We will also set up a donation pot for partygoers to throw dollah bills into, if you are willing and able. Let's mobilize the esports community to do some good. =)
I am in the process of pulling together some kind of tourney or showmatch with a pot that businesses/people can donate to; the winner of the tourney/showmatch/thing will get to decide which charity the pot goes to. Keep an eye on this thread for details.
Thank you for your support, all. Let's have a great time on Friday, and do whatever little bit each of us can for the people halfway across the world from us. Yeah!
Original post below:
60+ people showed for our last one!! Don't watch the GSL Code S finals alone at home... come gather and stay up all night with tons of other local Bay Area esports fans!!! Are you in the San Francisco general bay area? Then DON'T MISS IT!!
A Finals watching party with optional LAN party!
Watch the Code S finals live on two projectors. Stay to play!
2154 University Ave, Berkeley CA 94704
Very close to Downtown Berkeley BART
The evening of Friday, March 18, 2010. Festivities will officially begin at Eudemonia at 10pm on March 18, and the finals are supposed to start at 11pm our time.
- The show is scheduled to begin at 3pm on Saturday in Korea time. http://www.gomtv.net/2011gslsponsors2/schedule/
- That is 11pm on Friday night here in California. http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?month=3&day=19&year=2011&hour=15&min=0&sec=0&p1=235&p2=224
- $5 to get in
- OR.... The Package for $20, which gets you in the door, plus two fridge drinks, two slices of pizza, and a computer pass that allows you to play on our computers as much as you want from 10pm to 8am =D
Also know affectionately as "Eudo", Eudemonia is a retail store very close to the UC Berkeley campus. We're a LAN center, and we also sell board games and Magic singles/do tournaments. We have ~30 computer stations and 5 xbox360s.
Right now, we're not set up for BYOC, unfortunately. But if enough people request it, we will be forced to listen, so if that's something you'd be interested, definitely leave us feedback.
Links to past Starcraft events at Eudemonia:
+ Show Spoiler +
- BATLL VI organized by Conan. photos courtesy of bigLUCC =D
- GSL 4 finals party & photos by bigLUCC
---Don't miss: moletrap casting the OSL finals live
---moletrap casting the HDStarcraft vs CombatEX troll matches
---We are so lucky here in the Bay Area. Look at our amazing players, our amazing casters, our amazing Starcraft fans!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
- BATLL V by Conan
- GSL 3 finals party; photos by bigLUCC
- GSL 2 finals party; and photos by me lol
- BATLL IV organized by Conan. my photos
WE LOVE STARCRAFT omgomgomgomg
Last-minute tourney (lol):
- Eudo Code S Tourney Signup (diamond and masters league players): http://challonge.com/tournament/signup/nhbo6585gb
- Eudo Code A Tourney Signup (forever abronze to platinum league players): http://challonge.com/tournament/signup/82guru33pk AWWW YEEAH! I'm gold!! (Just got promoted!) Please play with me!!!!! judy.933 lol
I'm using Challonge because you don't have to register for an account to sign yourself up.
- We'll play the matches online on bnet in a furious frenzy the two days before the event.
- Finals will be played live at Eudemonia if everything works out. HD and/or moletrap and/or peanut and/or local casters, want to cast it???!!! PM me =D
- Prizes for the "Code S" tourney will be stuff like free entry to the LAN party. Prizes for the "Code A" tourney are TBD, lol.
Show-matches vs. Toronto ... and hopefully other cities (all unconfirmed as of 3/10, but I'll keep this post updated as I hear back from organizers):
- We did dOpa (us) vs SlayerS_bekho (canada) and HDStarcraft (us) vs CombatEX (canada) last time. chromate is the Toronto organizer. Lets' get some showmatches up and running again =)
- Maybe we can contact diggity and see if he's doing another meetup in LA
- Australian LAN parties... I've heard back from some of them
- Who will represent us in our showmatches? The winners of our mini-tourney/local pro-gamers/popular demand.
If there's a lot of interest in city-vs-city stuff, we should set up some kind of League-style tournament, with the finals played live for everyone to watch on the night of the GSL Code S finals!
+ Show Spoiler +
- Facebook event that we just created
- I posted this TL thread on reddit. upvotes plox!! Let's make it huge!!
- Eudemonia official post
How to contact Judy (questions, comments, suggestions, play TronCraft with me):
- AIM: juddietunafish
- XMPP: judy@judytuna.com
- email: judytuna@eudemonia.net
- google voice inbox/texts: (510) 859-3681
- PM me on TL
- write on the Eudemonia facebook page
- judy.933 on sc2... also join chatroom eudemonia for tourney stuff when it happens
- judytuna on League of Legends (hahaha)
- Seze on Haven and Hearth (hahhahahaha)
How to contact the store:
- http://www.eudemonia.net
- Store phone: 510.883.0814; ask for Dean (the owner/manager) or Judy (that's me!)