I don't know if this really qualifies for its own thread but I will post anyway and see if it gets deleted.
Have you guys ever noticed that when you have a bunch of ghosts, your fighting brood infestor and your all psyced too go, you hold down r and start spamming your face off.......except somehow you deselect your ghosts, so you do it again, same result and you die a horrible confused as to how the pros do it death.
Well I noticed today that for some reason, after you hold r and left click on your target for the very first snipe, you then wait half a second, and then you can spam snipe as fast as you want this problem will not occur.
This inexplicable problem has really screwed me over in many ZvTs and I just couldnt figure out why it was happening. Anyway this will solve it if it happens to you!
Yes its the same way with FFs if you don't wait for a split second you will just select their army, If you haven't already set your keyboard repeat rate to max I recommend it. Its in your control panel, it makes the delay just a little shorter.
Hmmm thank you for pointing this out...will go try
It's the same with Force Fields. Maybe you haven't ever noticed before, but if you hold "S" down on your keyboard in Notepad or any where else where you write text it will also take about half a second before you will see S quickly repeat in the text editor.
Windows has about half a second delay before it repeats the key you are pressing on the keyboard by default. You can change the time before repeat in the Control Panel, or if you want it really low or just very specific, you can write the exact ms before the key repeats in regedit. It's called Keyboard repeat delay.. if I remember correctly.
Yeah I think I noticed this a few times when I am fungal growthing (herp derp) Not that big of a deal with fungal growth but I can imagine it being a big deal with force fields and maybe EMP.
Oh good find. Didnt notice this before
I believe the reason you have to wait a half a second is because this is how long your keyboard repeater rate takes to "kick in".
Basically anytime you press and hold down a spell like Snipe, you're essentially relying on your keyboard to spam the hotkey command instead of you manually tapping the hotkey. Depending on your keyboard and keyboard settings in Windows, the time it takes for the keyboard to start spamming the hotkey can take that half a second.
RoyAlex hit it on the dot, I'm just trying to clarify any remaining confusion.
I did not know this. Now that I do know this, I do want to make the delay as low as possible. I can't seem to find where to change it. I used the Windows search bar to search for "keyboard repeat delay" and I went to keyboard properties, but I couldn't find it. Help? ^^
Control Panel -> Keyboard -> Repeat Delay
I've seen this somewhere before, but this is a much better explanation.
Hmm, this seems to be helpful. Thanks for the find! :D
Hm, this'll be useful for lobbing infested terrans. Danke!
On December 17 2011 14:24 ClysmiC wrote: Hm, this'll be useful for lobbing infested terrans. Danke! I could see this being applicable with Ghost Snipe, but why Infested Terrans ? In that case, couldn't you simply hit the button and hold shift and spam away, as Infestors have no attack ?
So in short,
- select ghosts - press r and click first target - wait 1 second - spam r
just want to confirm
The reason it deselects is because holding down a button doesn't repeat it right away. It will take like 0.3 seconds or so. Test it by pressing a button on your keyboard and holding it down in this reply box.
Like the 2nd person said, set your repeat rate to fastest and shortest time required to repeat. Id recommend this to every zerg and everyone else who holds down buttons to macro or spellcast.
Also sometimes the repeat button isn't fast enough to keep up with your clicking so be conscious that sometimes it will deselect if you click too fast EVEN if your keyboard is repeating quickly. Happened to me before
On December 17 2011 14:42 DontLoseSightOfIt wrote: So in short,
- select ghosts - press r and click first target - wait 1 second - spam r
just want to confirm
select ghosts HOLD r and click first target wait spam click while holding r as fast as you can
+ Show Spoiler +It's the same with Force Fields. Maybe you haven't ever noticed before, but if you hold "S" down on your keyboard in Notepad or any where else where you write text it will also take about half a second before you will see S quickly repeat in the text editor.
Windows has about half a second delay before it repeats the key you are pressing on the keyboard by default. You can change the time before repeat in the Control Panel, or if you want it really low or just very specific, you can write the exact ms before the key repeats in regedit. It's called Keyboard repeat delay.. if I remember correctly. To edit the registry use: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Responce if you want to customise it further...
Should work a little something like this: AutoRepeatRate: value of 15 equals 64 chars/sec on my ps/2 keyboard. AutoRepeatDelay: should be at least 300, 400-500-1000 DelayBeforeAcceptance: I use 0.
Go to your keyboard settings and change it to this. Should help with the delay issue. + Show Spoiler +
On February 09 2012 01:09 dark0dave wrote:+ Show Spoiler +It's the same with Force Fields. Maybe you haven't ever noticed before, but if you hold "S" down on your keyboard in Notepad or any where else where you write text it will also take about half a second before you will see S quickly repeat in the text editor.
Windows has about half a second delay before it repeats the key you are pressing on the keyboard by default. You can change the time before repeat in the Control Panel, or if you want it really low or just very specific, you can write the exact ms before the key repeats in regedit. It's called Keyboard repeat delay.. if I remember correctly. To edit the registry use: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibility\Keyboard Responce if you want to customise it further... Should work a little something like this: AutoRepeatRate: value of 15 equals 64 chars/sec on my ps/2 keyboard. AutoRepeatDelay: should be at least 300, 400-500-1000 DelayBeforeAcceptance: I use 0.
What does DelayBeforeAcceptance do? My settings were AutoRepeatRate - 500 AutoRepeatDelay - 500 DelayBeforeAcceptance - 1000 and Flags - 126
What does a flag value of 126 mean? I'm on Vista Business 32 bit btw.
EDIT: Oh, I see that you copypasted from sevenforums and edited it a bit.
Same issue exists with feedback, as well.