Server: US Server TL ID: PyroChild B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: PyroChild.864 Rating: 146 League: Gold Rank: 34 Race: Random Other: Was plat in phase one after switch to bronze-diamond. Placed Bronze in Phase 2, recently promoted to gold. Still settling into a rank. Strong Protoss, Strong terran, weak-average zerg. Looking to improve multitasking and game understanding. PM me on TL or add me as friend to work out play time.
Server: US (this includes Canada) TL ID: Zechs1134 B.Net ID: IDENTIFIER: Zechs.222 Rating: 167 League: Platinum Rank: 14 Race: Zerg Other: Im on almost every night between 9 to the wee hours of the morning EST. Want a practice partners to help with all races especially Protoss and Zerg. Terran of course also. Would be nice if we could speak through skype to talk over games and strategys.
Server: EU Server TL ID: Day000 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Day.670 Rating: League: Gold Rank: 55 Race: Zerg Other: I'm a Zerg only player. I want to improve my ZvT and ZvP. ZvZ is not that important to me ( because of the early baneling game). For the moment I'm not ranked yet but in phase one I improved from Bronze to Gold. Looking forward to some good training and meet interesting players. I'm most of the time online between 7pm and 11pm (GMT +1) at the weekends it diverse.
Server: EU TL ID: GoDannY B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DannY.409 Rating: League: Platinum Rank: 12 Race: Protoss Other: Looking for all MU. I'm mostly active after work or at the weekend, TS/Skype welcome!
Server: EU Server TL ID: jdobrev B.Net ID: Angie.915 Rating: 316 League: Diamond Rank: 28 Race: Terran Other: mass games, just 1v1s. skype is a plus. write to me, I'd love to play anybody with similar skill level.
Server: US TL ID: theorybiscuit B.Net ID.Identifier: theory.857 Rating: 255 League: Gold Rank: 16 Race: Terran Other: Was mid-platinum in Phase 1, and now I'm awful waffles. I've been moving up steadily, just got promoted bronze -> gold, but I'm still making lots of errors. On a few nights a week.
United States17 Posts
Server: US server TL ID:Lolpuma B.Net ID.Identifier: Lolpuma.710 Rating:N/A League: Silver Rank:12 Race: Zerg Other: I am looking for any race to practice with, also want to mess around with build orders if you are up to it. I am on all A lot trying to improve my game. Mostly need practice vs. Terran mech and early game zvp. Hope to see you on
Server: US Server TL ID: Logican B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Veritoss.326 Rating: League: Gold Rank: 3 Race: Protoss Other: Used to be Diamond/ Platinum, 4-1 in placement so now in gold. good mannered and helpful players welcome to add me ! Let's improve together!
Server: EU Server TL ID: Geval B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Gapa.149 Rating: League: Platinum Rank: ~10 Race: Random Other: add me if you need a practice partner
Server: US Server TL ID: Logo B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Logo.782 Rating: 200 League: Diamond Rank: 30 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for people to just refine strategies with and offer good practice. I really wanna be able to just play again and again running the same strat in the same match-up. ZvZ, ZvP, ZvT it doesn't matter.
Server: US Server TL ID: Biochemist B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Salient.419 Rating: 83 (Have hardly played) League: Gold Rank: 65 (again, I have almost no games played) Race: Terran Other: I don't know any builds. I seem to be somewhere between gold and plat skill levels on account of my macro alone since nobody outside of diamond knows how to build an capitalize on an advantage. I don't really even know what units counter what. Looking for someone fairly experienced to play with so I can learn the basics of each matchup one at a time instead of playing gold players in random automatic matches trying to learn all three matchups at once.
Server: US Server TL ID: asteroid1 B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Asteroid.360 Rating: 246 League: Gold Rank: 8 Race: Protoss Other: Looking to practice versus any race. I can play evenings and weekends Eastern time. I have a mic if you wanna discuss games/strategies.
Server: US TL ID: Kaltra B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Kaltra.556 Rating: League: Sliver Rating: Race: Terran Other: I play mostly Terran and abit of Protoss and rarely Zerg. I need to improve and learn new stratergies.
Server: EU Server TL ID: sTimPi B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: sTimPi.204 Rating: 300 League: Diamond Rank: 18 Race: Zerg Other: Need a practice partner who is willing to play many custom games in order to refine our skills. Race doesnt matter.
Server: US TL ID: kingwillah B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Rex.540 Rating: N/A League: Silver Rank: 23 Race: Zerg Other: Looking for anyone to practice (better or worse), review replays, etc. Exclusively playing zerg as of now. Available weekdays and weekends 3pm-12am but I won't be on battle.net for nearly that long. Prefer to exchange email/IM/Skype/Vent in order to communicate and play games rather than battle.net.
Server: US Server (this includes Canada) TL ID: Celious B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: CeliOus.865 Rating: 250 League: Diamond Rank: 21 Race: Terran Other: looking for any race to practice with. im quite active.
Server: US Server TL ID: hp.Methos B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Methos.912 League: Bronze Rank: 3 Race: Terran Other: PM me for cell phone number. That's my primary contact method. I also chill in the TL Ventrilo server as "Methos" so if you have a mic, get on and talk to me. I usually do 1v1s.
Server: US (this includes Canada) TL ID: QQMeARiver B.Net ID: IDENTIFIER: QQMeARiver.926 Rating: 185 League: Diamond Rank: 15 Race: Protoss
Server: EU TL ID: gris.pl B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: gris.286 Rating: 266 League: Bronze Rank: 9 Race: Protoss Other: Just improving my skills, GMT+1 time but more often late night.
Server: US Server (currently based in the philippines, no lag though) TL ID: pyro.cebu B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: PYRO.750 Rating: 236 League: Diamond Rank: 10 Race: Protoss Other: Mature thinking gamers for some practice or theorycraft. Maybe looking to form a Pro team with me as manager or coach. (I can get sponsors) I'll play with anyone but only the cream of the crop need apply for possible team.