Cats Don't Dance Part 1
Cats Don't Dance Part 2
Cats Don't Dance Part 3
Cats Don't Dance Part 4 (Only works in LQ for me)
Cats Don't Dance Part 5
Cats Don't Dance Part 6
Cats Don't Dance Part 7
If you're reading this, than I assume you've seen the movie by now. If you thought it sucked and was a waste of time, than I apologize, and you can leave this blog. If you DID like it, just like I LOVED it at the time I wrote this, then let me tell you what this is all about:
I found out about CDD out of pure randomness. Related video to related video to related video... and so on. When I did find it, however I LOVED it. I acctually watched it 13 times in two weeks. I'm not kidding. Then, through the comments, I also found the unofficial fansite: CDD4Ever
I became very interested in the fanfiction stories sent in by people from all over the globe, and decided to try it out myself. If I look at what I wrote nowadays, I'm not very impressed, but remember, I was only 13 at the time I wrote this. Nonetheless, I saved it on my computer, and there it has rested to this day. Here is the result:
A Furry Embrace
From banished to film star in five minutes
/Seen from Danny’s Eyes/
The spotlight turned onto us. As we stood there, we all realized that we had done it. We had broken into the movie business. I could see that all the others began to celebrate, Francis kissed Cranston, and his look said that it was the first time for a very long time. Tilly was hugging Woolly and Pudge was… ehm shocking T.W… literally…
My thoughts were interrupted by Sawyer’s voice.
- ‘’Well now, let’s see… go to premiere… check’’. She said.
She had somehow gotten hold of my schedule I had made on my way to Hollywood. I tried to take it from her but she just held it away from me.
- ‘’Land a big part… check’’. She continued.
Then she gave me a look I hadn’t seen from her before. It was a mixture of made-up confusion and romance in her beautiful eyes. She then said the best thing I’ve heard her say so far…
- ‘’Get the girl… check’’. Sawyer finished.
First I was surprised, then I realized what she had meant. I closed my eyes and held out my right paw. I felt her feathery Persian paw in mine as I bent over to kiss her and…
…Hit Flannigan right on the cheek. I turned away in disgust. Sawyer did the same. We became a little happier when L.B. showed up in between us.
- ‘’Get a picture boys, these kids will be making history’’! L.B. said with his deep voice.
I just stood there, thinking about what the magazine would look like. Would it say: "Dimple busted, Animals confirmed* or *New stars in Hollywood* or maybe *Indiana-farm cat helps animals to stardom". How about: *On-stage romance on shocking debut*? Once again I realized I was dreaming away, not that it was much I had missed, only a few angry words from L.B. to Darla, ending in the phrase she deserved:
- ‘’You are fired’’! L.B. said with a lot of disappoint in his voice.
As I walked out of the Chinese Theatre I heard someone calling me from behind. That *someone* was still a little unknown to me, since her singing voice was still locked inside my brain. Sawyer came running over to me and hugged me.
- ‘’Thank you, Danny! You have done the impossible, not only for yourself. You did it for all of us’’. She said overjoyed.
- ‘’I know. I’m an optimist, as you may have noticed’’. I replied with as much confidence as I could.
- ‘’Well, I’ve noticed that, alright’’. She giggled.
- ‘’I said I would never give up, right’’? I asked, smiling back.
- ‘’Yes, you did. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you in the first place, but I’ve seen so many others like you, all with high hopes and dreams so I didn’t think you would make it either’’. Sawyer answered, trying not to make it sound ill meant.
- ‘’Well, I guess you were wrong. Not that I blame you. I mean, what were the odds that I would be the one to make it? A farm-cat from Kokomo’’? I said, trying to be convincing.
- ‘’You’re probably right, Danny. I just…’’
- ‘’You just made the obvious. Ehm, by the way, would you like me to… eh, you know, just, walk you home’’? I questioned nervously
- ‘’You would do that? Well, of course! Thank you Danny’’. She replied, smiling and relieved.
As we began our walk to her home, I started to think about something. What would it be like to grow up like she had? I’ve asked around a little about her, but I’ve not learned much; only that she is ‘’my total opposite’’, whatever that’s supposed to mean. Sawyer and I seemed so different. The only thing I’ve found in common with her is our desire for what we love: Singing and Dancing. Singing… I still can’t forget her voice. I have never heard her sing before. Woolly said that she had the voice of an angel. He was wrong, I thought. If Darla was the *Ark Angel* then what was Sawyer? A goddess? All the lessons in the world couldn’t have taught her to sing like that. I felt that I needed to talk to her about it sometime. Or maybe I should just ask her now?...
- ‘’Sawyer? I was just wondering, how did you learn to sing like you did? Your voice… I’ve never heard anything like that in my life’’!
- ‘’Oh’’. She began, obviously flattered. ‘’I was taught by the best. My father had his contacts… I loved to sing and dance and he thought that with my talent and the best teachers, I might one day be what I… what I just might be now’’.
- ‘’Wow… I took singing lessons too, but that was just by the local musicians and sopranos’’.
- ‘’Well, I guess that means that you got talent. I only got taught by the best’’.
- ‘’I guess that means that you got both’’. I corrected.
When we got to her house, I asked what I had been waiting for.
- ‘’Sawyer? Eh, since L.B. said that we would have the weekend off so that the press would calm down, I… I just wondered if you and I could... do… something tomorrow. I mean, we could just go around the town. This has been a busy week, so I haven’t really got to explore so much of Hollywood’’.
- ‘’Oh, Danny, I’d love to! By the way, I think you should have this’’. She said while handing me something very surprisingly.
It was my boater. I realized that Sawyer must have found it on the bench.
- ‘’Thank you, Sawyer. I never thought I’d see it again. Anyway, eh, when should I come and get you, tomorrow’’? I asked.
- ‘’Well, are you a morning person’’?
- ‘’Kind of, yes. After all, I grew up on a farm’’. I said while giving her the *I know where this is heading* look.
- ‘’Then… if you want, you can come over for breakfast’’. She said, slightly blushing.
- ‘’Really? Wow, thanks again Sawyer. Just how early shall I come over then’’?
- ‘’Eh, is 8:00 a good time’’?
- ‘’It sure is. Well, good night then’’!
- ‘’Good night! See you tomorrow’’!
- ‘’You too’’.
As I walked on my way home, I thought about all that happened today. The epic fight with Max, the miraculous musical number, the photographers and media. But there was no way I could deny it: I was thinking about Sawyer. I had loved her since the day Mr. Wink put us together as partners, but I never knew that she had the same feelings for me. I mean, I remember the sweet smile on her lips after our dance back in the alley, but that was about it. But now she has admitted it and I can only hope that this is the way our relation is heading. Romance at its fuzziest. Surely, two cats in love with each other could improve their relation over an unlimited time, if two cats could go from banished to film-stars in just five minutes. At least, so I hoped as I walked my way back to the El Greco hotel.
When I got back to the hotel, however, I was in for a surprise. Everything looked as normal. People ate as usual in the hotel restaurant. But when I got inside, on my way to the stairs, someone shouted:
- ‘’There he ith’’!
I turned my head around and saw a human with not a single tooth in his mouth. Everybody had suddenly stopped talking and was looking in my direction. I guessed that he had been in the audience at *Little Ark Angel*. I nervously looked for something to say.
- ‘’Ehh, hi’’! I said, somewhat confused.
- ‘’Is it true that poor Darla really was a naughty girl’’? I heard an old lady say.
- ‘’Did you really blast the roof off with a stage prop’’? A little kid said impressed.
- ‘’Do you think you will be the next Hollywood-film-star’’? An adorable little ferret asked.
- ‘’Wait, wait, wait, I will have plenty of time to answer questions in press conferences’’.
I had to say something, didn’t I? But the questions just hailed over me, so I slowly stepped back upwards, explaining that the time will come for me to tell them everything but it wasn’t now. I finally got back to my room and locked the door. I got to the phone and called the Mammoth studio information desk.
- ‘’Mammoth studios’’. A voice answered.
- ‘’Hello, ehm, my name is Daniel. Daniel Scott Williams. I’m one of the animals who where in the Chinese Theatre today, at the special show after *Little Ark Angel* was finished’’.
- ‘’Oh, hello! How can I help you’’?
- ‘’Well, I’m currently at the El Greco hotel and I’m being utterly bombarded with people trying to ask me every possible question I can think about’’.
- ‘’Oh, don’t worry. You’ve just made your breakthrough. They will settle down as soon as they realize that you aren’t answering anything before you say you are’’.
- ‘’Thank you. Speaking of which, when am I going to do that’’?
- ‘’Well, L.B. has arranged a press conference with you and the other animals on Tuesday at 13:30. I was going to announce that tomorrow but you can know it now since you felt you needed it’’.
