Hello, I'm just another Asian 15 year-old. I've spent the last 5 months fooling around with online poker and not doing much in the real world. My vision has been slowly deteriorating and I would rather not use the computer as an excuse for not finding things to do. I think that quitting poker is a good step for me open myself up.
In general, I'd like to become more rounded. I used to read a lot and I felt like I used to think more clearly. I became interested in physics when I was in Gr 7 and have always had pretty good grades. While being brought up in a Catholic home, I've recently stated my atheist beliefs in a non-rebellious way and I am very thankful to my parents for understanding.
This is a moment for me to challenge myself to grow by letting go of something that I deeply feel is boxing me in. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking myself too seriously and it prevents me from being able to break free.
How should I go about things?
You should realize that you are 15 years old and that these type of thoughts shouldn't be entering your head for at least another 3 years.
On a more serious note, try to find some activities that are healthy (being the key here) that you really enjoy. Engaging in these activities will consume more of your time and you will feel better about yourself in general. Being a 15 year old this is harder to do and I think you are just fine just messing around on the computer and worrying about school and girls.
find some activities that are enjoyable and involve socializing with people in real life. I'm asian, so i know that football and basketball aren't our type of things. if i had to do hs over again, i'd try tennis, soccer, track, etc.
oh, and most of my friends in high school are not currently my friends. when u move on in life, you mature, and you realize that many of your old buddies are not going anywhere and are just holding you back. enjoy your friendships, but don't get too caught in the crowd. no matter how unique you are, there will always be other people like you, even if currently there aren't. but for goodness sake, do something that involves hanging out with other people in the real world.
I play tennis and volleyball but I'm kind of the silent player type. I go to an all-boys school and I don't really like talking to everyone. I can have some great conversations with a distinct group of people though.
I guess I can relate to you. I even went to an all boys high school too. I never really enjoyed those years, mostly because I couldn't find a niche that I could stick with. I ended up going with the alternate/geeky crowd.
I ended up diving headfirst into academics and sports. I didn't really mess around much with girls, since it seemed like too much effort. I kinda regret that now, but only a little bit XD Everything I did, to me, was just one step to getting into a good college where I could get away and explore.
For now, I'd suggest you just work your ass off. Academics can be fun once you find a subject that can bring you in. Sports are a lot of fun to devote yourself to, as well. Figure out which you enjoy more and just give it your all. Turn it into your hobby, if you want. You'll appreciate it later. Once you finally get to the finish line--submitting your registration to your college of choice, getting your diploma, finally being free of high school, you'll be the happiest guy in the world.
Truthfully I thought this was going to be about a car...
I can relate to an extent...oddly enough I became interested in physics in grade seven as well(Damn yous Stephen!), screw it let me just jump to the point. I was your typical ugly duckling in high school I mean...I was even afraid to talk to people, which led to me to play WOW yada yada got addicted to it. But it reached a point where I knew I wasn't really doing anything, nor was I actually having fun. So I ended up quitting(Thanks Michio Kaku) then I retook an interest in the world of science, also the fact that I grew out of my ugly duckling stage helped tremendously. I'm currently teaching myself college algebra, chemistry and Japanese, and keeping up with current world events which is great. I guess this would make me a well rounded person but...I still find it hard to socialize, I can't exactly find myself uh..."loving" or in "love" with someone due to programming myself to be alone. In my defense I live in south Florida, not exactly the brightest place(Odd pun). I guess my advice would be to pursue academic endeavors or sports but never let arrogance or pride get in the way, also being humble goes a long way.
Too young to think about this. Just have fun with life.
you're never too young to think about stuff, imo
good for you for trying to improve your life
your problem sounds like it's based in mindset, rather than in what activities you partake in
relax. there's nothing to worry about.
now might be a good time to explore new things since you have time. who knows, you might just end up really liking a certain activity that you encounter.
i'll keep it short. im 19, and i wish i felt the way you do now. i have to admit you are very mature. even at my age, i only do enough to get by, i feel unchallenged and i dont challenge myself. but there are times that i do, and when i get all enthusiastic and stuff, i think about reading more, learning another language (even if its just the alphabet, it helps. i recommend russian, latin, or greek, if you want to challenge your brain those languages will really push it to the limit and will actually teach you how to organize not just sentences but your entire life...im serious, languages like those can have a huge impact on your life), exercising, etc. oh that reminds me, a human being should not only challenge himself on the psychological level but also (if not more) at the physical level. this i encourage you to do, even at your young age, start lifting weights, do push ups at home, whatever gets you stronger and more prepared for the real world--trust me, it matters. other than that, stayed focused in school, and do whatever you want to do (you mentioned physics, reading, etc) just make sure you are the best at it.
that's all i got for you buddy, good luck and im proud of you
My advice is not to worry about it since you have at least three more years to screw around.
Also it's good that you dropped poker, if you can make a good salary doing almost anything else that you enjoy go for that.
i just read your response. when it comes to socializing, trust me (again), you will want to improve here MORE than anywhere else. i cannot stress enough how sorry you will be if you dont teach yourself the skills to approach anybody you feel like, even if you have absolutely nothing to say to them. in order to do this, you will need to losen up and fuck up a couple of times. fastest way i see for you to completely lose your shyness is going up to 10 girls/women to say anything you like. try to be as crazy as you can. good luck