group A
Seed V Suhosin: Seed
Leenock V Parting: Leenock
Seed V Leenock: Leenock
Suhosin V Parting: Parting
Seed V Parting: Parting
Leenock and Parting Advance
Suhosin doesn't belong in Code S. Seed could beat everyone in this group, but I feel like Leenock can't lose. Seed isn't that strong in PvP and shouldn't be able to beat Parting, but it could happen as it is PvP. Suhosin won't make it out of this group and Leenock should no matter what.
Group B
Symbol V Yoda: Symbol
Ryung V Hero: Hero
Symbol V Hero: Hero
Yoda V Ryung: Ryung
Symbol V Ryung: Symbol
Hero and Symbol Advance
This should be pretty straightforward, Hero isn't that strong in my opinion, but he's strong enough in against these opponents to come out first, even if he drops a set he should advance no matter what. I really like both Yoda and Ryung but Yoda isn't ready and Ryung could've advanced in a slightly easier group. He's Fringe Code S, definitely could make another big splash, just not this season.
Group C
Curious V MKP: MKP
JD V Curious: Curious
MC V Curious: MC
MKP and MC Advance
The only reason this could be considered a group of death is because unless something drastic happens Jaedong is dead no matter what. MC crushes most zerg in BoX, its his most stable matchup and always has been. JD Has yet to show he can even play even against protoss. Fanboyism aside JD can't win this. MKP and Curious will be closer but realistically even if MKP does seem shaky at times once he's in the GOM booth you can almost always count on his micro. After that's done you have Curious against JD in another match he can't win, even if ZvZ is violatile. JD doesn't have the experience to beat one of the best ZvZ players in the world on his home turf. The final Match is one that I think could go either way, I give an edge to MC, but I'd rather Curious won it.
Group D
Byun V Rain: Rain
Happy V Genius: Genius
Rain V Genius: Genius
Byun V Happy: Byun
Rain V Byun: Rain
Genius and Rain Advance
Some fanboyism might be present here but hear me out. Rain did do well against MKP although I will admit MKP goofed up in that game. Byun isn't that great in the matchup but his losses generally come from the best players in the world. I don't think Genius can lose his matchs, and happy is terrible in TvT. so that leaves byun V rain as the possible 2nd place. I believe KeSPA will have Rain trained to play perfect games.
Group E
Taeja V Mana: Taeja
Taeja V MVP: MVP
Mana V MMA: Mana
Taeja V Mana: Taeja
MVP and Taeja Advance
This is one where I really really would love to be proven wrong and to see Mana advance but I just don't see how he could win two matches in this group. Maybe if he beat Taeja the first time and faced MVP and managed to outlast his wrists he could? He would have to beat Taeja though. Also I'd love for MMA get get through this but realistically if MVP is close to 100% as he seems like he is, I just can't see it happening. Definitely a group of death though. An upset can happen in each match.
Group F
Naniwa V Heart: Heart
Sniper V Squirtle: Squirtle
Heart V Squirtle: Heart
Naniwa V Sniper: Sniper
Squirtle V Sniper: Squirtle
Heart and Squirtle Advance
It pains me to write this but Naniwa can't advance in this group. He could create a build that was super safe to counter anything cheesy heart throws at him, but I'm certain he'll drop a map, and after that he'll tilt. Even if he does get passed heart He'd have to face squirtle again. Also Naniwa's PvZ has been absolutely horrible, and Sniper has been racking up some respectable wins in the matchup. This is pretty much one of the worst groups for him, a cheesy player, a player that beat his best efforts, and a solid zerg with increasing level of skill. Heart's TvP is very good and he should be able to get out of here with that alone but there is a possibility he loses and faces sniper and loses against him too.
Group G
Nestea V Life: Life
JYP V Supernova: Supernova
Life V Supernova: Life
JYP V Nestea: Nestea
Supernova V Nestea: Nestea
Life and Nestea Advance
I would say 3 of these players could almost make this group of death status, if only JYP wasn't in this group. He isn't that bad, and he can hang in the GSL if he gets good matchups but nowadays no player should have that large of an achilles heel. Much like Naniwa he just can't advance out of this group unless the gods are smiling on him. Life and Nestea can go both ways, but I feel Life has the very slight advantage. In either case both of the zerg players should be able to handle supernova's style, and in either case they should be able to handle JYP as well. I could see Supernova taking a spot, most likely Nestea's.
Group H
DRG V Bomber: Bomber
Polt V Gumiho: Gumiho
Bomber V Gumiho: Bomber
Gumiho V DRG: DRG
Bomber and DRG Advance
This one definitely is a difficult one to figure out, with the best player in the group slumping, and the 3 terran players all on the upswing of their careers (while each one manages to still be pretty inconsistent) pretty much anyone can get out of this group. I want and think Bomber and DRG will advance, Bomber is coming back into his own again, and even a Slumping DRG shouldn't be out of Code S, also he has a great group for himself considering he only has one matchup to practice. I feel like bomber has the highest skill level out of the terran in this group, polt is the most reliable one, and gumiho is trying to find his peak, definitely has the most potential. With that I could see gumiho and bomber advancing instead. A lot of this group hinges on whether or not DRG shows up and plays.