thats what they said but if a leader lets there leaders do this? well lets be honest this isent a really good clan. im talking about infinity gaming mainly. Atlas gaming i was back stabbed by every1 in the community and 25 kids said they would leave the clan unless i was banned and then they said it wasn't my fault and its not about me what kind of fucking pickle is that? idk atlas gaming was good and the leaders Papabear SaintOrily JokeRR and nabogasa are the older and mature people of the clan and were quite understanding, seems that mainly the kinds cry and they had to listen. If you want to go to atlas gaming you can
just be warned kind a dushe bag class and they wont treat you right. I was judge by both clans both not really knowing me. except the leaders of atlas gaming which were understanding weird... but here is what i delt with while in infinity gaming, i say boycot this clan and never go there the people there abuse/ troll/bm and are really just all ass holes to me for what? idk you can read.
another two hour ban abuse by window curtin :/
wasent me-------->#lokknation abuse : http://s748.photobuc...html?sort=3&o=3 (note this is after it was overlooked and after he came into the ts chat yelling/cursing/bming/trolling)
ban abuse from vampy : (i was never harassing any player what so ever and if you can vampy please show proof of this)
someone who revealed to me the corruption ty he wishes to stay animus:
http://s748.photobuc...0bd876.png.html (this is after everything happened)
and lastly this is what made me post this was another ban abuse by windowcurtin
Please look at these and read what i write in an unbiased opinion like the competitive A team.
Ty for any higher ups who can help me
Hey everyone as you may know i am TheWay, This is a well descriptive of what happened.
This is 100% unbiased as for i add every thing i say wrong and what they said wrong and what happened over all. Please understand I provide proof of the abuse and also have countless members
saying that was happened was wrong. Thats why i wasted 4 hours of my time trying to get unbanned, also note i was banned for nothing ? and will explain in text later.
I will start when i first joined the clan, everyone seemed to like me but one person, kingdom, i never once said he was bad and his build was bad, i said in text "your build is dead" him taking that way raged at me with over 5 counts plus of him cursing and getting angry at me yelling bming, we did obs game to test me out first game i beat spytk or something? in a zvt second game i lost to some zerg
don't remember sorry :/ 3rd game i play kingdom, and in this game he bms me. hard making a cc right above my base :/ i ignore it realize the game is over and then gg like a mannered person ignoring his bm. This ended with day one as i went to bed.
Next day (today): starts off with me laddering and then me saying and i quite "hey kingdom guess what dude" and then i go on to talk about how i had a 90% winrate in zvt and how i lost to his build because most players i play being terran like him never go the build he did me restating that the build is dead.
He intentionally takes this as bm because he takes it as i said "your build sucks" is what he later told me, we started fight from this point on and bming each other, i drew first blood when i said and i quite (i also have no remembrance of this) "it must suck not listening to someone whos better then you" is what i apparently said to him now idk if i said it or not but yea. Next i go about my day, i start playing in the turny and hanging with atlas and other members having fun laughing ya know? nothing wrong with it, when i ask vampy hey man you ready to talk about this? and he said yes first it starts off with Me, vampy, and herb something forgot his name, would check ts but im banned (for nothing but thats later) The convo starts : we have come up with a verdict says vampy i ask "what verdict" they said banned for two clan events i ask "why" and they replied "bming" i then immediately start defending my self as to what happened and to not a one sided story, they stop me and say ok lets bring in a 3rd party witness i agree of course and then he went on to say and agreed that i had no intentions of bming him just a friendly chat about strategy, what he said was valid 100%, now herb moves kingdom in with out me agree to begin with, rude but idk, kingdom then explains his side of the story, and before i even get the words out of my mouth herb agrees and so does vampy, at this point it seems to me every1 believes kingdom just out from the gate, fishy right? Now I go on to defend my self countless times, and rudely interrupted by kingdom he told me to shut the fuck up 1 time cursing countless times and raging very much on our teamspeak chat now at first i was like ok kingdom you get a break you outburst and rage and curse its ok, but he did at least 3 times, nothing was done no punishment nothing,now realizing that it seems like the playing field is all for kingdom and no one will listen to me i ask to leave (first time) and then they continue to defend him but yet im punished for not intentionally bming, which was agreed by everyone that it was a misunderstanding and that i never bmed anyone, that SHOULD have been the end of it, i try to leave a second time! i also apologized countless times for saying anything to them and i say it now sorry for anything i might have done to you guys i mean it happens ya know? but this just doesn't happen. Now herb keeps defending kingdom, and then i keep defending my self over and over again interrupting him several times, he gets mad tells me to stop i reply "yes ma'am" to him, but at that point i am pissed way beyond measure and im about ready to blow a fuse i then leave say bye to all of them, me leaving was right because i felt one sided and asked to talk to a clan leader/ someone other then a team people.. and i start talking to other people and others did agree with what happened was wrong and not right, now following me to the channels below are genocide (forgot his name) vampy and windowcurtin, first off windowcurtin doesn't know me but what a team says and apparently he thinks they are right and im wrong just because its a team? huh... they said i can run from my actions and stuff and i started to defend my self AGAIN for the 100th time, i also bring up how kingdom was overlooked and favored during our meeting and not punished (still) also a random guy named mumbojumbo came into chat channel and said "no one fucking likes you just fucking leave ass hole" i ignore it then he harasses me and i was told vampy would take care of it, nothing happened? favoritism over two people now, and all of a team members... things getting really fishy right? now i talk to genocide fora while while vampy claims hes taking care of kingdom and mumbojumbo, yet again over looked? me and others in the channel come to the conclusion (also this is outside of the a team people who are non biased) said i was right and i said i know and apologized again to every1 sooo idk what i did wrong there but people start agreeing with me and then i get banned for two hours for harassing players as proved above.
That concludes the teamspeak chat please let me know whos right and wrong, i apologized so many times still banned and find out more shit every couple of hours. But from what i got A team is corrupted im new have no friends i guess they figure they can ban me from the clan and abuse and what not? i never harassed anyone, i was the one harassed as proven above also with other things, now i hope someone whos in a higher leadership position can help me out, would be really nice of them. After i was banned i talked to vampy for about an hour begging him to understand me, finds out hes just toying and fucking with me, and said i never apologized about everything, kingdom never apologized to me so, but anyways i was just trying to be the bigger man and defend my self and others agreed the over looking of kingdom and mumbojumbo was wrong and also vampy's decision to ban me and late abused by windowcurtin, was wrong so if this is a corrupt A team idk what is... like i said proof is above i admit to everything i did bad i apologized so many times for it, no need for all this damn drama like little fucking kids. sorry for my language also note i never cursed... at anyone yet kingdom swears up and down at me and its fine? idk hopefully this isent over looked and everyone in the clan realizes it.
Thats not even half of it they kept deleting my forum post so i made it here now they cant delete it kind of a sick joke right?
This is the kind of bull shit infinity gaming is a about and i just wanted every1 to know about it. why they acted like this towards me i have no idea.. but you and judge that.
Also atlas gaming if you do happen to stop by there tell "killerbrapz" to grow up hes a 30 year old man who apprently balls or what not havent dropped. If he has them. He constantly talked shit behind my back and never faced me.
Spread the word about these two clans boycott them if you feel needed join them if you like dealing with kids trolling/bming/abusing you on teamspeak and inside sc2... I have honestly had it with kids in leadership positions... quite annoying.