- ‘’Thank you. I’ll remember that. Bye’’.
And fortunaly, she was right. At about 23:00 they had left me alone for the night. I brushed my teeth, put on my pajamas, went to the toilet and spent a minute or two at the scratching post. Then I got to bed, thinking about Sawyer. What would happen tomorrow? Would our relation go the right way? I finally got to sleep.
I dreamt about being home in Kokomo. I dreamt that Sawyer was there with me. We were standing in the local church. It was our wedding! I heard priest Donovan asking the formal questions of a marriage:
- ‘’Sawyer Natalie Stone, do you take Daniel Scott Williams to be your…’’
I woke up. I did this on purpose. (Trying to wake up that is) I realized that it was for the best. If I hadn’t, I’d probably think it was so beautiful that I would rush things. But that would instead mean that our relation would go forward slower. It is probably safest to take it step, by step… But now we have at least taken the first step on a long road…
Part 1. Guiding love with your guide-in-love
/Seen from Danny’s Eyes/
I woke up before sunrise, as I always do. Back in Kokomo, I always had to start working early. I looked at my watch. 6:30 it said. I got out of bed and began my daily starting routine. Twenty minutes later, I stood in front of my closet, thinking. I wanted to wear something that looked nice, but not too nice. We were only eating breakfast together and walking around town. I decided to think of it in another way: What would Sawyer like me to wear? Not what I would like me to wear. She probably didn’t want me to waste too much energy over her, I mean; we’ve only known each other for six days. A rushed romantic relation is never good. I finally chose a white shirt along with my grey Manchester jeans. Then I spent a minute in front of the mirror, and was on my way.
As I stepped out of the hotel, I realized that it was still fifty minutes until I should meet Sawyer. It was only a twenty minute walk to her house, so I might as well do something in the meantime. Maybe I could give her something… Hmmm, what do girls usually like? Flowers? Na, the shops had not opened yet. Of course… I could walk to the meadow just a few hundred meters from her house and pick some wild ones. Now, that’s a great idea! I set my new course.
When I arrived there, I realized just how beautiful the place was. The sun was just rising on the horizon, and I stood there, in the middle of a flower-filled meadow in the week sunlight. It was very quiet, except for a few birds singing. I first thought that I could take Sawyer out to this very romantic place, but I said breakfast & tour, not romantic sunrise on the meadow. Besides, I will probably have plenty more chances to ask her to come here. I looked at my watch. Still 7:41. I had about a quarter to make a nice bouquet. That can’t be so hard, I thought. "Danny – the farm-cat who couldn’t pick flowers". I erased the thought from my mind and started to pick flowers of as many kinds that I could see. After about ten minutes, I had a quite impressive bunch. With a bit of string that I happened to have in my boater, (I always have some string there, since I of some reason, always seems to need it.) I bound them together. She has to fall for this, I thought. (I am an optimist, after all) I checked my watch again: 7:54 it said. I started walking to her house.
Once I got there, I realized that it was a pretty big house. I never really thought of it yesterday, because I was so focused on Sawyer herself. Of course, she had spent a lot of time here, and her intelligence seemed very high, so she could probably buy something a little fancier, with some good investments. As I raised my hand to knock on her front door, I checked the time again. 7.59. I suppose it seems a little silly to wait for EXCACTLY 8:00, but what the heck. I watched as the seconds slowly passed and when it stood at 8:00 precisely, I knocked on her front door. After about ten seconds, Sawyer opened the door. She was wearing a blue dress. She looked a little bit tired.
- ‘’Mornin’, beauty’’. I said with a slight English accent.
- ‘’Good morning, Danny. Wow, I know you said you are a morning person, but still; you don’t look tired, not even a little bit’’. She replied, trying to sound awake.
- ‘’Well, I grew up with this routine. Eh, may I come in’’? I asked.
- ‘’Of course. That is why you are here, right’’?
- ‘’Yup. By the way, these are for you; I collected them from the meadow on my way here’’. I said while holding forth the bouquet.
- ‘’Oh, Danny! How sweet of you’’! She said and gave me a light kiss on my cheek.
Even though it only lasted for half-a-second, it felt like forever. That simple contact… I was blushing deeply. (How could I not? I felt like butter in a frying-pan.) I turned away and put my boater on the hat rack… mostly because I was blushing, not because I wanted to take of my boater. I like my boater. When I had regained focus and felt a little bit more controlled, I followed her to the kitchen. She was making breakfast for two. I didn’t want to be rude so I asked:
- ‘’Is there anything I can help you with’’?
- ‘’No, no. You are the guest. I’m the one who’s serving the meals here’’.
I put my hand on her shoulder, while smiling towards her and said:
- ‘’Where I come from, everybody helps each other. And even if this isn’t Kokomo, I will still follow its routines. You might as well accept it, I’m helping you’’.
She realized that it wasn’t worth arguing and just smiled at me.
- ‘’Thank you, Danny’’.
This was true. In Kokomo, everybody, in fact, did help each other. One of my schoolmates (A guinea pig named Hazel,) once helped me during a math test. Our teacher caught him, of course, but he still thought that it was worth it, since he wanted his friends to get good grades. But the main reason that I wanted to help her, was because I had brought something of my own. I took up a little lunch box, which held my ingredients. Sawyer, alert as ever, noticed this.
- ‘’Danny, what’s that’’? She asked curious.
- ‘’You’ll see’’. I confidently answered.
When all was done, we sat down. (It was an ordinary breakfast. The only difference between this and a human breakfast is that we drink milk instead of juice. We are cats, after all.) I put my specialty on the table.
- ‘’Do you want to try it’’? I asked hopefully.
- ‘’What is it’’? She replied eagerly.
- ‘’Well, if you really have to know, it’s my family’s special farm-omelet’’.
She wasn’t sure what to think. But Sawyer is a Persian. (Doesn’t mean a person from Asia-Minor when talking about cats.) And a Persian does not want to be unfair, rude or embarrassed. Therefore she tried it. I hoped that she would like it. But I didn’t worry. I’ve let many other cats taste it before, and believe me: there is hardly as much as a crumb left afterwards. Luckily, Sawyer had a similar reaction.
- ‘’Mmm, that was great’’! She said impressed.
- ‘’I wouldn’t serve it if it wasn’t’’. I simply answered.
- ‘’Can you give me the recipe for it Danny? Please’’? She asked while making the *Bambi-Eyes*
- ‘’Sorry. As much as I’d want to, if I did, I’m a dead man’’. I said sadly.
- ‘’Huh’’? She asked worryingly.
- ‘’I’ve sworn to my father to never reveal it to anyone outside the family. That’s the way it has been… for eight generations’’. I quoted a little bit overdramatic.
- ‘’Oh, sorry, I didn’t know’’.
- ‘’That’s alright. How could you? Now, let’s forget about that. We got a breakfast to eat’’!
When we were finished with the eating and dishing, we headed for the front door. I tried to act like a gentleman when I gave her her clothing.
- ‘’Danny’’! She called out giggling.
- ‘’I was raised like this, so you can’t do much about it’’.
She didn’t have any good answer for that. But I noticed that Sawyer enjoyed me doing it, even if she didn’t want to admit it. We stepped out the front door and I waited for her to lock it. When she had, I held out my hand and said:
- ‘’Let’s go then, shall we’’?
She took my hand and we were of.
During the morning, Sawyer showed me a lot of new things. All the local squares and streets and every shop and building on them. I saw many people I read about in the newspapers back home.
At about 11:00, I was about to ask Sawyer for a place to eat, when I remembered that I had eaten breakfast more than an hour later than usual, so I waited. Sawyer was talking on and on about everything we past. I enjoyed listening to her, not only because I was interested in the subject, but it also seemed to make her more relaxed. She kept this up, until we got to a place named Pinky’s Diner. She suddenly stopped and looked unhappy.
- ‘’I’d rather not talk about this place’’. She said sadly.
- ‘’Why not’’? I asked.
- ‘’Are you sure you want to know? It won’t make you happier’’.
- ‘’I’m the optimist, I can probably take it. As long as it isn’t hurting you, it’s okay’’.
She sighed. Then she said:
- ‘’After the *Ark Disaster*, we were sitting here. Me, Tilly and the others. T.W. got into the subject that… that it was your fault that we were fired. I just thought that it was so unfair to say that. How could you know? So I just walked away from them’’.
- ‘’Well, they were proven wrong, right? It was Darla’s fault, and they apologized to me after our show yesterday. Well, it was a little difficult to get Cranston to do it, but even he did finally. Try to remove those memories. I hate it when you look so sad’’. I said honestly.
