Ireland19621 Posts
T minus 4hours to TI4, GET HYPED!!!!! (probably would be like 1 hour to TI4 when i finished this lol writing in workplace is like some ninja training)
A: Best fcking duo supports on earth and their excellent itemization from them is top3 on earth. As soon as s4 drafted well and able to perform accordingly then ended up in top4 shouldn't be a problem. Did i forget to mention these guys are professional rats.
Arrow: Probably should just treat ti4 as a free trip to seattle. (sorry for being mean lol)
c9: Sing's itemization is still not up there (and some questionable skill builds as well), like please think and play the hero according to the game please. EE and bone7 problematic tempo management (and also itemization on bone7), same thing to that professional supportive core player, PLD is still the best player in team but as soon as he didn't perform well (not always his fault, partly due to draft etc) c9 gets into big problem frequently.
all in all, best of luck and hope they realize that playing dota is not about proving something to the world, it is about winning (and then you get to prove that you are good, not the other way around).
DK: My hate on ice3 is fairly low now seeing that he toned down his selfishness quite alot but lamn/mmy still baffles me from time to time, B-god has been buying ward/cour at the start of the game. WUT.
I want to see B-god to save the world again. Together with mushi best carry and best mid in the universe i expect alot from you.
EG: This time i wont be annoyed by 'USA USA' during the finals...truly solid team can easily end up in top3. Well, probably prove that murica lacks of real good support player rofl. Very impressive from them support duo.
Empire: No opinion.
On July 02 2014 23:03 BurningSera wrote: I will apologize to all of you mad people if Era actually got a nervous breakdown in TI4.
iG: Chuan please eat them all, easily end up top3.
On July 08 2014 20:17 BurningSera wrote: It almost comes down to whether 820's coaching/training for them to work or not. I wouldn't be surprised to see them actually do well since it is like many BO1s if they came out with some magical strategy and people cant figure it out soon enough.
Navi: My hatred on kuroky toned down ALOT this year, but funnily enough they have been perform rather underwhelmingly. IMO i feel like dendi needs to step up his game (play less pubs please jesus) and wake up please puppey.
Hope puppey+goblak gives good magic show.
Navi.US: Whatever lol. Only care about korok and i strongly dislike 1437.
Mouz: Reduce your cheesiness then they might be able to get into top8, you guys need to know when to go in for the kill/win.
NB: That last train to TI4(i keep saying that and they actually made it), gogo murder everyone, top3 contender for sure.
Titan: You guys can be like Orange last year. best of luck man!!
VG: My flair, mainly because of rotk. BEST OF FCKING LUCK. Show them how to be a king please.
Wild card:CIS will win obviously. Liquid: Show nested quote +On July 08 2014 20:43 BurningSera wrote: i expect that either they will get rolled over and do averagely (win some lose some) so surprise me liquid!! It is about 10% chance that they can make it out of the wild card finals unless they are able to play like when they were in TI3, there were some seriously good performance near the end of it. Don't care about VP or MVP (would be funny to see MVP gets through rofl).
Wildcard aftermath:
On July 09 2014 17:34 BurningSera wrote:i passed out near the end of last night, great to see liquid pulled it off i said that they have 10% to come out of the group lol, under the assumption that CIS actually can play like how they played in qualifier (they didnt, they played like shit, absolute shit last night) while liquid showed some strong plays (thanks for the ez rares).
So now for liquid, give or take, top10 or top8, i would be pleasantly surprised to see them go further than top6. Best of luck liquid!!
nice write-up but I feel that you really should have mentioned bulldog as well in the alliance part. his plays vs. c9 in ESL One were fucking huge. he's the reason they won game 2 tbh.
just because of my teamflair
but secretly rooting for alliance to kill everyone by winning two times :3
You seem to hate a lot of players
Ireland19621 Posts
On July 08 2014 22:01 Julmust wrote: nice write-up but I feel that you really should have mentioned bulldog as well in the alliance part. his plays vs. c9 in ESL One were fucking huge. he's the reason they won game 2 tbh.
haha my posts in LR threads complimented very highly of bulldog, the rat god. so i thought there is no need to even mention him xD
Ireland19621 Posts
On July 08 2014 22:32 Rocket-Bear wrote: You seem to hate a lot of players
I love alot and i also hate some of them, it is highly dependent on their playstyle.
