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Lords of the Sea
I found it a good read the author goes into the culture of ancient Athens, but I especially enjoyed the focus on the Athenian Navy and how it literally made the Empire of Athens into what it was, and how it was controlled. I highly recommend it.
But on to other stuff, just the other day I was day dreaming while in class and my thoughts wandered on to Team Liquid and wonder how many TL'ers were part of the SCNation.com community. I remember there were notable personalities on said site too before it became stagnant and was taken over and then ultimately died off. Wonder where some of those users are today and what they are up to.
I have managed to TiVo two out of four of my favorite old black and white movies so far, hope the DVR doesn't fuck it up and the entire the thing has to have it's history deleted, it would piss me off. The two movies, with one of them coming on next Sunday are: The Dark Angel, Seven Miles from Alcatraz, and finally Wedding Rehearsal. Still hoping to find A Yank at Oxford, and the random WWII Preparedness film from the WWII Hollywood 1939-1945 phase.
There really needs to be a big series of Thunderstorm where I live, for one my car needs a wash. And two I just like thunderstorms. As long as it doesn't happen when something is being recorded seeing how rain screws up the Satellite.
A new LOTRO expansion was announced at PAX, to be honest it looks rather dumb, all late game features and only a raise of the level cap to 65. Basically it's a book update but for digital purchase. Oh well.
On Tuesday September 8th it will be a year since I have worked at UPS. And on the same day I will start getting health benefits. Started as bagging and scanning the small sort and now I am a senior sorter for the small sort.