Sunday, Jul 24 12:00pm GMT (GMT+00:00)
======HOW TO WATCH======
7 Bo1 games with the total of Bo4
Teams send out line up for first 3 then next 3
Game 7 is Ace match
HRU<GSL Terminus RE> FZJ
Softball<Scrap Station> Power
Apro <Shakuras Plateau> Hui
HRU <Tal'darim Altar> Hui
Softball <Typhoon Peaks> FZJ
Apro <Metalopolis> Bai
Softball <Xel'Naga Caverns> Hui
+ Show Spoiler [result] +
HRU<GSL Terminus RE> FZJ
Softball<Scrap Station> Power
Apro <Shakuras Plateau> Hui
HRU <Tal'darim Altar> Hui
Softball <Typhoon Peaks> FZJ
Apro <Metalopolis> Bai
Softball <Xel'Naga Caverns> Hui
4-3 Xpec Ironman the Champion!!!
+ Show Spoiler [VOD] +
thx to snatch : )
+ Show Spoiler +
HRU<GSL Terminus RE> FZJ
+ Show Spoiler +
Softball<Scrap Station> Power
+ Show Spoiler +
Apro <Shakuras Plateau> Hui
+ Show Spoiler +
HRU <Tal'darim Altar> Hui
+ Show Spoiler +
Softball <Typhoon Peaks> FZJ
+ Show Spoiler +
Apro <Metalopolis> Bai
+ Show Spoiler +
Softball <Xel'Naga Caverns> Hui
+ Show Spoiler +
If you havn’t seen any of the previous posts about TeSL, here are some links:
。Artosis’ introduction video
。Sen’s NASL application video with TeSL introduction at the end
。A more detailed article about TeSL
。TeSL considering the possibility of opening the league to foreign players next season