We were all trying to find the right song. The song was to help us enjoy the bridge. We suggested a few, but the whispers only sounded like they were coming from inside us for a few seconds.
Then the camera cut to us walking towards the bridge. It was summer time, quite hot outside. Then we saw us finding a cute asian girl at the bus stop.
"You?" Said the cute asian girl. "Well it's only as much us as it can be right?" Answered David.
"Aha David you can't be here, you aren't ska right?" I laaughed at my statement.
"You forget where we are, us, at this time. Forget about that school playground that crossed your mind, it's unska."
He was right, the setting was ska, but it's hard to tell you of it, since I'm not there anymore.
We were so happy. The camera went back to us at the cool bridge.
"Tomorrow starts our grand adventure" : |
"That's right, we'll need to prepare perfectly."
"What if it's not ska anymore tomorrow."
"Don't worry, it will definetly be ska."
But the cute asian girl had a mischevious smile.
"Things aren't like you think jonny ^^" I didn't understand what she meant.
"Who knows what will happen in this world, where anything can happen, at this time of much ska."
The next day our grand adventure started. First we went to opassa beach to get komodo scales to make leene or w/e her name is a necklace.
But it wasn't strange enough! Ska isn't the same as bizarre! It's impossible to get what I want and it's so frustrating! Why can't I control what I feel in my mind? I can say what I want, I can move like I want, why can't I project something in my own head?
I had it for a second. Brrr tried turning off music but it's scary and dark and I freaked out.
O M G this is so fucking frustrating!! WHAT THE FUCK!!
I'm doing this to help you guys. Well, I'm trying to do this to help you guys. It's impossible though, might as well try to tell you what's, er, hm can't say I guess.
Actually yeah when I read it it seems like it works.
I was in a weird place. Alone. I'm gonna be cheap here, it was inside a tower. A tower where I could see the city below me through a huge window.
But wait a second, I'm at the beach now. People are fishing, playing volleyball. Then we had supper and stuff. Sat in the shade of trees.
I remember the day I came home from school. I knew something was wrong the moment I set foot inside my appartment. Things were wrong, in the sense that I can't explain it.
But in the end that was ok. but I had it again, though it never happened lol! I can taste brochettes, it's maybe a rainy day. There's a cd on my computer desk.
Goddamn it I'm just trying to get where I want, but it's impossible. Tomorrow I'm gonna see megadeth with CoB and a couple other bands. How the fuck is that gonna be ska? Christ it's cold in here.
Ok I closed my window. Daaaamn it's so hard to get the mindset that I want. When I get it it's only for a few seconds, then I lose it.
I'd like to speak so you can hear, but all I'd say is like, a song that's ska to me. Trying to translate that into words, it's impossible.
Look at msn. KIJUN IS NOT ONLINE. I think he gets it. He get's what I'm trying to say. Or maybe not, it's impossible to tell.
Let me tell you what my thoughts are. That's possible right? Everyone does it.
Prepare for a boatload of feefeeness. Actually nvm
Criff c'est comme, j'essaye de me sortir de moi meme. Comme le bonhomme carnaval tsé? Ben non, dans le fond j'essaye de mettre des affairs dans ma tête. Ou ben c'est les deux, baaaah. Y faut faire un pour avoir l'autre, si j'étais capable d'en faire un ben comme faut, l'autre viendrais.
C'est comme dire, si tu sais écrire, tu sais automatiquement lire hm?
This is such an epic failure WTF. The moment I started I was doomed to epicfail. It's not possible to do it, or if it is, not when I'm only on short influence by some thing I randomly came across.
FUCK THIS, I'll try again some other time.
Bah who am I kidding I know what the problem is. There just isn't enough ska. If I was practically drowning in it this would be possible.
Need more skaa, need to make mooooore. But how ?,