- ‘’I guess you’re right. Thank you, Danny’’. She replied relieved.
- ‘’Now then, how about lunch? It’s almost 13:30. It might make you think of something else as well’’.
She gave a little smile, before signing me to follow her.
We sat down at a nice cafe, not too far from there. From there, I could see out over the square. A limousine drove past us with a bunch of people following, trying to get an autograph, I presumed. My thoughts were, as many times before, interrupted by Sawyer.
- ‘’Danny, I… I just wanted to say; before you showed up, everything was so different. In five days, you made miracles! I mean it; we had all given up hope until you showed up and… At the beginning, I thought that you were just like everyone else with high hopes, coming to Hollywood… I was wrong, and I don’t feel like I ever really apologized to you’’.
I smiled at her, I had an idea. (It is the male who most often push things forward, right?)
- ‘’Maybe you’re right. But you did kind of apologize by your action after the show yesterday’’. I said, hoping that she got the point.
- ‘’But I never really got to do so, right? Flannigan interrupted us. And when you gave me flowers this morning, it wasn’t the real deal’’.
I liked the way this was heading. (She probably meant that when she kissed me on the cheek this morning, it was just a bit off target.) She continued:
- ‘’But you know what they say about *Third time’s a charm*’’?
She leaned over towards me, I leaned over towards her. Her sweet lips were only inches away. Closer and closer we came, until our lips finally met.
…I’m going to short-circuit…
Now this is what life is worth living for! Time itself stopped around us. I felt nothing else than her. I know that *hot* is usually a phrase used for someone pretty, but I never knew it really meant that you would vaporize on contact. At least, so I felt. Unfortunaly, even the unstoppable time stopped. I saw a flash through my eyelid and opened my eyes. Sawyer had apparently done the same thing. We both looked to the left. (My left, her right.) A photographer had just taken a picture of us.
- ‘’Geez! I can see the front page in front of me: *True Love, Day After Debut*. I might even get a raise for this. Whoohoo’’!
Then he ran off with his camera. We were both probably thinking the same thing: *was this really that bad*? It was bound to happen sooner or later, but it’s probably better sooner. Once again, our thoughts were separated. This time, by a young man who looked like he was on the *Bring your child to work day*. He nervously asked:
- ‘’Ehm, may I take your order, please’’?
- ‘’Yes, you most certainly can’’. I quickly answered. ‘’I would like a ham-and-cheese sandwich and a mineral water, please’’.
- ‘’Ham & cheese sandwich and mineral water… check’’.
Sawyer and I looked at each other, both thinking of the *get the girl* moment.
- ‘’And I would like a... let’s see now… I would like an egg & shrimp sandwich… and a coke, please’’. Sawyer continued.
- ‘’Egg & shrimp sandwich and a coke… check. I’ll return as soon I can’’.
As he ran off, I wondered why we were even going to order something that didn’t have to be prepared, but it didn’t matter. It got me some more time with Sawyer, anyway.
After lunch, I asked what I never had time to do yesterday.
- ‘’Sawyer’’? I began.
- ‘’Yes, Danny’’?
- ‘’Something that I have always wondered: What was your story? What happened when you grew up? How did you come here’’? I asked curious.
- ‘’It’s… it’s a long story. I can tell you when we get back’’.
- ‘’Back to your house’’? I said hopefully.
- ‘’Yeah… I meant for tea. All photographs I’ve got are in there. There is so much about my family history, at least about my father. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ll tell you in an hour or two’’.
During the afternoon we spent more time in the not-so-public streets. There were many cute shops there, which I tried to remember, since I might have use for them to buy things. (Well, mostly gifts for Sawyer, as you might have guessed) I enjoyed myself anyway until we got to her house, about an hour later. Sawyer unlocked the front door and held it up for me.
- ‘’Oh, no. Ladies first’’. I said with a slight bow.
She couldn’t find any argument against it and stepped inside with me behind her.
- ‘’Oh, dammit. I forgot to check the mail. I’ll go and get it. Can you begin preparing the tea’’?
- ‘’Sure’’. I answered.
In reality, I wanted to go and get the mail for her, but I had my own recipe for Indiana-County-Tea as well. Since she liked my omelet, I could only hope she liked my tea as well.
- ‘’Danny! Sawyer yelled to me from the porch. L.B. has planned a press-conference with all the other animals on Tuesday at…’’
- ‘’13:30, I know’’. I finished. ‘’I was informed yesterday. Sorry, I didn’t tell you. I forgot.’’
- ‘’Have you planned any speech’’?
- ‘’Nope. I live in the present. My experience says that you are happiest that way’’.
- ‘’But then how can you know what to say’’?
- ‘’I don’t. But does it really matter? I don’t know what they’ll ask me either! Besides, if I have to tell them all, I just will. There is nothing I need to be ashamed of. Except for the Ark Disaster, of course, but they know that wasn’t my fault’’.
- ‘’Yeah… I suppose…’’
- ‘’Don’t worry about that. You’ve got your own story to tell me first’’!
She smiled at me. Then she began her story…
Part 2. Born on the dance-floor
/Seen from Sawyer’s Eyes/
- ‘’I was born in Philadelphia. We lived in an apartment, me and my family. I had no other siblings. My mother (Jane) was a very kind woman, but I never really got to know her. She died when I was very little. My father, (Henry) on the other hand, was a great man. He didn’t have the most brilliant of jobs, but he was rich anyway. That’s because he were lucky. Three months before I was born, he won a grand lottery in the city. The prize was money equal to a ten-year payment. But all the money in the world couldn’t have replaced what he lost. My mother died. Dad was completely devastated. I never saw him smile for four years’’.
- ‘’Then one day he said that he would lay all energy on me. He said that I was the only person left in his life and that he wanted me to be happy. So I said what I really wanted to do. I wanted to sing and dance. My father was first a bit surprised. Then he swore that I one day would go to Hollywood to fulfill my dream’’.
- ‘’I was a little skeptical at first. But I soon realized that he had been completely honest. He spent every second of his spare time on me. He paid for private lessons for me. He got me the best possible teachers he could get and after what felt like an eternity, I felt like I was ready. I went to a Philadelphian talent show. I sang a song that I will never forget. Dad had tipped that I should sing it. He said that one day; you might find a use for it. I wondered what he meant. It was a little bit strange song since it included someone that I didn’t know who it was’’.
- ‘’Nowadays, I still cannot figure out how he knew? I know what the song was about now and there is no way he could have known all this would happen. I mean, after the show was over, I felt like I was ready to take a step out in the world. My father gave me money enough to be able to travel to Hollywood, plus a little extra so that I could have someplace to live before I earned enough to buy something bigger’’.
- ‘’The thing that really creeps me out Danny, is that the song I sung… (Even if I didn’t know it back then)… it was about you…’’
He just sat there quietly. He was thinking, I could tell. I tried to get him back into focus.
- ‘’Danny. It… it wasn’t like I named you in the song, but… everything made sense. It was that day when I and the others were at Pinky’s Diner. When I walked out from there, I suddenly realized what dad had meant, and I started singing it for myself. At least, so I thought. I then realized that Tilly had been listening all the time. I was embarrassed at first, something Persians don’t like to be. But then she said that I might still catch you by the bus stop and that’s why I came running towards you but it was too late. You know what happened from there’’.
- ‘’Yes, I do’’. He answered a bit absentminded.
He silently stood up and began looking at the pictures hanging on the walls. I made a short summary of each one he walked by.
- ‘’That one is taken from my parents wedding. They seemed so happy together. I feel sad every time I look at that picture because they never really got to spend enough time with each other, since my… since my mother past away’’. I said with burden.
- ‘’I’m sorry. But like I said before, if there is something that makes you feel sad, then you don’t need to tell me’’. He kindly replied.
- ‘’I know. But I also need to share my thoughts and feelings with someone and you are the closest thing I’ve had for a friend for a long time now’’. I said.
- ‘’But a friends job is to make sure that his friends feel just as happy as himself, in other words, the closer I get to you, the less you need to tell. Besides, if I get closer to you, I might as well understand more without you saying it’’. Danny countered.
- ‘’That might just be true. But then we need to fix that *if* problem’’. I said smiling.
Danny smiled back at me. I think he got my point.
- ‘’Yes, Sawyer. We really need to’’. He gently said while wrapping his tail around mine.
- ‘’And according to you, this is the way to fix it. I think I can accept those terms’’. I said with a slight purr.
- ‘’So can I’’. Danny quickly replied before our lips made contact.
I can feel his paws around my waist while I put mine around his neck. (It’s far more romantic like that then just holding paws. Besides, an orange Tabby holding paws with a white Persian looks a little strange, since my paws are so small) Danny’s grip around my tail suddenly seems to freeze for a moment, as if time itself had frozen. And to be honest, it felt like it had. I felt warm but still frozen. For me, it was okay if time did stop right now. I felt so perfected at the moment. But all things must end in good time. The spotlight disappeared from us and everything was back to normal. For a minute or so, we just stood there, looking at each other. Then Danny said with passion:
- ‘’Even if this is just another step, you can’t argue with that we at least are standing closer physically’’.
- ‘’No, I cannot’’. I replied while stroking his cheek with my left hand.
This got him to purr quite a bit. It was kind of charming in a way. He’s cute when he blushes, like now. Slowly, but surely, we loosened our grip around each other. At first, Danny seemed unhappy to let me go, but then he got his eyes on something. He went to check it out.
- ‘’When was this photo taken’’? He asked with a stunned look on his face.
- ‘’Oh, that one’’. I replied with a giggle. ‘’That was taken at my eighth birthday. My dad had given me a new dress that he had special-ordered. I loved it, because, as you can see, it was so perfect for a cat. It even had a tail-warmer, not that I used that part very often, but I was so happy that dad had gone through all this just for me’’.
- ‘’It’s just…’’ He said with tears starting to form in his eyes, even if he didn’t want me to notice. ‘’I’ve tried to imagine how you looked as a kitten and I’ve always imagined you to be as beautiful as you are now, but… I never would have guessed you were THIS cute. Wow…’’
I ruffled his hair and turned away from him, too flattered to look at him. Danny’s emerald green eyes kind of gazes right through mine, from time to time. When blushing and being flattered it’s definitely one of those times. I tried to change the subject.
- ‘’So, Danny; would you like to stay for dinner’’? I asked.
- ‘’Really, I can? Well, of course! Thank you Sawyer’’. He gladly accepted.
- ‘’Wonderful. Any plans? For food, I mean’’?
- ‘’Well’’. He reminded me. ‘’Wasn’t it you who said that I’m the guest and you’re the one who is serving the meals’’?
- ‘’Well, yes, but…’’ I started.
- ‘But what?’’ He simply said.
- ‘’I just… oh, never mind’’. In that case, if you let me choose, I’ll say that we go out to dinner’’. I said.
- ‘’You do’’? He said surprised. ‘’Splendid! Just splendid! When shall we go? Did you have any special place in mind? How about…’’
- ‘’IF you will tell me your story as well’’. I said with dominance.
- ‘’Oh’’.
And all he said was *oh*. He didn’t exactly look sad, mostly surprised. But he seemed to brighten a bit and he said.
- ‘’Well then Sawyer, I think I can say that my life was harder than yours, but still happier. I don’t know how to say it in any other way’’. Danny said with a confused look on his face.
- ‘’Then that means you have to tell me everything from the very beginning’’. I said curiously.
- ‘’Okay then. Here goes’’!
Part 3. Like a needle in a haystack
/Seen from Danny’s Eyes/
- ‘’About eighty kilometers north of Indianapolis lies the town of Kokomo. It’s a peace loving little town filled with not so rich, but happy inhabitants. In a farmhouse on the outskirts of the town, we find an orange tabby cat. His name is Daniel Scott Williams’’.
- ‘’That cat is me. I grew up in that very same farmhouse with my family. My family… they consist of: my father, Tim, my mother, Claire, my big brother, Brian and my little sister Patricia. We were not very rich at all. My dad had used up his last coins in order to buy this property. Since then I was a farm cat’’.
- ‘’ My mother always said that someday, at least one of us would somehow make us a fortune and we would be able to move to someplace nicer. But I seemed to be the only one of the kids who truly believed her. Brian were to similar to my dad; he always said that he would be a farm cat, just like Tim. My little sister Patricia were simply too shy. She was very cute and cuddly. She used to purr when you stroked her on her chin. But she wasn’t brave enough to take the step into the world’’.
- ‘’I then realized that since my parents were too old, my brother was too home loving and my sister too shy; I had to be the one. But how? I weren’t that great in school, even if I was good enough. I did not have any real sport talents either. But then, on my sixth birthday, my family gave me a small television with their last savings. And I’m so happy they did. The first time I watched on the TV, there was a musical being showed. I was so impressed by the dancing they did and tried to mimic them. I surprised myself by being very good at it. I then made the decision that I would sing and dance in my life’’.
- ‘’During the following years, I used all my spare time to try and learn how to dance like a professional. I took singing lessons with the local musicians and sopranos with my weekly earnings. When I was fifteen, I traveled to the neighboring town of *Logansport*. There, I was able to get a job at the local grocery. But the grocer soon understood that my talent really was to sing and dance. He asked me to talk to the talent agency’’.
- ‘’And so I did. The owner of the place called *Billy Grimsby* I think, was mightily impressed with me and recommended me to try my fortune in Indianapolis. But I didn’t have enough money to get there, and it was an eighty kilometer walk. Instead, I was in for a surprise’’.
- All my friends and family in Kokomo said that they believed in me and would help me get to the one and only place where I could fulfill my dream: Hollywood’’.
- Two weeks ago, I was awakened by Brian. He said that spotlight had turned to me and that I should show the world what I could do. He led me outside and there it was: the bus to Hollywood. Everyone in town had gathered to say his/her goodbyes. I was reluctant to leave everybody, but I knew my time had come. I entered the bus and went off’’.
- ‘’It was a long trip. All the way from Indiana takes quite a while to drive. But when I finally got here, I just felt like singing. I felt so happy, knowing that my dream would come true within five days. I made a schedule on what I should do during the five most important days of my life and then I went over to the Hollywood talent agency, where I accidentally knocked you into a fountain’’.
- I met Tillie, T.W, Frances and Cranston up there. They seemed very nice, but when I showed them my schedule, they were just chocked. Back then, I still didn’t know why. Anyway, I walked into Mr. Wink’s office and got a role in Little Ark Angel. Then he put us together as partners. From there and on; you know what happened’’.
Sawyer looked at me with a lot of forgiveness. She had listened carefully while I was telling her my story. Now she just sat there and looked for the correct words.
- ‘’I’m sorry, Danny’’. She said while shaking her head. ‘’I know that you were a farm cat and that you weren’t very rich, but… I never realized you were so poor that your family had to spare and unite their money in order to buy a mini-TV. Compared to my life… I think I understand what you meant now: Your life was a lot harder than mine, but still not as sad’’.
- As long as your sadness is a thing of the past; I’m all ears. I said with a friendly tone.
Sawyer just nodded. It was like she wanted to know more than I could tell her; like if she wanted my story to replace hers. I could understand what she meant. I would rather grow up with difficulty, than grow up without a mother to love you. Suddenly, Sawyer put her head in her hands and said:
- Danny… with all the troubles you’ve been through… why am I envying you?
I walked over to her and sat down beside her. I laid my arms around her and answered her:
- ‘’It’s because that no pain in the world is greater than the pain you get when you lose someone. I know I’m asking for a lot here, Sawyer, but try to think of how happy Jane was while she was alive. She loved you. And that love stays in your heart. So she has never really left you… she’s in here’’. I whispered in her ear and moved my paw to her heart.
- ‘’*The heart always have room for another one*’’ Sawyer quoted.
- ‘’Exactly’’. I said with a sad smile.
- ‘’Then that includes you too’’!
She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly while sniffing lightly. I hugged her too (Not as tight as she did though. I didn’t want to choke someone pretty as her.) and clapped her lightly on her backside to make her feel more comfortable.
- ‘’There, there. It’ll be alright. I’m here for you’’. I said fatherly.
- ‘’I know’’.
Then I calmly began to sing a song I used to sing for Patricia:
- ‘’Hush, little girl; please don’t cry. I’m gonna sing you a lullaby. No big scary monster shall be coming for you and gobble you up like chucky beef stew’’!
This caused her to laugh quite a bit, which meant that I had at least succeeded in making her happy again.
(Note: As some of you may have noticed; this IS indeed a modified version of the *Animaniacs-goodnight-song* in their version of *The Three Musketeers*. I am a fan of them too. Also, this is, of course, MY opinion, not Danny’s)
Then she let go of me. She was still holding my hands though. Then she said what I had only heard her say in my dreams before:
- ‘’Danny? I think I love you’’. She admitted.
- ‘’Sawyer, I KNOW I love you’’. I happily said.
- ‘’But then, why are we sitting here’’? Sawyer asked with a smile.
- ‘’Sitting or standing doesn’t matter, as long as we do the same thing’’. I answered with an even bigger smile.
- ‘’Good point’’.
Then we both slowly leaned over to each other. I knew how I was going to feel even before we met, but even if it wasn’t any surprise any longer, the sensations were simply too big to avoid. Our lips met.
