Ok, so, I have never been responsable, NEVER, I was not that kid that used drugs on high school, or drink to much, I was just that nerd, that sitted at his room, playing video games and watching a lot of porn.
So, now Im 22 yr, No money at my name, a litle of debt something like (500usd). 1 Year ago a leaved a payed internship and CS course to do nothing. I was just tired of having too much work and get litle payment or any for it. (probally because of depression and lazyness )
So, i just gave up, and started doing nothing at all. After some months i tryied poker, It's not for me, Its great when you win, but i feel just too depresed when i loose. And i have allrdy have some years of depression, IT'S just SH1T!! So i could not risk my heathy for poker, So i just gave up.
Now, Im living with my aunt, and have a part-time job that pays "ok" for a part-time job, and im thinking about what to do next. There's one thing I must work on, its simple, discipline and sleep less (Other depression signal). I must get discipline at my life, I must do it, otherwise I ll just work to pay my bills, I dont wanna be a slave of my bills, I want to make a good living, have a family, be happy and have sex. Its simple, LOL.
Ok, so, that's the "plan". I need to lose weight Im at 110~ kg's and i have 1,75cm, So im Over-mOThafacking-weight. Need to get less fat and start to make phisical activity. I dont want to end like my mom, getting a hearth attack at 40's (She didnt died, but now she dont have a normal life anymore.). Also im sure it ll help with my auto-esteem. I want to STOP been the Fat-Funny-Tard-Guy of the family. (At our last family reunion i have listen to things i didnt liked, but it was the truth ....)
So I have some goals i want to achieve, Its simple.
* Learn how to code proprely, I have aways code since my 15's, But it was just for fun and etc, Also at my internship I was mostly of the time doing nothing, because i did my task at 1 day, and keep doing nothing for 1 week, didnt learn sh1t at there, and it was my fault.
* I need to lose weight, and stop to SPEND MONEY AT FOOOD!!! I think im probally addiected to food, its facking retard, I aways tell to my self, DONT WASTE MONEY AT SH1T FOOD, you ll get fat and die early, but for some reason i keep doing (Well, in my defense, its dam good eat things that ar bad to yourself.)
* I need have fun, sex, and get some garls. It just doesnt work when you put every penny at one pig, you need to diversify your investiment at life, you need to spend time with a lot of things, because if you just have one thing you ar living for, when this thing go bad, or something happen at that field, you ll just get crushed by depression and feel bad and etc ...
* Stop been a WEIRDO. That's simple, sometimes i do stupid things, bcz .... who the fak knows ...
* Socialize more, yes, mothafacker, speak with people, not just when you feel confortable, because when you ar confortable its easy, but you need to speak with people when you ar not so confortable. (Does it make any sense?)
* Life is not Black and white, I do need to stop getting out of control sometimes, More pacience, pacience.
* Make money, I have aways tell people that i dont care about money, It's was or is truth, I dont really care about money, But, WITH MONEY life is so much easier, or at least it should be a litle more easy, ofc. Rich people can get sad or mad, Im just telling that it's time to get by your own!! ITS TIME, YOU DONT WANT TO BE THAT GUY THAT LIVE WITH YOUR MOM AT AGE OF 30. (Or ar the streets :D)
And, just to end that wall of misswrinting text, I have one question, how much time you guys sleep for day??
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