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Inventor of many builds, such as the Proxy Barracks / Proxy Base TvP strategy, and long time ghost-aficionado, SpunXtain is an up and coming Masters level player on the NA and SEA servers.
This is the famous Community Spotlight video from ForceSC2 that shows players his unique build order on Scrap Station! (2010).
Fans may also have seen his epic Best of 3 against community shoutcaster MaximusBlack,
Links to various other community spotlights can be found below.
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SpunXtain has competed in the UQ Kage tournaments in Brisbane, Australia and placed 1st and 2nd at each. He was also a widely revered clan member and leader of the now disbanded Clan eXodus, and past administrator of the now closed community site D2DGamer.
In the weekly Clan Exodus tournaments of 2011, SpunXtain was acknowledged as one of the most prodigous talents to arise from the pool of regular players. In Season One, he finished with in third place with 3 gold, 2 silver, and 7 bronze medals (finishing behind Sideni and Daddy).
In Season 2, he was the only Terran to win a tournament (due to unresolved balance issues on Blizzard's end), finishing again in third place with 3 gold, 6 silver, and 1 bronze from the season (behind Daddy and DocCoaster).
After a lengthy hiatus, SpunXtain will be returning to the scene and looking to place well in various self-managed and partly-imagined tournaments, before eventually hoping to win a major tournament. I hope you all enjoy this post as much as I do, and will follow SpunXtain on his journey to greatness. Thankyou!
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