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[22:39] <Monokeros> FUN FACT
[22:40] <Monokeros> at pro levels a toss only loses to a T if he has A) a build order loss b) the terran harrasses him for a good 25minutes c)he sucks at macro and is a B team player sent out as fodder.
[22:40] <Monokeros> I have yet to see a game were a GOOD toss lost to a GOOD t aka where it A) wasnt a build order loss B) was an under 20mn game where the terran out-macroed the P
[22:40] <Monokeros> B )
[22:40] <Monokeros> like
[22:41] <Monokeros> i was like oh shi- iris beat bisu in 8mn iris must be an awesome TvPer
[22:41] <Monokeros> bisu went fucking
[22:41] <Monokeros> 1gate range into expo off of 4 goons
[22:41] <Monokeros> VS TWO FACT
[22:41] <Monokeros> and then it took
[22:42] <Monokeros> iris 30 minutes for him to recover from the disadvantage from bisu 2gaterange into reaver harras
[22:42] <Monokeros> even though he played a VERY safe siege expand
[22:42] <Monokeros> he was never able to fully recover until it was WAY past mid-game
[22:42] <Monokeros> so this doesnt apply to me because I'm not playing people at this level
[22:42] <Monokeros> but its really annoying where I can't see a 'simple' way of beating a toss
[22:43] <Monokeros> because at higher levels its all harras and razor's edge for terran, and while im not saying toss is EASIER their risk reward seems a little skewed.
inb4 1a2a3a4a >_>
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[22:45] <Tumpys> protoss is supposed to be stronger...its in the storyline
[22:45] <Tumpys> screw balance..
[22:45] <Monokeros> true story.
Seriously though, I tried to find some good TvP strategies by first looking at flash's TvP games, then I saw they were vs Sangho or yoon and each time it was the tosses attempt at some risky harras which they fail at and OBVIOUSLY they failed at the harras since they aren't dragons flash now rolls over them.
Being frustrated by this I thought to myself who else is a good terran? Fantasy? He does dropship play I in no way can mimic that and in trying to improve it I would be driving my already terrible macro into the ground. So who else? Iris? Well Iris never raged his way to a win vs a well-known toss. Most of the games are 20mn+ struggles where he starts off with a disadvantage, omg Avalon MSL vs Bisu on Byzantium (the 30mn one) makes me want to be a CJ Entusman, also makes me hate Pikachu. So who else? Leta? I haven't checked but fun fact Flash has 66% win rate, leta and Iris? theyre in the 50's, and fantasy has 61.82 so hes hanging on the edge. What other terrans are there? go.go's 6rax vs Bisu? Upmagic's 44%? FBH? lol
Maybe I'm being unfair comparing terrans to the Revolutionist and other upper-tier toss, I just felt like raging thats all and Blogs are a wonderful place to do it :D
Edit: So I found this at first I thought AWESOME game Light beating bisu in TWELVE minutes on ANDROMEDA? Man Light must've been chugging the gatorade down, anyways bad jokes aside. He SCOUTS bisu's DT drop after defending a 3 zeal 2 goon harras at his ramp with some clever scv hold position + rax over the scv so the AI gets all dumb. So what I learned from that game is on Andromeda Bisu can't hold his ramp to save his life. IE Bisu vs Jaedong R.5 in GOM 1 vs 2 Special Match (I believe)