When I made the switch from XP to linux one of the few things I missed was R1CH's great LiquidNotify. Unfortunately it's a windows only app, so I decided to try and write a similar program that will run on linux (and pretty much any other platform). so here it is...it's called TLCal because I'm terrible at coming up with names. It is not affiliated with TeamLiquid.net in any way. Here's a tarball tlcal119.tar.gz and a zip for you windows users tlcal119.zip These packages have identical content. It's written in python using Qt4, so you'll need both python and pyqt4 installed on your system. I'll give some quick install tips here, but please read through the README. Edit: Updated to version 1.19
TLCal is now hosted on launchpad...the project page can be found here https://launchpad.net/tlcal
Here's a screenshot:
and the new options menus:
and the new individual match selector screen:
Windows: Remember R1CH's Liquid Notify is probably more stable than this program, so it might be your best choice. If you want to try tlcal though, here you go.
This has only been tested under XP, but will probably work in vista too. Step 1 is to install python...which can be found here:
you probably want the windows installer binary version. Note that this program is written for Python 2.x, adapting it to Python 3 in the near future is very unlikely. Once you have python you can then install PyQt4, which can be found here:
You will want to install the windows binary package, which will install Qt for you at the same time. This is about a 20 MB download, you have been warned.
Once these are installed simply unzip the archive anywhere and run the tlcal.pyw file.
If you use Kubuntu 7.04 or newer you have everything you need. Hooray. If you don't you probably need to install the pyqt4 bindings, just search you favorite package manager for pyqt4. I think the package is called python-qt4 in ubuntu. OpenSUSE and Fedora also have the bindings available in their repositories. Check the README for info about enabling playing sounds in linux. Once that's done, just unpack the tarball somewhere, ie
tar -xvf tlcal.tar.gz
and run the tlcal.pyw script
python tlcal.pyw or just ./tlcal.pyw
There is also an install script for linux users...check the README for details.
Questions, comments, and polite criticisms are welcome. Also let me know if you run into any bugs. I have this running on my system all the time and find it useful, so if you miss Liquid Notify give it a try.
Thanks go to PoP for some help with the TL calendar, and especially R1CH for some advice and encouragement (and for writing LiquidNotify)
Cheers, Workshed
I don't have Linux and thus probably won't use your application, but a massive thanks to you for contributing to the community
Oops...I wasn't careful enough in checking if the calendar had been changed. The last minute time change for the STX vs SKT T1 match wasn't noticed. This bug has been fixed, I'll upload the fix and update the OP tomorrow. A stupid mistake by me, especially considering it's something R1CH warned me to be careful about long ago. Doh! Edit: OP is now updated with version 1.01 Edit #2: Oops, only fixed half or the problem, fixed in 1.02
Hmm...seems raw URLs in the calendar should be clickable...ie. Pony Express Audio event on the 12th. Wouldn't a UBB url tag be a better idea? Oh well...works now. Bring on the gopher:// links! I'll update the OP with the new version this weekend when I get around to it. (the vast TLCal user base breathes a collective sigh of relief ) Edit: Done - OP updated with version 1.03.
ps. GO JULY!!!!! Edit: W00T!!!!!
Another oops...my attempt to make naked URLs clickable tends to remove some whitespace. I just noticed. I've fixed that, and the fix will be included in the next update. Don't expect it for a few days though.
Updated to version 1.04. Made a bunch of changes. Most noticeably the dates on the calendar are colored, like the tl.net calendar, and there is an option for having two separate alerts before a match. Also fixed the bug that crept in with 1.03, and made a bunch of changes under the hood to make the program a bit more robust. This new version will reset the options menu when first run, so you'll have to set that up again. Stay tuned for more features in 1.05.
Updated to 1.05. Now alerts can be filtered by match type, and it's possible to choose a system beep, pop-up message, and/or playing a sound for each alert. A few little bugs have been fixed as well. Check out the OP for a pic of the new options menu. Right now Linux users need to have the Network Audio System installed to hear sound files (.au and .wav for Linux). Check the README for details. .wav files should work fine out of the box for windows users....aiff, .wav, and .au are allowed for Macs, but I think Macs can play many other formats. Without a Mac to test it on I won't hazard a guess. I'm running rather low on ideas for new features to add and for now any new updates will probably be bugfixes...I'm sure a few crept in with the new features.
Updated to 1.06 I lied before. New feature added...now it's possible to select matches individually for alerts. Check the OP for a pic. This knocks the last item off the list of things LiquidNotify can do and my proggie can't, at least that I know about. Liquid Notify does things quite differently though. Also fixed a couple little bugs. Enjoy.
