First off, who are you?
now, I'm no one famous, but if you're anywhere in the 1700-2100 range in NA ranked solo queue, you've probably more or less seen me. I've been back forth through that range quite some time, and this would be my third time being plat. If it's not ranked, you might've seen me in featured normal games with a few of my pals. Aside from that, I've gotten into streaming about a few months ago and mainly stream for SomethingAwful, Penny Arcade, Gamefaqs, and DFOsource.
That's cool and all, so what're you going to be doing on stream?
If it's not solo queue, I'll probably be doing normal/normal drafts with some buddies, or possibly some Murderbridge games. I end up having large queue timers for normal games, so in between large queues, I tend to pop up other games to keep you at the least interested. I don't think people want to stare at a queue timer for about 10 minutes straight.
Yes. The thing I've been praised most for on stream is my selection of music. (but to each their own tastes, of course) Most of it consists of trance, video game soundtracks, metal, rock and uh...plenty of toho music.
Have I....Seen you before?
This was the top play in protatomonster's week 84.
you may have also seen me from Bonkey's 'Ult Like You Mean It' video.
I also play with well known youtubers like Stonewall and Colbycheeze. You might see me in their videos every now and then.
If you've got any questions or such, I have an irc:
I have a GD thread here: