I am currently 21 and intern in Korea. I also work as a part-time english tutor and spend special time with my family. After staying in NYC for 2 years straight it is so good to see my mom, dad and my dog whos been with me since 3rd grade. I've been here for a good 7 months now. Unfortunately during those 7 months I was working so I barely had any free time. I still have to watch SC vods around 1-3 am KST just so I can catch up. Because of this stressing environment I have been on the edge for a while. But being with my parents was good enough for me, so I just held everything back down. Besides, I have this weird conscience that tells me everyday "DUDE SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD THERE IS SOMEONE WHO IS HAVING A SHITTIER DAY, SUCK IT UP MOTHERFUCKER." Life was okay (sorta)
Until she came.
My sister and I got along really well when we were young and throughout middleschool. But then when highschool hit, she was different. At first I thought I was being picky. "Hey man its just a phase" so I just let it off. It was around... sophmore year for her when she started screaming at my mother whenever she wanted to talk back. I was very annoyed with this because, well I love my goddamn mom. I also hated fighting, oral or physical. I wasn't much of a fighter, more of a pacifist. When the fighting grew longer and bigger in scale I just hid it away and told myself "this is just a phase, getting in between this will not be a smart idea." So I just didn't say anything. I tried saying something to her once but since I didn't have any fighting experience I was obviously shut down in an instant. So ever since that day I just said "hey maybe Im not good at this, nobody is perfect." Fuck what kind of retard was I lol? I kept quiet and decided not to say get in between stuff until one day after a fight, I saw my mom crying in her closet. I was shocked. At that point of my life I have never seen my mom cry in agony. I didn't know what to do. I tried to comfort her but she just said its okay and told me to go up my room. I walked up slowly. I was confused. Didn't I do the right thing? Wasn't this the solution to every fight? I sat on my chair and kept think what went wrong. The fight wasn't even large scaled, hell she didn't even swear this time. So I just decided maybe I was overthinking it and got ready for bed. My sister then enters into my room and says
"Thanks for helping me lil bro"
It took me 10 seconds after I heard that to realize that the fight wasn't the thing that changed, but it was me. It was because of me that my mom cried. I could've just said "hey stop" and this wouldn't of even happened. I was so ashamed of myself at that point. That night I couldn't sleep. It was the same feeling I had when my dad told me "santa can't wait in line for 6 hours to buy mario can he?" but alot worse. I needed to learn how to fight back. But I couldn't... Why? Because I hated talking when I was in Highschool. All my friends were elementary school friends so they knew that I only talk when I feel like it. I cried myself to sleep that night (yeah call me a pussy) and I told myself "one day I will make her beg for my mother's apology"
Big white lies
One of my korean friends I knew since I was in elementary school (went to korean school too, then came to us so don't get confused) came to boston and said lets meet up. It was almost end of my junior year and I got into a good art school so I was satisfied. However, I didn't have a car that day. Boston was 2 hours away so I needed a car. My sister said she would drive me there since she is also meeting friends there. Hey, win win situation good enough for me. As my friends and I met my sister gave us a call and said to join her friends at a Korean bar (which doesn't check id btw). So we all meet and I met her friends too. It was all good, until this moment. One of her friends asked me "So where did you get accepted?" Right as I was about to say [School Name Withheld]she cuts me off and says "MY BROTHER GOT INTO OXFORD"
Okay, seriously wtf. I don't even know if you can get a FA Bachelor Degree in Oxford, let alone don't know how the fuck england works.
Everyone was like "WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAA" and I was like "?????????" What the fuck was this? And then they ask me if I am going to go to Oxford and then she cuts me off again and says "no my dad doesn't want him to be too far away." Okay if I actually did get into oxford I would've gone regardless and my parents (being asian) would support me 100%. I was shocked. I thought to myself wtf is this. Sure I did get some respect but seriously this is fucking retarded. I don't want to lie my ass about College, I already lied my ass off at elementary school and got punished like a motherfucker for it and trust me, Asian discipline >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> euro/america discipline. I glared at her for a second but she didn't even care she was gulping down soju like it was water. When we got outside I told her "wtf was that? that was such a retarded lie" and then she replied "You will thank me for that, now people will respect both of us." OH I see what this is. Ever since this moment, I lost all respect for my sister. I wished this was the only white lie she would do, but after a while she kept making more white lies. Oh funny incident. Last year November I met my sister's friend in NYC and suddenly he tells me "SO I HEARD YOU'RE GOING TO TRANSFER TO CORNELL SO YOU CAN BE WITH YOUR SISTER?" God damn. If by writing a transfer transcript you mean Farming Epic Flyer gold, yes Im halfway done.
I was out of my house. I was a free man who will be going to school at the dream city of NYC. Oh boy, what a dream come true it was. Honestly, NYC is not a bad city. Sure besides the weekends its a pretty shady city but boy was it an experience. I lived in a small ass studio at 100 on broadway and the station was 3 blocks away so it was cool. I also worked as a dishwasher in a local pure japanese sushi shop. It had the best and cheapest sushi ever. Sad thing was the New York people preferred the Chinese owned Sushi bars more than the japanese ones so i didn't really wash anything... After living in NYC working and going to school I found out it was really hard to balance everything. This was just the tip of the iceberg yet reality was so cruel. Fortunately, I got alot manlier. I learned how to fend for myself. After being mugged the first time I tried to toughen up so I wouldn't cry like a pussy in my room. Living alone also changed my thinking. I was alot stingier and aggressive than before. Now when I see or hear something I don't like, and it isn't some RL troll I tell them 'fuck you' which btw feels awesome. But nothing lasts forever. After a full year of doing that my body started to wither away and I got exhausted. I couldn't take it anymore. I took a break from school, told them 'my country conscripted me' (btw if your korean friend is a US citizen and he stays away from your school for about 2 years, yeah he lied his ass using this excuss lol). Alot of other things happened too, but that isn't important so I got my ass to korea around May.
