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Shinhan Bank Proleague 08-09 Round 1 Week 5
Air Force ACE vs eSTRO
Game 1: DaezanG < Chupung-Ryeong > by.funny
Game 2: OversKy < Medusa > SangHo
Game 3: BoxeR < Neo Requiem > maGma
Game 4: fOru < Destination > Tester
Closer: < Colosseum II >
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DaezanG > by.funny
Both of these players have terrible records, not unlike the rest of the lineups for both sides. Daezang showed some decent play by beating Snow in the GSL, that wasn't PL and Snow isn't a terran. I like Daezang, but I can't ignore the fact that he has lost to the last 10 terrans he has played against. On the other hand, by.funny has lost most of his games as well. However, all the games he did lose were to monsters like forGG, Kal, Luxury, Leta, and BeSt. The only reason I'm giving this to DaezanG is that even he should be able to pull of a successful proxy on Chupung-Ryeong.
OversKy < SangHo
Oh man, what has happened here? SangHo is playing well? He is on a 4 game winning streak against zerg which includes the Tyrant himself, Jaedong; he is also on a 4 game streak against all races. He overcame his bane: terrans, breaking an 11 loss streak. Oversky is a good player, possibly the best on Ace(we have yet to see how the new recruits do), even including Boxer. He has been winning consistently since forever in all matchups. Medusa is thus far 6-6 in ZvP, but I'm going to say right here that is balanced towards protoss in this matchup. Most of zerg's wins have been good players stomping all over poor ones. July got his huge streak against protoss broken here with a loss to Bisu and a loss to Much. When two more evenly matched protoss and zerg come together on Medusa, it has been more often the protoss coming out on top. Zerg's 3rd gas is just too hard to defend, while protoss gets the advantage of the easily defended mineral only. I'm giving this one to SangHo.
BoxeR > maGma
If Boxer loses this, I will cry. Magma hasn't beat a terran since 2007 and has a record of 2-14 in his last 16 games. Besides that, Neo Requiem has been showing a lot of shuttle/dropship play(see Upmagic vs Soo), which is Boxer's trademark. I think Boxer will be able to use his skill with dropships to overcome the Z>T imbalance that Requiem has shown us thus far.
fOru < Tester
These two players are...terrible. Ok? Neither of them have won a PvP in forever, but I'll give this to Tester since has been winning a few games lately, including a PL against Flash.
Ace: Probably either Daezang or Oversky versus sea.Really.
If Ace plays a protoss on Harmony, they will lose. I can't believe they have been playing fOru and DZ here. Sea.Really is a pretty good player and should be able to win on a T>P map. If Oversky is played though, I think Ace can take this. So my predictions are these:
OversKy > Sea.Really OR
DaezanG < Sea.Really
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These are the two teams at the very bottom of the bucket, with ACE yet to pull out even one win. They have in fact only brought one game to ace, can they possibly take their first win off eSTRO today?
How to watch:
-Daum Sports(low quality)Direct Link
-Daum Media player, Guide
-Yaoyuan, Guide
-Possibly the VLC stream from Corinthos