[Original Post]
Hi everyone!
I'd like to introduce you all to a brand new website me (and my team) have been working on for the past year and a half:
In a few words: It's a huge social network for gamers, with a specific focus on Starcraft 2 team/clan management (ok, ok, we also support WoW pretty heavily ^^).
Think of it as a kind of "Facebook for gamers", only, (very) deeply connected to games databases - so whenever you add a game to the list of games you play, we extract all the relevant info about you, and build a real "player résumé".
You'll find the website has a LOT more than just that; it also has an unlimited HD video hosting section, fan pages, a news aggregator (TL news are featured almost every day :p), rankings, etc.
But let's focus on the SC2 side of it! So. What can you do on GameCreds?
1- Build your SC2 player profile
See a live SC2 profile here.
How-to and screenshots below (hit the *spoiler* button).
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Simply add SC2 to the list of games you play, and type in your Battle.net URL.
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_1.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_2.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_3.jpg)
Our systems will browse Battle.net to produce a résumé, with automatically updated info on your latest featured achievements, top league games, ratings, match history and so on...
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_profil.jpg)
We refresh your profile every night, but you can also manually request an update anytime.
2- Start a team
See a live SC2 Team here.
How-to and screenshots below (hit the *spoiler* button).
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On your your Profile, hit the "Create your Clan" button.
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_8.jpg)
All you need to do is choose a Clan name, write a little description. We suggest you a bunch of SC2 profiles (belong to people you befriended on the site) to invite, and that's it! Your Clan is Live.
So what do you get? A full-fledged Clan website, featuring, amongst other things:
- A Facebook-like Public Wall, where other SC2 players can post comments
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_5.jpg)
- a Clan video section, for videos you've uploaded and want to share with your team
- A tab displaying all the clan members, with an outlook at their leagues/ratings
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_6.jpg)
- Clan Forums, with both a public and private section
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_7.jpg)
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_8.jpg)
All you need to do is choose a Clan name, write a little description. We suggest you a bunch of SC2 profiles (belong to people you befriended on the site) to invite, and that's it! Your Clan is Live.
So what do you get? A full-fledged Clan website, featuring, amongst other things:
- A Facebook-like Public Wall, where other SC2 players can post comments
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_5.jpg)
- a Clan video section, for videos you've uploaded and want to share with your team
- A tab displaying all the clan members, with an outlook at their leagues/ratings
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_6.jpg)
- Clan Forums, with both a public and private section
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/sc2_7.jpg)
3- Upload & Watch videos
GameCreds has a unique deal with VOD provider Dailymotion.com - we benefit from their back-office, and can thus offer unlimited HD uploads/streaming to members (no time/length restriction). Cool thing is we get to keep our own GameCreds video player (which we think, is rather cool :p), which has a quite handy dampen light feature, and can be embedded anywhere on the internet (and shared on Facebook!).
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/player.jpg)
We already have quite a few SC2 VODs, replays/tutorials - mostly french shoutcasts for now, however - watch one here.
We hope to gather more english content soon! Anyway, the system is free to use, and people can also create their own HD video channel, with customized background, RSS feeds and so on... See example here.
4- Much more to come :D
There are tons of other features I haven't described here, and new ones we're currently working on - we're in the process of adding:
- a huge replay database (+ uplaoder & parser, replays are automatically linked to your profile)
- SC2 profiles global rankings
- a pretty neat Clan War feature
The website is still more or less in Beta, so please, any feedback/suggestion is more than welcome! We're coding stuff as fast as we can :D
[Update 1: Find a teammate]
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This you can do directly from your SC2 profile page.
1- Simply hit the "Seek Teammates" button on your SC2 profile page
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/seek_1.jpg)
2- Then, describe what kind of player(s) you're looking for:
- race played & quantity, bracket
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/seek_2.jpg)
- desired league, skill (based on minimum rating), short text description
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/seek_3.jpg)
- IRL info you require, before playing with someone: name? age? does he have Skype? TS? etc.
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/seek_4.jpg)
It will create an "opportunity" that should look pretty much like this:
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/seek_5.jpg)
...listed in the SC2 game home page (we'll be creating a more handful "directory" for those soon)
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/seek_6.jpg)
[Update 2: Replay Uploader & Parser]
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A quick update: our new REPLAY UPLOADER section (with an automated parser) is now up and running! I'm currently feeding it with whatever cool replays I can find.
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/rep8.jpg)
It's not 100% finished, but it's still running pretty smoothly, and we'll tune it up in the coming days. As usual, your feedback is most welcome :-)
Here's how it works.
1- Seek and download replays
This you can do from the SC2 Home Page on GameCreds - we added a new "Replays" tab, next to the the "forum" one.
See a live Replay Page here.
How-to and screenshots below (hit the *spoiler* button).
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The Replay tab
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/rep1.jpg)
Basically, it's a list of all latest uploaded replays, with a bunch of search criteria:
- maps (not working yet - still tweaking it)
- brackets
- leagues
- setups
- etc.
We're adding new search filters, like the possibility to seek a replay by player name (example: "I want all the 2v2 replays featuring Dimaga" ).
The Replay page
Each replay has its own page, with detailed players info (race/colour/league) and can be rated, commented, downloaded and liked & shared on Facebook (it helps spread the word ^^).
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/rep2.jpg)
The cool thing?
If a player featured in a replay is registered on GameCreds, we tag him in the replay:
- the player name is converted in an active link to his GC profile
- the replay shows up in his "uploaded replays" tab, on his profile
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![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/rep3.jpg)
AND it also means that we can automatically estimate the "skill level" of the replay, based on the leagues the players are in.
Example :
Players Calgar and Sodesk are on GameCreds, and they both play in Solo Diamond leagues - so it shows up before their name, on the replay page/summary.
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/rep4.jpg)
But players ClouD and XlorD have not (yet) registered their profiles, so their league indicator is empty for now.
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/rep5.jpg)
Downloading replays of course doesn't require one to be logged in.
2- upload replays
Still accessible from the main Replay Tab, in the SC2 home page. You don't need to be logged in to upload a replay (but if you are, there also is a "upload replay" button on your SC2 Profile page).
How-to and screenshots below (hit the *spoiler* button).
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Simply hit the giant green "upload Replay" button.
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/rep6.jpg)
A quick popup will show up and ask for:
- your replay file (mandatory)
- a title (mandatory)
- a short description (facultative)
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/rep7.jpg)
...and you're done! Your replay will be uploaded and parsed within seconds, for all to download :-)
[Update 3: Recruitment section & Blog Capabilites]
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Hi everyone! I'm very excited to tell you about our latest additions to GameCreds :-)
In short:
1- Added a SC2 Recruitment section
--> Accessible here
Very simple to use! Whenever someone creates an "opportunity" (practice partner, 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4), it gets listed here. All you need to do is sort out the list to find player you'd like to play with :-)
Here's how the filters look like :
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/opp1.jpg)
... and here's a snapshot of the list of opportunities!
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/opp2.jpg)
2- Added Editorial capabilities (Blogs)
For any member: individuals, SC2 Clans, WoW guilds, Video groups...
A full-fledged blogging platform, for articles, guides, and so on...
Easily accessible from numerous pages ; in a dedicated tab!
![[image loading]](http://info.gametube.fr/misc/sc2/blog1.jpg)