Starting at 18:30 korean time, 1:30 time
Matchups tonight
Hwasin (T, STX Soul) vs Pusan (P, MBCgame) on Desert Fox
Bifrost (T, OGN) vs Much (P, CJ) on Longinus 2
Nal_Ra (P, KTF) vs Canata (T, SKT) on Reverse Temple
Light (T, MBCgame) vs Xellos (T, CJ) on Blitz X
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Hwasin (T, STX Soul) > Pusan (P, MBCgame) on Desert Fox
Game Summary:
Pusan warps in at 7 and hwasin sets up at 12, pusan builds a gate and hwasin buils a rax near the stasis cell... then the game is paused. Referee pauses the game due to lag, and a restart is ordered. Sooo the game is restarted
Pusan warps in at 12 this time and Hwasin @ 7, the game opens similararly to the last game with pylon+gate near nexus into gas->core for pusan and hwasin opts for a fast expand with rax near expo. Pusan starts a robo and breaks down the stasis cell so he can start his own expo as well as getting range. Meanwhile hwasin kills the creep colony and neutral buildings and with perfect timing, his CC lands just as the creep dies off. Hwasin builds a factory Pusan sends observers down to hwasin. Hwasin proceeds to build 2 starports and an academy. Pusan takes his gas at his nat as he expands, and begins a stargate. Hwasin builds 2 wraiths which proceed to scout while adding on his factory and 1 starport. Hwasin scans his main and kills an observer with his wraiths. Pusan assumes command of his nat, and hwasin attempts to harass with his wraiths. Pusan builds some corsairs and then adds another stargate and a fleet becon. Pusan kills one of hwasins dropships attemping to drop pusan. Hwasin adds 2 factories for a total of 4. Hwasin then finds a glitch location on the map where he can tank pusan's nat gas out of reach of tanks. Pusan didnt want to reveal his carriers, so tanks continue to pound his nat and hwasin takes his min only nat and to the bottom right expo. Pusan reluctanly reveals his two fresh carriers and kills the two tanks, however 12 goliaths near the tanks kill alot of the interceptors. Hwasin adds more factories and anothe armory for upgrades. Hwasin expos ilke hes zerg and pusan claims his min only. Hwasin builds a solid goliath army. Pusan builds carriers and a decent sized goon/zealo army. Hwasin harasses pusans min only expo and kills it. Hwasin has a very scary number of goliaths and positions them nicely so that pusan cannot mine from his min only expo as well as turreting up the north of his main. Hwasin drops about 16 goliaths into pusan's main and forces his probes to run. Pusan defends barely with goons/zealot with some carrier support. Hwasin expands some more. Hwasin snipes a carrier, and pusan send his 5 remaining carriers to hwasins expo @ 5, but loses all his corsairs to golaith fire but kills the expo. HWasin drops 5 dropships of goliaths behind pusans carriers and kills all but 3 carriers. Hwasin traps the other carriers, but pusan fights it and kills a number of dropships and some goliaths. Hwasin has many goliaths now, abotu 30 in his main. Pusan attempts to expand at 12, but 4 dropships full of goliaths stop that. Pusan builds more corsairs and carriers and runs his carrier remnants up the right hand side of the map. Despite good micro with 6 carriers against hwasins goliaths, hwasin stops another expo attempt at 12. By now pusan has very limited minerals remaining. Hwasin then runs around the map with the 4 dropships stopping any expo attempts, and 50ish goliaths make any attempt at agression useless. Pusan kills 5 again, then types out.
