I tried to upload the reply via both Nibbits and sc2replayed, but the file "failed to parse". If anyone has suggestions as to how I can post this, please tell me and I will do so to prove my innocence.
About twenty minutes ago I played a PvZ wherein the zerg early pool rushed me, which I held off and did a double zealot rush wherein our economies became somewhat equal. I expanded and put down a dark shrine while hunting for his third, and he pushed with roaches. I held the push and, during it, countered with dark templar doing severe economic damage. After the push he began to have lag problems with the game pausing for several seconds at a time, but the timer never went below thirty seconds. I pushed with a gateway army along with several immortals and a colossus, and as I was pushing he accused me of drophacking. I was taken by surprise by this as I was courteous the entire game and even asked him if he needed to pause during some of the lag stretches. He BM'd me and then, before leaving, said "reported for drophacking". I love starcraft far too much for me to lose my account because of a bitter person lying about a situation like that, and I've come to ask TL what I can do to show blizzard that I wasn't drophacking during the game. If it clears up any fog, he left the game on his own accord as he was dying and did NOT disconnect from it. The disconnect timer never went below thirty seconds.
If anyone knows how I can clear my name and account, please say and help me prove my innocence.
If you aren't drophacking, you won't get banned. Simple as that.
oh don't worry about it nothing's going to happen
I don't think Blizz would do anything without proof, and seing how he didn't even disconnect, you're pretty much safe.
edit: Double ninja'd.
How do you know? I played WoW for two years and blizzard seemed to just throw the banhammer in random directions every couple of months.
On September 25 2011 09:19 Bartimaues wrote: How do you know? I played WoW for two years and blizzard seemed to just throw the banhammer in random directions every couple of months.
That's just the way it works. If you get banned just contact customer support and get unbanned due to lack of evidence ^^
On September 25 2011 09:19 Bartimaues wrote: How do you know? I played WoW for two years and blizzard seemed to just throw the banhammer in random directions every couple of months.
I haven't seen Blizzard miss with the banhammer. At least not from a mechanical standpoint. Drophacks have a VERY significant tell. It will be trivial for them to tell if you have been drophacking or not.
Thank you all for the reassurance, but does anyone know how I can fix the "failed to parse" problem so that I can prove it?
On September 25 2011 09:23 Bartimaues wrote: Thank you all for the reassurance, but does anyone know how I can fix the "failed to parse" problem so that I can prove it?
You can't, and that's a good thing.
How is it a good thing that I can't prove I wasn't hacking?
edit: and for background information, what does "failed to parse" mean ?
On September 25 2011 09:31 Bartimaues wrote: How is it a good thing that I can't prove I wasn't hacking?
You have the replay. That's all the proof you need. And I am sure they have a replay too. Im sure they are able to break down that replay waaaaay down to suit whatever they need.
Failed to parse means the file dun got fucked up and your client doesn't know how to run it. It happens.
Honestly I see this happen a lot more often in games where people are hacking. And hackers love to call other people hackers.
So, as it failed to parse, that means he was hacking me while calling me a hacker?
On September 25 2011 09:34 Bartimaues wrote: So, as it failed to parse, that means he was hacking me while calling me a hacker?
Well I wouldn't go that far. Failed to parse replays happen naturally as well. No matter what though if Blizzard feels like investigating this game it is going to be investigated by a computer, not a human. Then if there checker does suspect cheating, a human will step in to verify.
For further enrichment, you can view the confirmed hackers list we have here on TL. We have a drophacker section, complete with replays.
Go ahead and open one of them up, and you'll see exactly what I am talking about.
EDIT: You might have to check a previous season.
I know I'm basically repeating what others have said, but nothing will happen to you. Unless they have absolutely overwhelming evidence of drophacking (multiple games lasting less than two minutes in which you win all of them), you'll be totally fine.
And even if you do have a stroke of bad luck, contact Blizzard support. I've never had a problem with their support before, and they've even unbanned me from WoW after my account was stolen. All I needed to say was "Hey. That wasn't me." and they believed me, haha.
Have some faith in Blizz - you'll be fine.
Is there any way we can maybe see this replay?
lol, Blizzard doesn't ban people who get reported. If the guy even bothered. Don't worry about it.
I've had the replay parsing issue before.
Usually I'll get the issue with one sc2 replay website. It usually doesn't happen when I try a second site. I usually use sc2replayed and replayfu...if one fails to parse, the other usually doesn't.
Try using a different replay uploading website.
I don't think they'll care if it's a single incident, as a single incident can be dumb chance, a bitter loser, or some other dumb shit.
If they get a LOT of reports about the same thing on the same player, THEN they'll investigate. If you aren't drop hacking, it'll be only 1 player reporting you, and they won't care and even if they did, they would probably realize the guy was just talking out of the broken pride shoved up his ass. If you DID drophack, then I think if you stopped right away, you should still be safe. I doubt they investigate singular instances...
Tried replayfu like Chemist391 suggested and it worked, if anyone has issues with it tell me and i'll try to fix it.
thanks to everyone who gave their time to help me through this issue =) <3.
edit: just to clear anything up, Makhalu is my in-game name instead of Bartimaeus. I'm the protoss playing.