![[image loading]](http://i40.tinypic.com/2chrm35.png)
I have here a replay pack from one of the best Australian Protoss players,
![[image loading]](http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7020/pinsignia2.png)
The replay pack includes all 62 of his ladder games since the patch - wins and losses - and showcases his climb to the #1 rank in the platinum division.
![[image loading]](http://img369.imageshack.us/img369/4633/auflag.png)
![[image loading]](http://img444.imageshack.us/img444/6080/protossicon.png)
[url blocked]
Notable opponents (reccommended replays are in bold)
![[image loading]](http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7020/pinsignia2.png)
![[image loading]](http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/1165/tinsignia2.png)
* LzGaMeR
* Fenix
* ZeuS
* Painuser
![[image loading]](http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7020/pinsignia2.png)
![[image loading]](http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7020/pinsignia2.png)
* aLt
* Mezmerize
* Flow
* Antimage
![[image loading]](http://img688.imageshack.us/img688/7020/pinsignia2.png)
![[image loading]](http://img682.imageshack.us/img682/5694/zinsignia.png)
* Mercer
* Mannerplz
* Real
* Machine
Mod, if you like feel free to upload this to a more stable location, or throw it in the Replays Thread!