Once again, the spotlight turned on us. This time, I didn’t feel the same romantic shock I felt before. This time I more or less felt simply joyful. I realized that this was the next step on the long road ahead. Hopefully, we would reach the top of it someday. Someday…
For now, it will have to do… with a romantic date with the most beautiful cat ever, on a nice restaurant in Hollywood.
That isn’t too bad, after all…
Part 4. How many roads must two cats walk down, before they’re forever one?
/Seen from Sawyer’s Eyes/
The answer is: just one.
But it’s a very, very long one…
I checked my watch. 7:00 pm it said. I was walking along the streets with Danny. We were on our way to the local restaurant-square. I hadn’t really made up my mind on witch one we should eat at yet, but I figured it wouldn’t really matter. As long as I got to spend the dinner with the one I love, I’ll be fine.
He’s holding my paw while we walk into the middle of the square. I was looking for the best place to eat.
- ‘’Haven’t decided where to go yet’’? He said like if he read my mind.
- ‘’Eh, no. All these places are ok, but they are about the same in quality’’. I admitted.
- ‘’ In that case, close your eyes’’. Danny said with a wise look on his face.
I weren’t sure why, but I did like he said. Danny took my hand and started to spin me. (A pirouette, not a wild tornado spin.) I got a bit dizzy and wondered how long he was going to do whatever he was doing.
- ‘’Say *stop*.’’ I heard him say from somewhere.
- ‘’1…2…3…Stop’’! I called.
He stopped me and held me still so I wouldn’t lose balance. When I could see correctly again, I found that I was staring on one of the main options I had in my choice of restaurant.
- ‘’Well, there’s our dinner.’’ Danny stated.
- ‘’Couldn’t you have just asked me to pick a number instead’’? I asked.
- ‘’Yes, I could, but then I would have missed an opportunity to have a small dance with you.’’ Danny said with a smile.
I smiled at my orange lover… well, what should I call him then? He’s too kind to be a friend, but it’s not like I’m his fiancée. At least not yet…
We sat down at a two-person sized table at the corner of the porch. It was not too many people there, but still many enough to not feel lonely. I looked out on the square. There were about a dozen couples out there, trying to pick a restaurant. They all looked so cute together, animal or human. Then I got the feeling that I might look the same when I’m with Danny. People may be seeing us like girlfriend/boyfriend, not like dancing partners and actors. I could see the picture in my head: me and Danny kissing. Suddenly, I remembered our lunch. That might just come true. The photographer had taken a picture of us and said that it might reach the front-page. Back then, I thought that that couldn’t be all too bad after all, but now that I think of it, what if media sees this as a scandal? That would be terrible! What if… no, that can’t be. It can’t be a scandal if it is something that everyone suspected without shame.
- ‘’Can I take your order, please’’? A voice said.
- ‘’Oh, sure.’’ Danny answered.
I hadn’t really thought about what I wanted to eat, so I was glad that he ordered first. I couldn’t suddenly open the menu and begin to look for a proper meal now, so I figured that whatever Danny took (as long as it was eatable, of course), I could take as well.
- ‘’I’ll take… yes, I think I’ll take *spaghetti carbonara*’’. Danny ordered.
- ‘’One *spaghetti carbonara* coming up, sir. And you miss... or Mrs.? He quickly said.
- ‘’Miss. I think *carbonara* sounds great, too. I said.
- ‘’You got it’’. He friendly said before calling out to the kitchen: ‘’Two spaghetti carbonara’s for the couple at table seven’’!
- ‘’And I’ll have a coke to drink this time’’. Danny continued.
- ‘’And I’ll take some sparkling mineral water’’. I finished with a tiny smile, since we exchanged our drinks compared to lunch.
- ‘’Wonderful, I’ll be back as soon as I can’’. The waiter said smiling, before walking over to the next table.
We waited a few seconds, before turning over to each other again. Danny broke the silence first.
- ‘’Well, here we are. Man and woman, actor and actress, eating a romantic dinner in one of the central restaurant squares of Hollywood. What could be better’’? He said ironically.
- ‘’If you really want to know, I would say that that would be the same thing… but with one change’’. I said quietly with his eyes gazing through mine.
- ‘’And that is’’? Danny asked sarcastically.
- ‘’Guess’’. I said while slowly leaning over towards him.
- ‘’I really don’t think I need to’’. Danny said as final thing before impact.
For being an impact, it was extremely gentle though. Even though I am getting used to this (the kissing, I mean.), this is something worth getting addicted to. It is completely safe and feels so perfect. It’s natural to love someone and Danny is kind of cute. But it is not his looks that make me feel what I do for him; it’s his emotional side. I have to admit, I have met other cats with greater looks, who have loved me, but they were just too… simple. Danny is much more complicated, which is why I didn’t fall for him in the first place. It took time to know him, but when I finally did, I realized that he seemed almost perfect for me. He loves me as well, he is my dancing partner, he is emotional, but most of all; he has a heart. He is so optimistic and actually cares for people, even if they didn’t deserve it. Like Darla. He said to me that she is just a spoiled kid who would be a kind little schoolgirl if she just had been given the chance. Deep down, I knew that he was right. Everyone has a chance. Everyone can change. Anything is possible, if you believe it.
The waiter arrived with our drinks. We thanked him and I instinctively opened my bottle. Danny gave me a weird look and said:
- ‘’Shouldn’t you spare it for the meal’’?
- ‘’Well, yes, but I’m just gonna’ take a little slurp’’. I said with a lack of words.
- ‘’Didn’t your parents tell you that it’s best to just leave it so that you would have something left’’? He asked.
- ‘’But, I…oh, never mind’’. I said sheepishly.
- ‘’And you say *never mind* because?...’’
- ‘’…Because you’re right, I know. Sorry’’. I admitted.
I left the bottle on the table. I have to admire Danny from time to time, because he is so versatile. He can be an optimistic singer, a passionate actor, a wise philosopher, a reasoning gentle cat (like now), you name it and he’ll do it. The more I think of it, the more I wonder if this is a gene that might pass on from him. Maybe pass on from us? No, no, no. I immediately threw away the gross pictures that were starting to form in my head. I love Danny because he seems perfect for me, not because of *that*. He is simply so gentle and kind to me. Can he be my soul mate?
The same waiter as before arrived with the pasta. He surprised us a bit, by bringing one big bowl for both of us to share, which made me think of a cute childhood movie. (I think you can guess which one.) Danny shrugged and started eating. I did the same. We both ate the way you should eat spaghetti: twirling it around your fork with the help of a spoon. That is, until Danny took the end of a spaghetti straw in his mouth and slurped it up. I giggled a bit.
- ‘’Danny, your *inner child* seems to have awakened’’. I said with a light laugh.
- ‘’It never fell asleep’’. He replied.
- ‘’It must have slumbered from time to time, because I’ve seen you act more adult than that before’’. I countered.
- ‘’Well it has to take a nap sometime, right? Go ahead, try it yourself. Awake your own *inner child*’’.
I had my doubts of course, but if it made him happy, then it might make me happy as well. So I did as he said. I put the end of a spaghetti straw in my mouth and slowly slurped it up. Somehow, I knew what would happen next. The same time as me, Danny began slurping on his own straw, but a little more gently this time. And like if I could tell the future, we had, by coincidence, picked the same straw! We both seemed to realize this and therefore slowed down a little bit. But then we made contact yet again. It was a little harder this time, since we had spaghetti in our mouths. So I bit it in two. Then we resumed where we were. I once again have to say that this is like a drug. You get easily addicted to it, and you feel a little bit drugged when you kiss the love of your life as well. When our lips broke apart, we spent a few seconds looking into each other’s eyes. Then, Danny broke the deadlock.
- ‘’There is a beauty in every heart and soul. But when you really love someone, the beauty can fill your entire body… and that includes your lips… *your* lips’’. He said with emphasis.
- ‘’That’s my Danny, alright: a dancing, philosophical lover from Kokomo’’. I said with a passionate look.
- ‘’You forgot *hungry*. We are eating dinner, remember’’? He remembered.
- ‘’Yes. But let’s eat like civilized people this time. I mean for the looks, not for the feelings’’. I answered.
- ‘’That’s *my* Sawyer, alright: a smiling, beautiful, ex-secretary actress from Philadelphia’’. Danny said with sarcasm.
I smiled at him, before we started eating again.
Food tastes so much better when you eat it with company than when you eat it alone, don’t you think? Yes, of course, it would look stupid if I went to the restaurant alone, but I mean that it has the taste of… love. I don’t know how to say it any better. You simply feel more confident, knowing that you have someone who cares for you on the other side of the table.
When we had finished and paid for our dinner, we arose and left the restaurant.
