I am really surprised when SlayersAlicia chose the further gas yesterday during his match against oGsNada in GSL Code S. This is probably a huge mistake and very seldom seen in such high level gaming.
Photo below is not taken from the SlayersAlicia's match. Just an example.
You should give thoughts into which Vespene Geyser to be taken first on some maps. On maps like Metalopolis, taking either one of the Vespene Geyser first will produce different results. This is due to the travel distance between the Geyser/Gas to your main base. It doesn't matter if you are a Zerg, Protoss or Terran.
However, it is most advisable to pick the closer Vespene Geyser to your main base. The real difference is probably like 5-10% when building your Gas on the nearer one. But we should do whatever we can to boost our winning percentage. The next time you spawn on any maps, pick the nearer gas. Some maps may have no difference at all.
On the first screen shot above, if you spawn at the 6 o clock position, you should definitely take the vespene gas on the top. If you spawn on the 9 o clock position on Metalopolis, take the bottom gas first. If you are having a doubt about this, you can try to observe for yourself by building two gases on Metalopolis and send 3 workers into each gas. Observe for a while and you will notice the difference.
EDIT: Just did some testing on Metalopolis. 1 minute in game time Closer gas: 112 gas Further gas: 104 gas Difference of 7.7%
The gas he took in that pic looks closer to the OC than the gas not taken to me.. o.o
On April 22 2011 16:57 Kevincible wrote: The gas he took in that pic looks closer to the OC than the gas not taken to me.. o.o
That's because it is. OP was referring to Slayers_Alicia, the Protoss player. The picture is just to show there is a difference in distance between the two gasses, and not related to the GSL game being referred to.
On April 22 2011 16:48 covetousrat wrote: I am really surprised when SlayersAlicia chose the further gas yesterday during his match against oGsNada in GSL Code S. This is probably a huge mistake and very seldom seen in such high level gaming.
I completely agree, seeing that a player of his calibre makes this mistake - or even worse, maybe doesn't even know about this - came as a shock to me.
Nevertheless, for a good OP you should've taken the effort of analysing each map especially if you try to advertise your page.
Great! I am just starting to pay attention to little things like this. I am also changing my TvT build a bit, so my gas timing has been off. So, I am working on that. Mainly, now what I do differently is I use a lot of infantry with tanks only as supporting units. This means that at my first push, I only need two tanks at about 7:30 ish.
I want a huge marine maruader force and two tanks with siege completing on the way to the opp's base. I do a 7:30 mass MM and two tank push with a proxy rax for spotting the high ground. In watching my replay, I am noticing that i have wayyyyy too much excess gas. I think I need to move my 2nd geyser timing quite a bit back, since what I am lacking is minerals--even with constant mule drops.
Right now, my gas piles up. So, I am thinking of moving my 2nd geyser timing to some time after factory has started. I am going to try half way finished factory, or 3/4 way finished factory. The things I use gas for are: tanks, siege mode, mauraders and concussive (for anti-hellion). I don't get stim or combat shield, yet. At that early stage of the game, I want mass units. Besides, I don't really want to stim if I don't have medivacs.
As I push out, I will fly a proxy rax to scout and spot the high ground. I siege up at a good place and start to blow. I even land the rax in the opp's base and produce marines while I am spotting. The siege tank from low ground keeps the rax safe. It has been a fun way to play terran, as it does not turn into a long tank battle.
As the battle gets under way, my starport is being thrown down.
So, as you can see, from my description, I don't really need that much gas early on. I think I can wait quite a bit b4 second geyer. I need the minerals to produce the infantry and to produce the proxy rax that I use for spoting/scouting. The reason I use proxy rax instead of a scan is that it is cheaper to use a rax. Also, rax last longer than a scan. I land that rax in his base and I tell him "Hey, there is a base in your base." And, with tanks covering my rax, I proceed to make marines right there--very bold :-). I feel that I am using all the best features of terran when I do things like this because terran buildings can fly, while tanks have insane range w/ vision advantage. :-).
My tvt has vastly improved since I start to use tanks once again. It just seems that tanks are soo good that, even if you hate them (I do hate them), you still need to get them. I believe that tnaks are a more optimal way to play than either the iechoic build or the MKP mass rine 1rax FE build.
Just had some testing and there is a bit of a difference, probably 1-2 probe gas mining. Around 7.7% difference.
@Longtang good to hear your fixing your TvT build.
While the gas geyser he took, or rather, some gas geysers, are less efficient than others, there are other things to take into consideration (although not in that match-up for what I'm going to say). The main for me being that as any race, playing against a zerg, some gas geysers are much harder to get to than others with a scouting overlord, and therefore it is harder to attain the time at which your opponent, or you (depending on point of view) put down their second gas, which is usually a decent tell regarding what build they are going.
Taking that into consideration i usually opt, when playing against Zerg, but also other races out of habit, the one which is easier to scout with an overlord as my first gas.
However, I never have actually taken into account that 7.7% decrease in efficiency when doing this, so food for thought for me. Either way though, im a lowly diamond player, so these things don't worry me as much as perhaps players in the GSL or other top leagues.
Or i could just be completely wrong.