Bifrost (T, OGN) > Much (P, CJ) on Longinus 2
Nal_Ra (P, KTF) > Canata (T, SKT) on Reverse Temple
Light (T, MBCgame) > Xellos (T, CJ) on Blitz X
Game Summary:
Pusan warps in at 7 and hwasin sets up at 12, pusan builds a gate and hwasin buils a rax near the stasis cell... then the game is paused. Referee pauses the game due to lag, and a restart is ordered. Sooo the game is restarted
Pusan warps in at 12 this time and Hwasin @ 7, the game opens similararly to the last game with pylon+gate near nexus into gas->core for pusan and hwasin opts for a fast expand with rax near expo. Pusan starts a robo and breaks down the stasis cell so he can start his own expo as well as getting range. Meanwhile hwasin kills the creep colony and neutral buildings and with perfect timing, his CC lands just as the creep dies off. Hwasin builds a factory Pusan sends observers down to hwasin. Hwasin proceeds to build 2 starports and an academy. Pusan takes his gas at his nat as he expands, and begins a stargate. Hwasin builds 2 wraiths which proceed to scout while adding on his factory and 1 starport. Hwasin scans his main and kills an observer with his wraiths. Pusan assumes command of his nat, and hwasin attempts to harass with his wraiths. Pusan builds some corsairs and then adds another stargate and a fleet becon. Pusan kills one of hwasins dropships attemping to drop pusan. Hwasin adds 2 factories for a total of 4. Hwasin then finds a glitch location on the map where he can tank pusan's nat gas out of reach of tanks. Pusan didnt want to reveal his carriers, so tanks continue to pound his nat and hwasin takes his min only nat and to the bottom right expo. Pusan reluctanly reveals his two fresh carriers and kills the two tanks, however 12 goliaths near the tanks kill alot of the interceptors. Hwasin adds more factories and anothe armory for upgrades. Hwasin expos ilke hes zerg and pusan claims his min only. Hwasin builds a solid goliath army. Pusan builds carriers and a decent sized goon/zealo army. Hwasin harasses pusans min only expo and kills it. Hwasin has a very scary number of goliaths and positions them nicely so that pusan cannot mine from his min only expo as well as turreting up the north of his main. Hwasin drops about 16 goliaths into pusan's main and forces his probes to run. Pusan defends barely with goons/zealot with some carrier support. Hwasin expands some more. Hwasin snipes a carrier, and pusan send his 5 remaining carriers to hwasins expo @ 5, but loses all his corsairs to golaith fire but kills the expo. HWasin drops 5 dropships of goliaths behind pusans carriers and kills all but 3 carriers. Hwasin traps the other carriers, but pusan fights it and kills a number of dropships and some goliaths. Hwasin has many goliaths now, abotu 30 in his main. Pusan attempts to expand at 12, but 4 dropships full of goliaths stop that. Pusan builds more corsairs and carriers and runs his carrier remnants up the right hand side of the map. Despite good micro with 6 carriers against hwasins goliaths, hwasin stops another expo attempt at 12. By now pusan has very limited minerals remaining. Hwasin then runs around the map with the 4 dropships stopping any expo attempts, and 50ish goliaths make any attempt at agression useless. Pusan kills 5 again, then types out.
Bifrost (T, OGN) > Much (P, CJ) on Longinus 2
Nal_Ra (P, KTF) > Canata (T, SKT) on Reverse Temple
Light (T, MBCgame) > Xellos (T, CJ) on Blitz X
My (worthless) Predictions
Hwasin < Pusan @ Desert Fox
- Hwasin mustve practiced hard for two games in his weak mus this week while pusan has only had proleague to worry about in the past 2 weeks... i think pusan is not only the better player but the more prepared player.. and that means i think he will win
- Bifrost < Much @ Longinus 2
Much is on form, and dominating left right and center.. bifrost isnt known for his tvp.. plus much has 2 tvp's this week so he should be well prepared for this game
- Nal_Ra < Canata @ Reverse Temple
Now that canata only have one league to focus on, and has no games in a long long time i think he will be well practiced for this game.. Nal_ra is a monster and will be no pushover and this game could really go either way.. should be a gg regardless
- Light > Xellos @ Blitz X
Im a sucker for light... and well, xellos isnt quite the perfec terran he once was.. light has also been pracicing tvt alot this week and hopefully it pays off.. xellos on the other hand will also be well prepared.. but this (for me) is a pure fanboyism vote