United States1434 Posts
I've finally done it. I've finally got a chance to play Sc2. A friend of mine brought his comp over and when I saw Kerrigan's Face and the HotS logo I knew I was in for a treat. Frequently I've heard things like "Sc2 is for noobs" or "Sc2 is easy, macro is non existent."
I had to have a chance to play the game myself though to have a final opinion. I played through all 3 races once each time. The game has a very different feel, of course I've seen a ton of Sc2 games on huskystarcraft so I already knew most of the units and abilities. The hotkeys I notice are very different like for marines. M queues up marines in Sc1 but in Sc2 you use A. These small hot key changes were very strange when I played the first time. Auto mine also felt surreal. Above all, the most relieving difference is how you can hot key more than 1 building to a hot key. It felt amazing being in such powerful control. I kept on forgetting you had 2 vespene gas, and when you queue up an addon for a Terran building, it automatically starts making it and unlike in Sc1, you don't have to select where you want to place your building with the addon. I still haven't tried out most of the abilities, but I was pretty amazed by the Mules, supply drops, scans, the marauder, the Thor, the everything. You can also queue up several buildings for 1 unit to build. It was all amazing. Also, when you command an scv or probe to build something, if you try to have it build something else, the worker unit will treat it as 2 buildings for it to queue. Walling in is a relief, and everything feels so different. Simply put, I love the game! I can imagine it all. Storm drops. Rushing High Templar. Doing cool marine drops with medivacs. Going mass Immortal. I never realized Immortals cost so much, but they're more than worth it. You gotta go those Guardians, slam it out with some cool Warp Gates, burrowed moving Roaches with regen, and most of all, burrowed banelings. Right now I'm in love with the Protoss the most, but I will have to try out each race more to see what I have the fun with most.
Sc2, great game, still haven't tried any new HotS units or abilities, but still a great game. It convinces me I must have this game! I don't think I'll play through the single player campaign and just go to the multiplayer. Of course, it is likely my computer will only be able to play on the lowest settings.
Edit: Does anyone know how to do save location hotkeys? Feels strange without them
Skip campaign, the story is so bad you will beg for death. Hotkeys can be remapped so you can get the classic F1 to F4 location shortcuts.
United Kingdom14103 Posts
Save location I think is ctrl + F3 or whatever?
Atleast mine are ctrl + Fkey.
this gave me warm fuzzies reading. makes me stop and appreciate the differences again.
You can remap your hotkeys by going to menu, then options and then at the bottom left corner of the options menu there is the hotkeys menu. It's rather tricky to find. Also, the HotS campaign doesn't really teach you much. They dumbed it down an almost insane amount, up to and including making injects automatic. Some patches that were made to multiplayer (such as the time limit on neural parasite) don't affect either campaign. Most people really hate the story in WoL and HotS, but I've never been a story guy.
On June 11 2013 05:37 Azerbaijan wrote: Skip campaign, the story is so bad you will beg for death. Hotkeys can be remapped so you can get the classic F1 to F4 location shortcuts.
i don't agree the campaign was good, its at least worth a try for him.
Storyline in Wings is actually quite enjoyable having played through it a couple of times. It's really well thought out and each mission is unique. Storyline of HOTS, however, is a piece of shit. Well, that is subjective to a certain extent, but the missions are genuinely bad. Blizzard should do a patch adding another difficulty or upping Brutal, lol.
Biggest difference from the two for me is being able to have a camera hotkey on F1 and remapping patrol to W. I still have all my hatches on individual hotkeys and all of them on 0 (space bar), though. It works quite well. If you play Z get used to spamming hatch one - three and your unit keys and you can have perfect injects quite easily. Really helps with multi-tasking.
In order to map your camera hotkeys, just go to Hotkeys, Global, Camera and then remap to SHIFT + F1-F6 as you'd like. Three more is a big boon, yo.
And you don't have to buy the game right away. Use the starter edition! If you join a party with your friend, you have access to all the HOTS content too! Then, if you want to 1v1, just make a game of PeepMode and play together.
The storyline is not only fine, the campaigns are actually very fun to play. Definitely the best singleplayers campaigns in any RTS to date, no contest.
The dialogue writing in the campaign is horribly cheesy and the general plotline is cliched but you will enjoy it anyway because the whole thing is so polished and tight in construction.
The gameplay of the single player is really great, you should definitely give it a try sometime.
Also, your friend that seems to be quite biased against SC2 and claims that "macro is non existent" obviously doesn't follow the scene. Some players, e.g. Flash and Innovation, utilize a very macro-orientated style of play and often win by simply outnumbering their opponent.