Updated to 1.07. A bunch of changes, most of which are under the hood. The more obvious ones are as follows. Fixed a rare bug in the UBB parsing algorithm. Added a system tray notification to the alert options. Now there is an uninstall option for linux users to go with the install script...just run tlcal -u to get rid of it. Not much else visible from the user end. I have a few ideas for another update, but they might involve some work, so we'll see...
Updated to 1.08. Mostly just fixing the way the program displays foreigners. Earlier versions would show them differently depending on whether they were in the TSLD or not. Like in this pic:
In 1.08 it looks like this:
Much better . The broken flag image for Sziky is not my fault btw...TL.net is missing that flag for some reason. I'm guessing there are only flags for countries that have at least one player in the TSLD, but the flag link is still included in the raw calendar file, leading to the broken link. I guess there are no Hungarians in the database (Sweden has the same problem for ToT.Ace). The code for dealing with UBB tags has been optimized a bit and manually refreshing the calendar now also purges the local image cache, which will fix the broken flag icon if TL.net adds more flags.
edit: Updated to 1.09. Did some more work on this issue. TL.net vs gg.net show match uses url tags for the player names on the calendar, which I wasn't expecting. Now that is handled properly (I think).
Here's a pic...
Yay I don't have a before pic, but trust me, it was a bit ugly. Go TL.net, btw!
Updated to 1.10. Just a minor bug fix. The individual match picker was getting a little confused when two matches on the same day had identical titles. All fixed.
Updated to 1.11. More work on the UBB handling, and that module should actually be somewhat readable now. A few other little touch ups under the hood. This will probably be the last update for a while, unless the calendar pulls some crazy shit.
Updated to 1.12. So much for 1.11 being the last update for a while. The technique for getting the colors right for players outside of the tsld/tlpd has been completely redone, and is much more robust and easy to read (I think). Also refactored some code and there are some small bug fixes, such as cleaning up the line spacing a bit, resetting the date colors when there are no longer matches for that date on the calendar, and sending --verbose error messages to stderr instead of stdout.
Updated to 1.13. I'm hoping there won't be any more updates...but we'll see. The code for getting the player colors right has been rewritten again *sigh*...I think I'm happy with it now. Also added a --prefix option to the install script (check the README for details) and fixed a regression from the last version that made the order of options in the options menu come out a little funny. The README file has also finally been updated to represent the current state of the proggie (It was pretty out of date). Learned "".startswith() and "".endswith() can take a tuple, not just a string! How handy...wish I knew that long ago, not sure why I never noticed before...also ended up adding os.path.join() all over the place...also very useful. Various other little tweaks that had been sitting around were added as well. Enjoy.
edit: Updated to 1.14. Seems some ubb tags are case insensitive, and the calendar is using uppercase tags for the the first time I've seen...this should fix that.
2nd edit: Updated to 1.15. Various internal changes...mostly code cleanup. The only user visible change is a slight increase in the default calendar size, to look nicer on the Eee I got for x-mas. Eee 1000 + Ubuntu + KDE ==
Updated to 1.16. Introduced a nasty bug in one of the last updates which revealed a couple other potential ones. This should fix all that...apologies for any strange behavior when it came to alerting about matches in 1.15.
Updated to 1.17. Fixed some of the ubb handling code to deal with tsld map links properly and to handle relative URL's in the img tags properly. Any downloading is also spawned off in a separate thread so it doesn't block the rest of the program, which makes life much better if you are having internet troubles. Enjoy.
edit: Updated to 1.18. Added some HTML anchors so the calendar starts up on the next upcoming match, instead of just the date of it (I really like this, and don't understand why I never implemented before...it's a simple three line fix). The ubb parsing got some nice (and easy) speedups...runs in almost half the time now. Added a new command line option to disable coloured logging. A few little bug fixes, and some general code cleanup...most of the really crufty stuff is gone now. Nothing major, but enough to make it worth bumping to a new version. Enjoy.
Updated to 1.19. Not really many changes here, nothing noticeable, other than a bug that can crop up when first run. The main point of the new version is because I switched from subversion to bazaar, and pushed the whole repository onto launchpad. I've become rather fond of bazaar lately so bye bye svn. I'm not really actively developing the program any more, and figured hosting it on launchpad gets the whole thing out there. If my computer fries itself, or I fry myself, at least now the whole history will be preserved for posterity. Also rapidshare wasn't really appropriate for this sort of thing.
If you have bazaar installed you can run
bzr branch lp:tlcal
to get the code. A zipfile and a tarball are linked to in the OP, as usual. Let me know if I screwed something up, I'm new to launchpad. Otherwise, enjoy.
Thanks for all the effort!
Why did you switch to linux? :S