- ‘’Would you like some company, Sawyer? On your way home, I mean’’. Danny asked.
- ‘’Why, thank you, Danny. You don’t need to ask me to do something that is my gain only’’. I said relieved.
- ‘’It isn’t *your gain only*. Your presence is enough for me to make it for free’’. He countered
- ‘’You little Romeo’’. I said smiling while giving him a comradely push.
- ‘’Anything for you, Juliet’’. Danny replied.
I giggled a bit, then we continued our walk to my place.
When we got to my porch, I unlocked the door and said my goodbyes. Danny thanked me for the wonderful day and began his walk home. I smiled for myself. What if we really are destined to be together? At the moment, it seems like that. But it’s a long way yet to the top. On the other hand, if Danny ever chooses to take the big step… he might just take me with him.
/Seen from Danny’s Eyes/
As I walked my way back to the *El Greco*, I thought about all that had happened today. How far is this relation really going to go? At this pace, it might even be going TOO fast. But I can’t just say to Sawyer that I’m not willing to go any further because it’s going too fast. Then she might think that I don’t truly love her, which I, of course, do.
As I lay down in my bed, I thought about what I should do with Sawyer in the future. I knew what I wanted to, but I’m not sure I will ever be able to take the courage needed to do it. Oh well, I have to do it sometime in my life anyway and it’s better that I do it with my true love than any *plan B*.
I think that I’ll slow down the pace for the following months. We could still go out to dinner now and then, but we could also go dancing, see a movie, watch the sunset and I still haven’t showed her the meadow in the morning lights. But all in good time.
When the time is right,… I’ll take the biggest step in my lifetime…
Part 5. A furry embrace
/Seen from Danny’s Eyes/
July 2nd – 1939.
It’s been almost three months since I came to Hollywood. This really is a dream come true. I and my friends are getting many interesting roles in movies. Along with Sawyer and T.W., I’m currently making a movie called *Beetlejuice*. Cranston and Frances are busy with their roles in *Casablanca*. Pudge and Woolly are producing *Batman & Robin*, and Tillie is, funny enough, making the film *Free Tilly*. Pudge is in that movie too, so he has a pretty tight schedule at the moment.
As for me and Sawyer, I’ve not yet taken that big step yet. But it’s finally time, I think. We’ve done many nice things during the latest time span. We’ve gone out to dinner, gone dancing, watching the sunset, been at the cinema and two days ago, I was able to take her to the meadow, as I had sworn to myself that I should do once. It had been a success, so I hope that it will be today as well.
I’ve been a little bit troubled about how to do it. Should I ask her out to a super expensive dinner, wait for her birthday or just ask her during a movie? The last part sounds tricky; even if it would be a good way to ask (since we might play the in-love couple), it is a little bit hard to do during *Beetlejuice*, since I literally lose my head.
I figured that I don’t have to take the big step today, but it cannot wait much longer. Just in case that I come up with something, I took the black box that stood on the table and put it in my pocket. Then I went to the kitchen and started making a small breakfast of my own.
I’ve bought an apartment now, you see. It’s not very big, but I’m used to have a small room from back in Kokomo. It is very peaceful, because the walls are sound absorbing. However, that can make me feel rather lonely sometimes. Sawyer hasn’t been here that many times. Of course, I moved in just two weeks ago, but it’s mostly I who visit her, not the opposite. I thrive in here, anyway.
As I walked out the door, I saw a letter on the floor. It stood my name on it, so I opened it. It said:
Daniel Scott Williams
The next scenes of *Beetlejuice* has been delayed until 15:00 this afternoon. The reason is that you were supposed to do the first three scenes, but you will not be able to. We have found a small role for you and Sawyer in another film we are currently making. I would like you to do the few scenes that you two are involved in, before heading back to *Beetlejuice* studio. I’ve sent a letter to Sawyer too. Be at studio 9 at 9:30.
/L.B. Mammoth
This is interesting. If he only wants me and Sawyer, that usually means that we have a minor love scene. If I’m lucky, it might even be romantic enough to get my chance. I smiled for myself. The same day that I’m going to take the biggest decision in my life, I get an unsuspected love role… with Sawyer! Fate, it has to be fate. I took a deep breath, locked the front door and went to get a taxi.
At 9:17, I arrived at studio 9. There was no sign of Sawyer yet. A thought suddenly struck my mind: what if she is sick? What if I won’t get my chance after all this hard work? No, no, no, I’m the big optimist; I probably just arrived a bit earlier than she did. I walked into the studio. What a sight!
Everywhere I looked, there were animals. None of them were Pudge, Tilly, or any of the others. I did, however recognize many of them from that day back in the alley. Suddenly, someone said:
- ‘’There he is’’!
A lion was pointing at me. I thought he was one of those animals in the alley, but I wasn’t sure. Everyone turned their heads against me. I didn’t know if they were angry with me because of the *Ark Disaster*, or proud of me because of my breakthrough. Luckily, it seemed to be the latter option.
- ‘’How did you muster up the courage to do this’’? A cow asked.
- ‘’Well…’’ I said with a smile before I started singing on my arrival song. ‘’Since I was a little kitten, I had a dream. My name in lights: "Danny the song and dance cat". Got on a bus and came to the town where dreams can come true. Now it has happened for me. It could happen for you. You can do anything if you try. The most impossible dream can come true’’…
I stopped quite sudden, since I had spotted Sawyer in the door. She was smiling against me.
- ‘’Eh, hi’’. I said sheepishly.
- ‘’Danny, Danny, Danny… I will never forget when you did this the first time. That time, I thought you were wasting your time. You proved me wrong and therefore: keep it up’’. She said.
- ‘’Well, I hope that was enough to rouse everyone’s spirit yet again’’. I said to the audience.
- ‘’Do you need to ask, Danny? Doesn’t their faces say *yes* all over the place’’? Sawyer said sarcastically.
- ‘’Yes, but I feel more certain if I hear them say it myself’’. I countered.
- ‘’Quiet on the set please. Quiet’’! A familiar voice said.
Yep, it was Flannigan alright. The clock said 9:30 so he was right: we should be quiet. All the animals started to form a line, so I and Sawyer did the same.
A small man came running past us; handing a script to everyone he passed. He reminded me of the day I came to Hollywood. Everything looked fine until this moment. But from thereon things went downwards. I could only hope that it would go the opposite this time. The script was, as I suspected, for an in-love cat. And it seemed that Sawyer was the other one. I caught Sawyer’s look and smiled back at her.
- ‘’On-screen or off-screen; the outcome is always the same, don’t you think’’? I asked.
- ‘’You can only hope’’. She replied.
I smiled. It has to be today, it just has to be. I’m a little bit surprised that I remained so calm. I had thought that I would sweat like a polar bear in Sahara today. Well, it made sure I didn’t got busted… at least, for now. I had to make this a surprise. I’ve had her paw in mine, but I’ve never really *gotten* her paw. Hopefully, that is going to change…
The role I had was a poor cat from downtown who had fallen in love with one of the rich ladies of the city. That lady was, of course, Sawyer, who was playing the main person’s sister. I had managed to sneak my box into the pocket of my new set of clothing. I hoped that I would be able to ruin a scene in order to take the step with as much surprise as possible.
- ‘’Lights! Cameras! Action’’! Flannigan shouted.
And so the movie started with a scene with only the main persons, who were made up of a tiger, two crocodiles, and an older cat. (This was supposed to be Sawyer’s sick older brother.) They were quite skilled, even if they were a class lower than my friends.
In scene four, Sawyer made her entry. She was walking through the streets, when I showed up from an alley, giving her flowers.
- ‘’Thank you, peasant. Now, be gone’’! She shouted.
However: she was in for a surprise. On one of the flowers lay a sparkling diamond ring. At first, she thought it was something they had forgot to mention in her script. But then she looked at me and I just smiled at her and slowly nodded. She dropped her mouth in surprise. None of us seemed to notice that Flannigan was shouting *cut* in the background. She took the ring from the red roses and then dropped them. (The roses, I mean.) She was chocked, I could tell. Not that I could blame her. She just held the ring in her hand, gasping. I realized it was time for me to take the big step. I kneeled in front of her and said:
- ‘’Sawyer Natalie Stone… will you marry me’’?
At first, she gave me a funny look, the kind that says: *Am I dreaming?*. Then her eyes began to water. She smiled at me.
- ‘’Yes, Danny. I do’’. Sawyer answered crying.
I couldn’t really control my emotions at this time. But I had to. I put the ring on her finger and arose to my feet. Now I couldn’t hold the tears back any longer and I started crying as well.
- ‘’Sawyer… I will never stop loving you’’. I said with tears streaming down my cheeks.
- ‘’Oh, Danny’’. Sawyer said before throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me.
