Bosnia-Herzegovina1437 Posts
I just woke up, its 1 I think, pretty early for me, and I had a HORRIBLE dream. I can't really remember how my dream started but it was basically me and my friend Trevor and a group of people. Now, let me give you a little bit of info on Trevor, most people think hes an asshole who messes with people too much, kinda like me, but he really is a cool guy, people only think that about him because of how he looks and mainly cause he hangs out with me and my friend Chris.
I remember me and Trevor got into an argument about whos phone is better ( in real life we would never do this, i don't know why the fuck we were arguing about phones ) and he takes mine. I was just like " fuck you " and started chasing him.
As I caught up to him I tackled him and he was holding the phone tightly, I couldn't pry it out of him. So I started kneeing him in the face and doing elbow and all kinds of shit but hes not showing any emotion, so I start yelling something, I forget what it was, and then I wake up, pretty fucking creep.
This dream wasn't really a nightmare, but it annoyed the fuck out of me enough to wake up, just like circas vult harass.
clearly you should have slept upside down
DID you sleep upside down? Maybe that's the cause of your horrible dream
I tried sleeping upside down two nights ago and I dreamed there was a snake in my closet and woke up screaming about it then laughed and went back to sleep the normal way.
ever since sleeping upside down my bad vs good dream ratio has equalized. which is good btw.
I've had the same fucked up dream twice in a row already and it's scaring the fuck out of me =S
I dreamt I was taking care of a little baby in my house, we were the only ones there. I was doing something which I don't know what it was on my bed and told him to go play in the living room or something, he comes back running to me and starts crying, he couldn't talk. So I ask him if he wants something to eat like a cookie or something. I hold him by the hand and we start walking downstairs. He starts complaining something hurts on his foot and I (we're still on the stairs) give him a hug and try to comfort him. He looks at me, then looks down the stairs (he was already calm) and stares down there for a bit, then he starts crying again and hugs me even tighter. I look down there to see what was going on, and I see this thing with a huge fly head and a small body (like a baby's) pointing a blue laser at me, I try to let go of the baby to go kill that thing, all lights were off, but it was still somewhat visible, but the baby wouldn't let go off me and for some reason I couldn't pry him off of me, as if I was very weak. Somehow I manage to start going downstairs, I was shaking very bad and breathing very fast, I had lots of perspiration going on, then start screaming "WHERE ARE YOU" or something along those lines, and the thing responds to me from at least 20 feet away, I forgot what he said.
Then I woke up.
I've had this dream twice in a row already and it's starting to creep me out =(
The dream I had yesterday was weird too.
I was in a Quiz show, answering random ass questions (Can't remember the questions), and I was getting them all right. I was like, "OH FUX YEAH!" and then I believe I got a question wrong. Suddenly, the entire studio began to shake and crumble and I woke up right before a boulder hit me.
I was like WTF?
not everybody is John Doe HAHAHA
WTF is this 'sleep upside down' shit?
Scary shit Raptor, you should try changing your race. The lurker icon is obviously giving people nightmares.
I heard that people are doing activities after some bad dreams to change their mind. You should do that too!
My Vulture Harass makes you annoyed thanks for the compliment lol