When I arrived to Korea, I was relieved I saw my parents. I apologized to them but they said as long as I was healthy they didn't care. But then during the car ride home my mom and dad starts talking about how they were worried about my sister. Apparently she was spending so much money it was ridiculous. See if this was the old me, I would've been worried but I was getting annoyed. I who the hell does she think she is to spend X (not gonna say the amount, but its absolutely ludicrous) much money every month excluding rent? I cooled myself down and tried not to jump the gun. I told myself I was going to talk to her when I see her later on. She arrived around June. She brought her literally retarded dog with her too. I fucking hate that dog. He fucking shits everywhere and she makes me clean it because Im taking a break therefore it is my house (WTF). But I have to clean it, or else my mom will have to and shes too old for stupid shit like that. So everything was going swell and I thought to myself "YEP THIS IS WHAT A NORMAL FAMILY IS SUPPOSE TO BE." Then the first enounter came. It was sunday I believe and I was still in bed. I was waken by some annoying high pitched noise. I was going to ignore it but I had to take a piss so I opened the door. And I see my sister screaming at my mom again. It was 6:30 fucking am. Apparently bunch of her other korean college friends all have jetlag so they are going to drink some soju at the Han Kang River. My mother kept telling her "you arrived today, can't you just wait until tomorrow?" and my sister kept yelling stupid shit like "YOU WOUND'T UNDERSTANDD." There are 3 things I absolutely hate in the whole entire world; 1) Screaming Bitches, 2) Being woken at a free day and 3) Fanboys. I told her to go to sleep and stop being retarded, then she glared at me and told me to "go to sleep you sack of failure, might've well drop out of your shitty school while you're at it." I don't remember what happened, but all I know is that I pimp slapped my sister and her nose was broken. Oh man. She screamed she will sue me for a whole 10 minutes and threatened to take 20 advil pills and suicide LOLOLOLOL. My mother begged me to apologize. So I did, and then she slapped my face. Hey whatever, no pain no gain. Ever since this first encounter my sister and I didn't talk alot, and I was fucking happy about it.
So if you actually read down all the way here, you've learned my elder sister is extremely immature for her age and screams alot. So why did I drag you down all the way here? Well today, was the 2nd encounter. Ever since that day, I decided being physical wasn't the brightest idea. Who knew asian women were so fragile? Anyways, today my sister left the house at 10am and came home at 2:30am. I have the flu you see which leads to head splitting migraines and an unstoppable coughing spree. My mom and dad were worried as fuck. Korea isn't the safest place for a drunk ass girl to be going home after midnight. Actually that applies to almost every city... Anyways my mom was really worried and my sister told her to fuck off. To make it weirder, she was with my HS friend (WTF?). My head was splitting and she was fucking annoying me again. So when my mom and dad took the car and went out looking for her, she comes in all tipsy.
That smug on her face, I wanted it to disappear.
I was watching TV as it is the only thing that will let me forget about my migraines. She walks in and says "gimme ur dog." I tell her to take her to go away and sleep since she is drunk. She laughs and says she isn't drunk and tells me to give her the dog. I say no and even my dog bites the bitch (fuck yeahh). I tell her to play with her dog and she says "Its not my dog anymore, taking care of dogs are too hard so I am leaving him here with you. Besides you're not gonna do anything unlike me who is preparing for law school." I wanted to pimp slap her again so bad. I just couldn't because I knew it wasn't worth it. But because of my migraines I couldn't talk properly. I was stuttering which made her laugh and call me a retard. If I slap her now she would win and I don't want to fucking lose. I am sick and tired of losing. I didn't know what to say and she kept looking at me with a pity face and a grin. I had to say something, so I just said the first thing that came up to my mind
"You Whore"
She laughed and said "IS THAT THE BEST YOU HAVE? You must've learned nothing from your school, you should just drop out and save mom and dad's money" she started laughing and slowly walked to the door. No... I need to show her I'm not some little bitch. So as a final desperation comeback I said, "So I heard you spent $X000 dollars a month excluding rent for a while. Whats wrong? Did your friends start to realize how shitty of a person you were? $X000, what is that like X louis vuitton bags? Isn't it too early to buy friends back?" Right as I finished that she bitch slapped me. She smirked and said "hah wait until mom and dad hears about this." Damn right, I did nothing wrong besides you broke the rule anyways. Fuck yeah its going to be a swell day
Then the unexpected happens.
She grins at me then when the call to my father gets through, she starts crying. Oh god. She starts sobbing and weeping and says "YOUR SON CALLED ME A WHORE, ARE YOU GOING TO LET HIM DO THAT?" I have never been so shocked. I couldn't show her I was shocked so I kept, laughing and said stuff like "haha are you serious?" to cover my shock. Then the phonecall comes to me. Man my mom was screaming at me and I told her everything was a lie but the damage has been done. In korea, we call this the "The Water Ghost Tactic" as the Korean traditional water ghosts take other lives with them just because they want other souls to suffer the same way as they did. Goddamn, thats some gay shit isn't it?
So today ended as a shitty day. Fortunately my parents believed me and took away her credit card, money, car keys and everything. They told me to apologize to her, and I did but she said she doesn't want to apologize to me because I am "scary" and I have a 2face thing going on. Its 4:40am right now and I have no fucking idea why Im writing this shit. This might be branded as a fail drama thread or something, but please, just read it as a shitty halo fan fiction.
But man, I have never been so scared of my sister until today.