I took her soft form in my arms as well and I couldn’t help feeling that this kiss felt different than previous ones. It was more… happiness and love than the plain enjoyment as it usually was. It probably was because now that we’re engaged, we have an even stronger relation to each other.
As we broke off from the kiss, we gazed through each other’s eyes, before turning our heads over towards the other animals. I than realized that Pudge, Cranston and the others were there as well. They were all applauding to us. From nowhere, L.B. showed up and said:
- ‘’Hahaha, I knew this would work! I guess that you two should be informed as well. There really was no other movie, we just made it up. You see, your friends have always known that you two were made for each other. So we set up this *trap*. We have been hiding in here all the time. You see, we only wanted to help you, Danny, to build up the courage to do what you had to do. In any way, it will make you two even more fit for each other so you can bring in even more money for the studio, hahaha’’!
I and Sawyer just looked at each other. None of us had a clue about this. But after a few seconds, we both began laughing. For being a *trap*, it was unusually positive. I mean, it’s not every day someone without your knowledge helps you to propose to the woman of your dreams and make her accept. I thanked L.B. (who said that we would have the day off), and walked away with Sawyer to the best café I could find in the vicinity.
We sat down and just stared at each other. Sawyer then smiled at me and said:
- ‘’So, Danny, I guess we need to start planning our wedding, soon enough’’.
- ‘’Yes, I guess so, my sweet’’. I said with a sigh.
- ‘’*My sweet*? Danny, you don’t need to charm me anymore, we’re engaged’’! Sawyer said while rolling her eyes.
- ‘’I’m not trying to charm you, but I can’t be together with you without admitting what you are, *my sweet*’’. I replied with charm.
- ‘’Very well, lover boy. Gimme’ your best shot’’. Sawyer said challenging.
- ‘’I wouldn’t recommend challenging me for that, *dear*. I have endless words for you, *angel*. And you will be able to hear them all in the years to come, my *princess*’’. I countered.
Sawyer understood that I could go on and on so she surrendered the challenge. We ordered our food and sat down for ourselves. I didn’t know what she was thinking about, but I was thinking about my parents. Would they show up for the wedding? They had never even seen Sawyer, even if I had told them about her during my home calls now and then. I realized that as soon as I got home, I would send them money to get here and back, plus a little extra that they could have use for back in Kokomo. I also needed to call them and say that I’m getting married. Even if they knew that Sawyer and I were dancing partners, I’ve never told them what I felt for her.
Once again, my thoughts were interrupted by Sawyers.
- ‘’Danny, what should we name the kittens’’? She asked out of the blue.
- ‘’The kittens? Do you start thinking of that now’’? I said surprised.
- ‘’Why not? We can at least think out their names’’. She replied.
- ‘’Ok, ok. Eh… how about… *Ryan*’’? If it’s a boy, I mean’’. I suggested.
- ‘’Yeah, that sounds good. If it’s a girl, than’’? Sawyer continued.
- ‘’Eh…’’ I started.
- ‘’Is *Sarah* a good one’’? She questioned.
- ‘’Sounds good to me. And if we get twins? We might get another boy or girl, so we should make up two more names, just in case’’. I said with a smile.
- ‘’I like *Angelica*. It’s a cute name’’. She continued.
- ‘’Agreed. As for the final one, what do you think of *Kyle*’’? I asked.
- ‘’Great! *Ryan*, *Sarah*, *Angelica* and *Kyle*. A nice litter of four’’. Sawyer said dreaming.
- ‘’One big, happy family’’. I finished.
We ate quiet. I guessed that we both were thinking about our future. What was ahead of us? It was so much to think about, that we were still thinking about it when we were finished eating. I suddenly realized that we absentmindly were heading back to the studio. I alerted Sawyer.
- ‘’Eh, sweetheart? We have our day off, remember’’? I asked.
- ‘’Eh, wha’? What was that, Danny? Oh, yeah, sorry’’. She said sheepishly.
- ‘’Hey, no worries. Shall we go dancing instead’’? I said hopefully.
- ‘’Well, of course, Dan’. I’d love to’’. Sawyer accepted with a smile.
We went to the best dance hall that I could find. It was ridiculously expensive, but it was worth it. It had class, and Sawyer deserved it and since we’re engaged, you could say that I deserved it as well. We walked to the center of the dance floor and waited for the musicians to begin.
During the afternoon they played many different songs: from salsa to slow fox to pasodoble to cha-cha to jive and ended with some country dance. I and Sawyer was the best couple, in my opinion, but there were many other romantic ones too. When we left, we were applauded in the background.
It was pretty obvious for me to ask her out to dinner. Imagine an engaged couple spending their first night alone in separate homes. Now, that’s just stupid. I booked a table in one of the most expensive restaurants in town. At first, I had the idea that I could invite all my friends as well, but that wouldn’t be as romantic, so I ditched the theory. Money is not the issue here, all the money in the world couldn’t buy Sawyer.
The evening passed on just like planned. We had a romantic dinner together, kissed a few times and just expressed our love for each other. Not that we really needed to, but it feels obvious to do it, nonetheless.
Walking Sawyer home was also pretty obvious. I simply followed the standard *engagement scheme*. All the things that we had done after my proposal was standard. I stopped when we arrived at her door.
- ‘’Well then, goodnight, honey pie’’. I said with a smile.
- ‘’*Honey pie*? I like that’’. She said and gave me a good night kiss.
I made a slight bow and left without words.
I danced a little for myself on my way home. I had overcome the greatest challenged in my life. I’ve gotten my reward: Sawyer. It’s still hard for me to understand that she actually was willing to spend the rest of her life with me off-stage as well as on-stage. But then, that was exactly what I wanted.
As I went to bed, I remembered my parents. I had forgotten about it, even though I told myself not to. Oh, well. I got up of bed and got dressed. I put a few hundred dollars in an envelope, wrote the address and laid it in the postbox. Then I got up and called dad, hoping that he was still awake. Luckily, a sleepy, but familiar voice answered:
- ‘’Timmy Williams’’.
- ‘’Hi, dad. It’s me, Danny’’.
- ‘’Oh, hello, son. Why are you calling this late’’?
- ‘’Well, I came home rather recently’’.
- ‘’And why didn’t you wait until tomorrow morning’’?
- ‘’Because this is very important’’.
- ‘’Aha? What is it then’’?
- ‘’Oh, nothing special. I’m only… getting married’’!
- ‘’YOU WHAT? Everybody, come here quickly! Danny’s getting married’’!
- ‘’Was that important enough’’?
- ‘’Sure, was. Everybody gather round. Now, Danny, tell us: who are you marrying?
- ‘’The only girl that I’ve told you about before’’.
- ‘’Wait a minute, weren’t you two dancing partners’’?
- ‘’Well, it’s gone a bit further now’’.
- ‘’I can hear that. What was her name, again? S-a-something.
- ‘’Sawyer Natalie Stoner’’.
- ‘’Yeah, that’s it. And how on earth did you muster up the courage to propose’’?
- ‘’Well, I got a little help from the boss, but that was still without me knowing it. So I did it myself, yes. I knew I had to do it someday and everything seemed so perfect this morning, plus that I had already bought the engagement ring’’.
- ‘’That’s my boy. Now, tell us everything from the beginning’’.
And so I repeated the last three months in three hours time for them.
When I finally got to bed, it was almost 1:30. I still wasn’t very tired, because my head was filled with happiness more than tiredness. But I eventually fell asleep with a big smile in my heart.
Part 6. True love’s kiss
/Seen from Sawyer’s Eyes/
There he stood, at the end of the aisle. Danny looked so cool, calm and collected as he stood there, dressed in black, waiting for me. I was so excited. In a matter of minutes we would be declared as a couple, for eternity. And with that I really mean eternity, you see, cats don’t really have nine lives. They only have one, but their love for each other goes on for nine generations. A shame it can’t go on any longer. Because if it could, it would.
I took my father’s paw and began walking slowly up along the aisle. I had never been so happy in my life, maybe with an exception of Danny’s proposal. But I had to control my emotions, since I wanted people to see me and Danny as a dignified couple.
Slowly but surely, we arrived in front of priest Donovan. (We held our wedding in Kokomo. I thought it was better there than in Philadelphia, because my dad could afford the trip better than Danny’s parents. I knew that Danny had sent money to his parents, so that they could afford the trip, but I thought that we could come to them instead. They probably had use for the money in other things, anyway.) I stopped beside Danny and took his paw. Than we waited for the ceremony to begin. After a few seconds of quiet, Donovan began.
- ‘’Dear ladies and gentlemen; we have gathered here today, to see the union of Daniel Scott Williams and Sawyer Natalie Stone’’. He quoted.