I think Arrow's capable of making upsets. ddz is incredibly skilled player, he can do wonders.
They are a young team though, nerves and little experience might be the breaking point for the team.
On July 08 2014 22:38 BurningSera wrote:I love alot and i also hate some of them, it is highly dependent on their playstyle.
How could you ever hate Kuroky?
Ireland19621 Posts
On July 08 2014 23:58 Velr wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2014 22:38 BurningSera wrote:On July 08 2014 22:32 Rocket-Bear wrote: You seem to hate a lot of players I love alot and i also hate some of them, it is highly dependent on their playstyle. How could you ever hate Kuroky?
by having bracer and gg branches in his inventory without buying a single ward (maybe just at the start) 30mins into the game in TI3.
On July 09 2014 00:29 BurningSera wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2014 23:58 Velr wrote:On July 08 2014 22:38 BurningSera wrote:On July 08 2014 22:32 Rocket-Bear wrote: You seem to hate a lot of players I love alot and i also hate some of them, it is highly dependent on their playstyle. How could you ever hate Kuroky? by having bracer and gg branches in his inventory without buying a single ward (maybe just at the start) 30mins into the game in TI3.
Yeah cause I bet that was never communicated with his team
On July 08 2014 21:16 BurningSera wrote: PLD is still the best player in team but as soon as he didn't perform well (not always his fault, partly due to draft etc) Isn't PLD the drafter for C9?
Ireland19621 Posts
On July 09 2014 03:27 BobMcJohnson wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2014 21:16 BurningSera wrote: PLD is still the best player in team but as soon as he didn't perform well (not always his fault, partly due to draft etc) Isn't PLD the drafter for C9? 
really? lol didnt know, but it makes sense though
Well you get either MVP or liquid, you should be happy !!
PLD is still the best player in team lol. He makes plays, but the number of towers and map control he's given up from feeding cancels all of that out imo
murica lacks of real good support player. need to import more support players honestly
i used to think pld was amazing, he seemed like he could do so much with almost no farm, but nowadays it just feels like he is out of position and just feeding alot of the time trying to make plays.
Because he lost his passion.
On July 09 2014 03:27 BobMcJohnson wrote:Show nested quote +On July 08 2014 21:16 BurningSera wrote: PLD is still the best player in team but as soon as he didn't perform well (not always his fault, partly due to draft etc) Isn't PLD the drafter for C9?  EE and PLD have both been on drafting at one time or another. Used to be PLD always but last couple of weeks Envy has been drafting in all the C9 games. I know even bone7 drafted for short periods a few months ago.
If the trend from last couple of weeks continues, then envy will still be drafting during ti. though I'm sure all discuss the picks together and have some input on it
The writer of this blog seems to have a lot of opinions which are based on his low IQ, intruiging this is allowed to stay
Ireland19621 Posts
On July 09 2014 16:20 GranDGranT wrote: The writer of this blog seems to have a lot of opinions which are based on his low IQ, intruiging this is allowed to stay
since you are allowed to reply with a 0 base low IQ and EQ post, i surely be allowed to go with 'stfu noob'. I used to like you until everything you said turned out to be wrong (or 80% wrong of all times). You talk like as if you have some insider news etc but you dont. I wont even bother to dig out some shitty post of yours in some LR thread, typical 'lol you people dont know shit' during some drafting phase and then the team you said proceed to lose. Speaking of which, you are the one who publicly flame the shit out of everyone except your 'friends' (na players etc) without good reasons.
My half-assed posts in LR threads flame hard and compliment hard on stuffs that i watch, I have always been truthful to what I have seen. I welcome whoever chill out or take a piss here but only for friendly banter purposes. Highly toxic, lack of manners, uneducated, cancer inducing post is strictly forbidden here.