Here are the rules of go, from wikipedia just so you have some idea wtf is going on.
TLDR: Surround territory to make points (good). Stones surrounded by opponent die (bad).
The board is empty at the onset of the game (unless players agree to place a handicap).
Black makes the first move, after which White and Black alternate.
A move consists of placing one stone of one's own color on an empty intersection on the board.
A player may pass his turn at any time.
A stone or solidly connected group of stones of one color is captured and removed from the board when all the intersections directly adjacent to it are occupied by the enemy. (Capture of the enemy takes precedence over self-capture.)
No stone may be played so as to recreate a former board position.
Two consecutive passes end the game.
A player's territory consists of all the points the player has either occupied or surrounded.
The player with more territory wins.
Black makes the first move, after which White and Black alternate.
A move consists of placing one stone of one's own color on an empty intersection on the board.
A player may pass his turn at any time.
A stone or solidly connected group of stones of one color is captured and removed from the board when all the intersections directly adjacent to it are occupied by the enemy. (Capture of the enemy takes precedence over self-capture.)
No stone may be played so as to recreate a former board position.
Two consecutive passes end the game.
A player's territory consists of all the points the player has either occupied or surrounded.
The player with more territory wins.
P.s. I'm awful at go. I'm also awful at many other things, including english and producing videos that have correct aspect ratio. Sorry about that.