Facebook:: https://www.facebook.com/SpaceMarineSC2
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpaceMarineSC2
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/CoreSpaceMarine
Q: Please tell us a little bit more about yourself for those that are not familiar with you!
A: I’m a 24-year old Starcraft 2 Protoss player from Denmark with an unorthodox play style. I’m always trying to stay out of the meta game and play my own style. That way I get the most fun out of it.
Q: You just recently joined team ePunks. What were your reasons, and how do you expect it to impact your Starcraft II career?
A: ePunks is a team that really put their heart into esport and therefor I had no doubt joining the team. As far as my expectations go, i already feel more motivation to play Starcraft at a professional level and expect to have a couple upsets in the upcoming tournaments.
Q: How do you feel about your teammates and the fact that all players are danish? Do you think that this will be beneficial for the forthcoming of the team?
A: It’s definitely a huge benefit because I’m IRL friends with all these players as well and we all get along very well. Being able to meet up with the guys definitely helps the bonding as a team, too.
Q: You are meeting up with your teammates at Copenhagen Games. What are your expectations regarding the results for this event?
A: We are all hyped for another danish only tournament to prove each other who’s the current best danish Starcraft 2 player.
Q: How important are the results for you at an event like Copenhagen Games compared to the prospect of meeting your friends?
A: Playing against friends just makes it more entertaining.
Q: Looking at how you are streaming your games regularly, what impact does this have on your tournament performance? Is “hiding builds” relevant to you?
A: It has a huge impact playing on barcodes and not streaming because your opponent won’t have any idea on countering you until he sees your build, and that might be too late. But I like the extra challenge. So I don’t mind streaming and playing on my main account.
Q: Do you have any specific goals for 2018? If so, how do you plan to achieve them?
A: My goal is to make several runs in Dreamhacks and other premier league tournaments to show my potential.
Q: Do you want to say some words for your fans and supporters?
A: Thanks to everyone for helping me making a dream come true. Without you guys I wouldn’t be able to live the dream. Especially I want to thank Team Razer and Gunnar Optiks for providing some cool gear, and of course, ePunks for being awesome!
Thank you for your time.
ePunks Social media and partners:
Website: http://www.epunks.gg/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ePunksGG
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/epunks/
Team Razer: https://www.razerzone.com/team
Gunnar Optiks: https://gunnar.com/