I'm sad that last game's cheese didn't work out, so I decide to copy my friend's 8rax (which he stole from upmagic)
Liftoff is awesome
Luckily for me, he decides to open with a 12hatch
gogo 8rax power~
And (from the rep), I just noticed this:
Can he see me? o_Oa
This ovie is actually quite annoying for the rest of the game
He can't see me :D
Yep, pretty annoying
He can see me D:
But he doesn't pull enough drones in time to kill the marines, so he tries to put up a creep
I manage to kill the creep and finish the bunker before the lings hatch
I love it when sunkens pop
He ignores my bunker for a bit...
Die hatch die!
...while his lings circle around back
Wait... crap...
I'm scared of a counter, but luckily for me he does this
At this point I have <1 marine in my base. Yep.
Anyways, the bunker goes down, but I manage to get quite a few drone kills
All 3 scvs were already sniped
I come out of this slightly ahead:
Is that gas I see?
He takes a ling and checks the ramp, so I grab a nearby scv and attempt to block. A bit later his zergling-blob runs into my base
Anorexia is not good for your health. Stupid lings
He scouts my wraith-cheese and tries to kill the port (instead of my scvs)
His zerglings are incompetent too
Just now, though, my vulture pop out
After sniping the lings, he heads straight down to kill some drones
Annoying ovie :[
But when he reaches the nat, he sees a total of 0 drones
I was slightly confused here
He tries to head straight up the ramp, but gets denied
Droner block!
He picks off one drone before two lings arrive
Zerglings don't counter vultures very well...
...but apparently drones do
Poor vulture
Back at my base, another vulture is finishing up...
I have no idea why I attached the machine shop before making the second one; I didn't tech any vulture-techs
...along with a wraith
Notice the science facility
My barracks resumes production of marines and I lay down another one a couple of seconds later
I have no idea why I addon'd the port early either, I only made 1 wraith and I never got cloak or anything
My second vulture heads straight down...
Ovie again
...where he dies with a total of 0 kills
The wraith's =( says it all
My wraith, however, meets no anti-air for quite a while...
That's 4 drone kills and 1 ovie kill. Revenge for the vulture~
...but eventually he is forced to leave
Good thing I didn't go hardcore wraiths, eh?
I also forgot to change my rally when I made my science vessel
Hi thar droner~ Dunno what he was doing there (the drone I mean)
Back at my base, I lay down an academy...
Whoopsies ^^"
...which is canceled as soon as my comsat finishes (now there's a line you don't see everyday, eh?)
The bunkers were because I was scared of mutas. Kinda stupid of me, really, since I had a wraith-scout out...
At this point, though, I've massed up a decent-sized army
Fear the terran ball!
I also notice a drone heading around the back of my base
Oh no you don't
Once I reach his base, I abuse my irridiate and seige up in his base
My tank is slow >_>
Once again, he sets up for a flank
Uh oh
But I have enough marines to hold it off easily
He tries one more time, this time pulling drones to help. Since my army is mostly dead, I decide to irridiate my vessels while they sit on top of my marines. Pure genius, I know.
Pro irridiating skeelz
But vessels are good for killing drones as well
I love doing this
Thanks to my awe-inspiring macro, I have a massive force built up and heading in
Fear my uber-macro
I decide to expand because of my large mineral surplus
Liftoff <3
He manages to clean up my forces at his base with a couple of hydra-lurkers
Should've used my pro irridiating skeelz
But reinforcements are on the way!
Lings go pop when they die
Yeah, fear my marine-spread
Marines go pop too
He comes in for a 1-lurker counter
Which manages to scare off all my scvs
Does anyone know which match it was that NaDa (I think it was NaDa...) pulled scvs to kill lurkers? That was smexy
His lings come in shortly thereafter, but my blob manages to clean up his assault
He ALMOST sniped the tank here
My tanks have less range than normal ones, I swear
He sniped the tank here :[
After the lurker is cleaned up, my scvs head back to mine
In case you haven't noticed, I forgot to lift my cc closer to the minerals x_x
My wraith notices a drone sitting at the zerg's 3rd
This wraith paid for itself many, many times over
And once again, he brings lurkers back to counter
Fine, they were almost-lurkers
But they get sniped as they morph
And once again I head towards his nat
Boxer-esque marine micro
I send my wraith to patrol his possible expo-spots
He never managed to snipe the annoying scouting ovie
At this point I can trade my vessels for scourge and come out ahead
Okay, maybe that was an excuse for sloppy micro
There isn't much he can do as I seige up in his nat, though, and he taps out
This blob finished off the bunker's job
GG! Tied at 1-1 (you could cheat and look at the results, but that would make you a cheater D:< )
BTW, I have quite a bit of homework to catch up on by Monday (I was lazy x_x), so part 3 might be kinda lame