During his speech, I didn’t really pay 100% attention. Sure, I was listening enough to notice when he came to a phrase that I needed to hear, but my mind was mostly focused on Danny. He looked so handsome in a tuxedo. I understood that I had more money than him and therefore he might gain more of our union then me. But neither of us cared one bit about money. We wanted to marry of love, not of cash! And so we were about to do. My ear caught the crucial words…
- ‘’Sawyer Natalie Stone, do you take Daniel Scott Williams…’’
I was too excited to heat the final words, but I knew what they were anyway. And when I saw that priest Donovan’s mouth had stopped moving, I answered.
- ‘’I do’’.
Then he asked the same question (name’s vice-versa) to my soon-to-be husband:
- ‘’Daniel Scott Williams, do you take Sawyer Natalie Stone to be your lawfully wedded wife, have and to hold, through sickness and health, for richer or poorer, till death do you part?” Donavan continued.
- ‘’I do’’. Danny replied.
- ‘’Then, I hereby name you *Mr. and Mrs. Williams*. You may kiss the bride’’.
And so he did.
He placed me in a dip (as usual), before kissing me. I could only hope that Danny would never stop, even if I knew that wasn’t going to happen. Eventually, he stood up and me with him. Our lips were still connected for a few seconds, than we separated from each other. (I meant our lips; we weren’t separating from each other after only a few seconds as man and wife.) We smiled against each other, still able to hold the tears back, even if I knew I wouldn’t be able to do so much longer. Most of the females in the audience were crying, however. I was still holding hands with Danny, as we looked down the aisle. Everyone had started to applaud to us. Tilly, was clapping loudest of them all, but also crying most of them all. However, Claire (Danny’s mom), wasn’t too far behind. Tim was a much tougher person and still hadn’t begun to cry, but I could see that his eyes were filled with pride over his son. MY father, on the other hand, was the one with the biggest smile of them all. I felt so glad, seeing him smile like that. I had only seen him this happy on photography’s before. He was, of course, crying as well. But all tears aren’t from sadness.
I realized that it was time for me to do what I was supposed to do at the moment. And that was: to throw out the roses. And the one who catched them, were no one else, than… Darla Dimple.
It hadn’t been easy, but Danny took a weekend with her to try to talk some sense into her. I was chocked when I found out what he had done. In two days, he had been able to get her to excuse for her mistakes in a press conference. Because of her *cuteness*, she had her dignity restored, even if her job was long-gone. She turned into the girl everyone had believed her to be off-screen. And now, she had been invited to our wedding. I can’t help but wonder who she would fall in love with.
My focus returned to my love, Danny. We began our walk down the aisle. At the far end, a limousine waited. Dan’ had made sure that we received the best: a classic honeymoon. We were about to spend a month together… in Mexico.
I’m not one of those *spicy-food-freaks*, but I sure don’t mind eating it. Danny, on the other hand, had never really eaten anything *really* spicy. He said that back in Kokomo, he never really got the chance. And during his time in Hollywood, he tried more and more spicy things, but never those literally *burning* things. But he was about to…
We were eating dinner on our eleventh day on our tour of Mexico. We were currently in the charming town of Vera Cruz on the banks of the Gulf of Mexico. Danny was about to eat a *habañero*. I had tried one a few years ago. I wouldn’t recommend it; it’s an experience you’ll never forget.
But Danny did. (Eat it, not recommend it.) Sure enough, he immediately stretched after his glass of water. The Mexican waiter gave him a glass of milk instead. (He gave it for free.) Danny gladly accepted it, partly because cats are very fond of milk and partly because it’s known as the best cure for a burning tongue. When he regained his ability to breath, he turned towards the waiter.
- ‘’Gracias, señor’’. He said in Spanish.
The waiter made a slight bow, than he walked over to take a new order. Danny turned his head against me, still breathing strained. I began to laugh a bit.
- ‘’Don’t you ever listen? I told you that you’d regret eating one of those’’. I asked.
- ‘’What’s the fun in that’’? Danny replied.
- ‘’To be able to feel the taste of the food’’? I said somewhat sarcastically.
He didn’t have any proper answer for that, so we began eating our tortilla instead.
The car stopped. After countless hours of traveling during the last month, we were home. Danny exited the limousine and held the car door open for me. He had become quite the gentle cat. That’s my Danny.
We went into our new house and began unpacking our things. Danny asked, of course, if he could unpack my things as well as his, but I wouldn’t let him do all the work. We were married, we should think like one.
Now this was a little bit confusing, with all the numbers, I mean. First we were one each. Than we got together, so we were two. Than we got married, so we became one. And even that weren’t going to last very long…
Ten years later
/Seen from Danny’s Eyes/
I was sitting in our living room, reading my latest contract. I was going to accept it, of course, although I wondered what I should do with all the money. What more could I possibly wish for? I already had a beautiful wife, an entire mansion, three kittens and all the money you could dream of. Oh well, I could always give the extra money to Kyle. At least, then it would be for a good cause.
Kyle was the youngest of our three children. He’s still only five years old, but he wants to work for the Red Cross he says. He’s already sending almost his entire weekly earnings to them. He’s so understanding for other people, humans or animals.
As for Ryan, he is very similar to me in many ways; almost everyone except for the singing and dancing. He is the oldest of the three siblings with his nine years. He wants to be an actor, just like me and Sawyer. But Ryan doesn’t want to sing and dance, just act. He’s so talented at it. Both me and Sawyer thinks that he will make his breakthrough as a child star soon enough.
But Angelica has already done that. She’s eight years old and has the one and only thing I didn’t believe was possible: an even more beautiful voice than her mother. She really is the goddess of the stage. Two years ago, she won the American national young talent show. She won the final against some dancing ferret from Oklahoma. She was very skilled as well, but not as skilled as little Angelica. She won with 68%-32% votes from the entire country.
Now, she’s going to a special school where animals with certain talents can have private lessons to do what they love. This was a little tricky for us, since no one could teach her how to sing any better. But we found her a teacher in the form of Darla Dimple.
Darla is the chief of the new organization in Hollywood. It proves to everyone that they should follow their dreams. It’s hard to believe that Darla once was that selfish brat from New York, huh?
As for me and Sawyer, life has never been better. Since the day of our wedding, I’ve been happy. We are the most known acting, singing and dancing couple in Hollywood and have been so for the last seven years. We’ve made dozens of movies together. She’s still as beautiful as the day we first met, both on-stage and off-stage. However, even beauty can be dangerous.
On August 28th 1942 I almost got myself killed by love. I was eating dinner with Sawyer and our two kittens (Ryan and Angelica). My heart was beating so fast for Sawyer at that time. And when we shared a kiss, something much unexpected happened to me. My heart started to beat so fast that I got a heart attack. I was dying. But I were able to say the words *too much love* to Sawyer. I’m not sure how she could understand everything so perfectly, but she saved my life by hitting me and saying *I want to make a divorce*. I was heartbroken and so the heart attack stopped. When I was okay again, Sawyer said that she was only kidding in order to save me. I smiled back at her, realizing that she had just saved my life. But nothing bad doesn’t bring anything good with it. I got a kiss from her, right? And I could sacrifice one of my nine lives for each one of those.
Cranston, T.W. and the others are nearly as famous as me and Sawyer. Tilly found an ehm, *beautiful* male named Jimmy. They are engaged at the moment and will marry in about three weeks. Cranston and Francis is still singles. They only seem to care for each other but a marriage between a goat and a fish just seems too absurd. Woolly is writing music for L.B.’s musicals. He has become really good at it. Even though he still hasn’t found that special someone, he seems happy and that’s what matters. T.W. is also single, but I don’t think that it will stay that way for very long. He has found a lady named Colette. Her eyes are even greener than her shell. As for Pudge… what can I say? He’s a professional drummer now and he has started his own musical band. He is well known throughout the country and is currently on a tour across it. His current location is somewhere in Florida. Miami, I think.
Well, I better go to work. I don’t want to be late to sign my new contract with Mammoth Studios. If I don’t, I might become jobless. That would be bad, because that would mean a break in my dream: "Danny the song and dance cat".
If anything, my ten year old adventure has proved one thing:
Cats Do Dance
The End
And now the usual things…
Cats Don’t Dance along with all its characters are the copyright of Warner Brothers/Turner Feature Animation Pictures
I would like to thank:
Shelley Pleger for enabling me to send this to CDD4Ever
Jason Thyrion along with all others who have contributed art & fiction to the fan site
Turner Feature Animation Studios for making the amazing movie of Cats Don’t Dance
By 13 year old Swedish kid Erik Litsenius year 2008 ( or to contact me)
Thank you! And remember; never, ever give up your dreams!
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