On October 27 2012 23:55 Dandel Ion wrote: New TT is better than old TT. Comparatively.
It's still a bad gamemode. It's a bad mix of SR and dominion now, in mapdesign and also how it plays out. (SR lanes + jungle combined with dom bruiser-centric meta and the shrines+speedbuff)
Both SR and dom are more fun to play. GG, TT. No re.
I think it's an interesting balance. I've enjoyed it a fair amount since its been released. Personally I found it much easier to find 3 close friends to play with than 5, allowing me to enjoy trying to work as a team.
The map itself isnt nearly as bad as it used to be in terms of narrowing champion selection. Its quite possible to play any number of AD or AP "carries" and have a strong team. Its still important to have a bruiser or some heavy CC to protect said carry, but thats not in any way different to SR, its just that the number of players is less.
I feel that the wards situation is interesting, and is beneficial to the map. It promotes active map movement and active following of enemy movement so that you have a feel for where people are, so that you dont get ganked. It creates situations where ganking is viable, because you know that they cannot have vision in certain areas. But it also creates interesting counter play, because you also know that there wont be wards in any bushes, making counter ganks more viable, and the whole dynamic interesting. If wards were active, it would be pretty silly, as one ward on the speed shrine would completely shut out the majority of paths on the map.
I think they've done a reasonable job with objectives and death timers. The shrine objectives, whilst not "great" early game in terms of raw AD/AP buff, denying the enemy gold is certainly worthwhile, and I will take the free AD/AP that comes with it. Having a small objective to compete over creates a dynamic situation, where sitting back and farming isnt ideal. It also encourages a jungler to keep control of your shrine, and to farm out those jungle minions to maximise team gold. Also, the objectives serve a pretty fantastic purpose late game whereby they can help you seal a win. If you're team is doing well, you clearly have control of that area of the map. In the previous verison of TT, you could get some pretty massive turtles, and that wasn't a good thing. They're addressed that in a number of ways, but the shrines certainly help significantly in that regard.
As for the spider lady, shes pretty cool to fight, and I feel that its good that she isnt a pushover like the previous dragon was. You want it to be an objective, like baron, that you posture for, and that is worthwhile, not just something you can kill for free to add more team gold after you make a kill. Whilst its completely possible for your team to do that, shes powerful enough that you have to be careful in that situation still, and thats a good thing imo.
I feel that theres a few issues that may need to be addressed, currently Teemo is pretty ridicilous because of the narrow paths, and the fact that his shrooms are pretty effective on them - but also provide massive vision in a situation where its very hard to get vision (no wards). Also, his movement speed makes it pretty tricky to deal with, given that the map favours high movement over mobility. Hes also pretty good at dealing with a bunch of the bruisers that are fairly common - overall a pretty strong, and maybe imb pick
Also, theres the issue of true dmg to monsters from certain champions. Cho'gath and Nunu provide some pretty massive true dmg against minions, which is balanced around SR monster health, which is in turn based around the dmg of 5 players. In TT, Vilemaw has a health pool such that consume + feast + smite is a pretty massive portion of her health when she first spawns. Given that Cho and Nunu are very strong on TT for other reasons, they are also on my current list of imb, except probably less known and understood than teemo's clear power.
Theres still some issues with those tanks which become pretty unkillable late game (Skarner/Mundo/Cho anyone?) but I honestly think that its more to do with picking a reasonable team comp that can kill such a team, rather than bruisers still being as powerful as they once were.
In general, heros with high movement (Jayce, wow that guy) are pretty fantastic on TT. Still think an amazing team would be Nunu/Cho + Vayne or Jayce depending on what you were going for/against.
TL:DR New TT is fun with friends, and more balanced than most seem to think
On October 27 2012 20:15 qtiehunter wrote: I know that Atma's impaler pretty much disappeared because it stopped being useful after the heavy nerfs but today I was trying to figure out if there's any champion/situation where you'd still want to build Atmas. I'm really curious about it. Any ideas? Or is it just a dead dead item?
i get it pretty often on top-lane shyvana because she naturally builds SO MUCH health and the armor is so good for top lane. and with a three-for-one auto attack you have a good chance to score a crit.
i also get it on hecarim sometimes in top lane as well. just feels right
Technically Atma's after the nerf was still "cost effective", the problem was that pre-nerf it was cost effective and slot effective, that's why it was so fucking dominant before. It's still good in certain situations, but considering how aggressive lanes have been, and how much shorter laning phase has become, it's pretty hard to farm up a atmogs up as fast as you use to.
On October 27 2012 14:01 nanospartan wrote: Random question here from a sub 30's noob, what does peeling mean?
Its when you get the enemy champions off your ADC. For example if I'm playing Alistar, I'll headbutt people away from my ADC to protect her from being killed or hurt.
Bias! :o
Also that Doomy AMA was ridiculously fun to read. I dunno if it's a troll or a guenine non-English speaker but that was hilarious.
Man so disappointed, saw LoCicero in the stream list, got really excited I thought the most chill LoL stream was back, tuned in and was awash in dissappointment. Really wish Loco would get his own stream, feels bad getting tricked like that...COME BACK TO US LOCICERO!
On October 28 2012 03:14 Jamesein wrote: Man so disappointed, saw LoCicero in the stream list, got really excited I thought the most chill LoL stream was back, tuned in and was awash in dissappointment. Really wish Loco would get his own stream, feels bad getting tricked like that...COME BACK TO US LOCICERO!
This... would love to see Loci stream again sometimes, so sad there wasn't even some old VODs around
i don't like the terrain on new tt. It seems like they did the same thing they did on dominion where they (i assume) wanted to devalue flash/blinks so they so made all the areas really open with thick walls. In other words positioning consists strictly of the order you move your party members in.
On October 27 2012 22:08 Celial wrote: Btw I read that SV is no longer shot caller for Crs, Elementz is... true?
I'm not sure how this will work out. I can sort of see why, as I think Saint has a poor mindset for a captain--but I don't think he has a good one for a follower either.
On October 27 2012 22:08 Celial wrote: Btw I read that SV is no longer shot caller for Crs, Elementz is... true?
I'm not sure how this will work out. I can sort of see why, as I think Saint has a poor mindset for a captain--but I don't think he has a good one for a follower either.
Tbh I always thought saint was in charge out of necessity that no one else on the team would be able to properly order saint around.
On October 27 2012 22:08 Celial wrote: Btw I read that SV is no longer shot caller for Crs, Elementz is... true?
I'm not sure how this will work out. I can sort of see why, as I think Saint has a poor mindset for a captain--but I don't think he has a good one for a follower either.
Trying to copy TPA's style, of support is shot caller? Saint V should be shot caller for midgame, and maybe hand it off to Elementz in lategame. Jungle based midgame plays are really strong, so it would make sense to have st.v be midgame shot caller, and nyjacky is pretty responsive to plays made outside of midlane. I just feel that in their scrims that saint v has made some pretty bad calls in lategame.