If the tournament does not fill the prize pool will be split accordingly based on the number of entrants.
Format: 32 Participants maximum. Entry for the tournament will be $25 paid upon arrival.
Rules: A full description of the rules can be found here.
Tournament registration will continue until 3/18/2011
Equipment: Play will be done on provided computers. If you have a mouse or keyboard that you prefer to use, feel free to bring it, but it is not mandatory.
Streaming: Streaming will be provided by Drogith and Force. If you would like to stream for us, please contact me here.
Disclaimer: No rain date currently scheduled.
Map Pool: Maps are subject to change based on monthly iCCup map pool! iCCup Europa iCCup Match Point iCCup Neo Enigma iCCup Pawn Re iCCup Braxis Orbital iCCup Testbug GSL Tal'Darim Altar
Maps will be chosen by elimination with the higher seed eliminating the first map and so on. Loser picks afterwards.
To Enter 1. Register in the New England SC2 League forums 2. PM me with the following information: a. Name.Character Code b. Race
Contact me via PM or at e-mail me if you have any questions. The New England Starcraft 2 League is operating with an official license from Blizzard and will continue to do so.
The special thing about this tournament is that it is the final qualifier. Basically, your last chance to win money and qualify for the Grand Finals in April. There is a last chance tournament in April, however there is no prize pool for that tournament and it is the day before the Grand Finals.
Originally, this tournament was scheduled for March 12th, but as not to interfere with PAX East, it was moved 1 week back.
I dunno, we TheWreckerEP might show up to this one and we got a few new people popping up. Gonna be some good competition and man o man did you have a good showing last time.
On February 25 2011 01:57 Drogith wrote: I dunno, we TheWreckerEP might show up to this one and we got a few new people popping up. Gonna be some good competition and man o man did you have a good showing last time.
Why thank you. No videos up yet?
Oh, and did anyone get replays? I totally forgot to get any before I left the last tournament.
Lunchbx is going to grab the replays and Force actually started loading everything up. I'm transferring a bunch of stuff to him now. Here they are! Bitters v DamnCats - g1 - g3
I'm not positive if I can make it or not. It mostly depends on where Haverhill is. I've never heard of it. I'm right outside of Boston, so if no one can tell me some of the nearby towns, can someone give me an estimate of how long it'd take to get there?
I'm not positive if I can make it or not. It mostly depends on where Haverhill is. I've never heard of it. I'm right outside of Boston, so if no one can tell me some of the nearby towns, can someone give me an estimate of how long it'd take to get there?
Haverhill is right on 495 in Mass. It's north of Lawrence/Methuen MA and south of Plaistow NH. It's also the last stop on the train from North Station.
The bad news is that the LAN center where this event was supposed to take place, will NOT have computers up and running in time to host the event. And since I won't push for a BYOC in a qualifier, we have to move the event.
The good news is that Galaxy Gaming in Dover, NH has agreed to host the tournament, although we do have to have it at an earlier time. The new time is Doors @ 9A and HARD START @ 10A. That means if you aren't there by 10, you won't be able to play.
Everyone who has entered this event, please contact me and confirm/deny that you will be attending at the new venue. I will be trying to get an event at one of the Boston colleges next season to help get our college friends involved.