Very heart-felt interview. Every CJ player that passes away is a sad thing for me, but to see a man undergo such important life realizations and to hear his reflections teaches all of us a little something too.
Will always remember Oversky wearing the CJ uniform as well as his very manly ACE salutes.
United States3824 Posts
gg Oversky. Though I only knew of you on ACE you are still a mad baller
Reading this makes me wonder what it would be like if Boxer retired. All the oldies are dissapearing ;/
Reading this interview makes me realize what a great guy Oversky is. I always thought he was an awesome player, now I hope he does well in the next part of his life. Judging by his own self-reflections he should do fine!
Aw jeeze, Oversky... I'll miss your 3 hatch ling play. Enjoy the freedom.
On November 03 2009 16:41 heyoka wrote: I'm not totally positive but I am pretty sure he is the only player in ACE's history to maintain a winrate above 50% for a season (16-15 for 08-09)
Thanks for the translation!
On November 04 2009 00:17 Sunyveil wrote: How many wins did Oversky have while in ACE?
I don't think anybody's going to be able to match it (althrough ruby's off to a good start) According to my count, Oversky went 31-37 in ACE, with a 1-3 record in ace matches. Boxer is 2nd at 22-35, and Anytime is 21-30. I only counted Proleague matches, and haven't updated since the end of the last Proleague season.
Oversky was a pretty good player considering he was in ACE and all. Nice interview.
gunna miss him. loved watching his games.
awesome interview!
Loved Oversky when he was in ACE...definitely their most dependable player at the time. Best of luck to him and hopefully we'll see him commentating some OGN. :D
Ah, I always liked OversKy, sad to see him go.
Managing to play well in ACE is tough, so good luck to him in the future.
Nice interview best of luck oversky!!
I was looking forward to him being a coach for a team with a struggling zerg line. I hope he enjoys his retirement, he deserves it.
Oversky is nearly a legendary name to me, even if his accomplishments aren't. I can't even explain why. GL to him.
One of my personal all time favorites, too bad to see him go!
10387 Posts
Haha, that's why CJ was looking into buying Bisu, they needed to continue the line of handsome progamers :L roflmao
The start of the interview, I was pretty saddened. OversKy left for ACE at arguably the high point in his career (he had made the Round of 8 in MSL, etc etc.) and had a great run for an ACE player. But he's moving on to great things in his life, he'll do fine.