot. The reason why it is not higher, well the main reason is this. When people are excited about it, what are they excited about? Most of the hype I hear and feel is from the line of games. If you move the games away and have it on its own, its still great, but it loses quite a bit of its hype.
In total, Nintendo scored twenty-four points. Given their time, they did an amazing job. It was very close, I had been wanting to say that Nintendo won. I think it should have won if it was all fair. Sadly, when remarking on what I saw, and going by the points, I just cannot give Nintendo the win. I think they did a marvelous job, I just think overall, Sony did a little better.
Feel and Fun: Eight Points - Professionalism is a big factor in my opinion. If you are going to sell games to your consumers and fans, you have to do it correctly, Where Microsoft bombed at this, Sony did an amazing job. The show did feel very rushed, and they did breeze pass some games that should have had more time, but it was still fine. The speakers were great, and Butler was amazing as usual. The reason why it is not nine is because of the feeling of being rushed, and showing the games and just failing to make them interesting. Like the little Big Planet, that portion completely bombed in my opinion. I was left feeling disappointed, nowhere near how I felt when I first saw the commercial of the game. I think they should have restricted time of the lesser games and spent more time on the games that they knew we would be applauding for.
Games: Eight Points - There were many games for the ps3 and psp. Many were great, some were ok. Some kept feeling like a plug, being forced in, like Shaun Whites skateboarding. Overall, their lineup is amazing. I did not get the feeling of nostalgia of excitement as Nintendo, but they are great titles like Crysis 2, Killzone 3, and portal 2. In Heinsight, I think I could have given a nine score but then it would be equal to that of Nintendo, and I do not believe it was as good. Close though, some really amazing games being released.
Technology: Nine Points - Much like with the Gaming portion of Nintendo, I had a very difficult time choosing between nine and ten points. I was uncertain prior to the conference just how I felt about the Playstation Move. I was more negative toward it then anything else. But after watching the conference, seeing the 1:1 motion ratio, I think it is amazing. It has so much potential and they know where they are going with it. Showing it with the Sorcery game just blew my mind and won me over form that point. But why not ten points? Well, that is because of pricing and the 3D aspect. The Playstation Move is not cheap, since you pretty much will at some point need all the pieces of it (which will run you up quite a bill). There is also the aspect of the 3D cost as well. It is nice that the software upgrade allowed for ps3's to essentially have 3D. But, you still require a brand new television. And having to purchase a new television just for the ps3 seems a bit extreme. There is also the aspect of making everything 3D. I hope they do not, since not all games need to be in 3D. And a lot of the games will just feel fake, like with the current movies. But I go into more detail in the Sony blog. But the 3D is amazing though. Having the games in HD, like Killzone 3, in 3D, is amazing. If you have the money, 3D for the Ps3 is amazing.
So there you have it. My pick for the top conference, Sony. It was a bloody close call, in total, Sony came out with twenety-five. I was almost inclined to giving them a tie but that would not have been fair, since they were not the same or completely equal. With that, I thank you all for reading my reviews. It feels like this was my own little project and it has finally come to an end. I hope to have an idea on my next blogs, if I can think of any. I am uncertain now, hoping for some ideas. I appreciate all who have read and given supportive comments to me. Also, a special thanks to the sites such as Kotaku and Gamespot that aided in my writing of this blog. For without them, I would not have had anywhere near this amount of well, responses.
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