So after a fairly long hiatus from Starcraft in general, I've decided to come back into this. Over the past five or six months, I haven't really done anything related to Starcraft. I've left ESV as a mapper and I haven't laddered at all. But with summer break here, I've decided to start playing a bit again.
My only link to Starcraft has been SOTG which I listen to every week it comes out, and a few streams and a few Day[9] dailies. To get back into my rythym, I've played a few 1on1 obs games after watching a recent ZvP, ZvT and ZvZ daily, one of each. I've seen the Stephano fast max daily, the Spanishiwa Queens vs. Mech and Sheth vs. Stephano ZvZ. Now, I'm quite comfortable with the Stephano style and while I haven't had a chance to actually use it (no one in 1on1 obs went forge FE), I think I got the basics down. It's a simple build, I just have to focus on not getting distracted by my opponent, and getting the injects. The ZvZ daily, I think I like Sheth's style with a muta switch in between the hatch and lair tech to get the third up. I've done that and it's worked out well. ZvT though, I haven't had a chance to try it.
Now of course, I've challenged a friend to a Bo7.
This friend used to be Zerg and was pretty bad. But recently, it seems he's switched to Terran and gotten to masters. Of course, I have to put him in his place so I need to catch up to the current styles and gameplay. After a few 1on1 obs games, I think my mechanics have caught up to where I was before. Not very good but passable. I just need to figure out what works.
Quite clearly, mech and mass queen is not the norm for ZvT, so I'd like to know, what is? Which style is most effective and are there any VODs of it? Preferably Day9 dailies but just videos will work.
United States25550 Posts
Typically terran will open with a fast expansion, such as a 1 rax FE, then will apply pressure with either hellions, marines, banshees, or some combination. 1 rax FE into reactor hellions into a either a quick third or a third after 3 rax is common. Zerg typically defends with queens and spines, getting speedlings, upgrades, and teching to lair and infestor with double upgrades to prepare a hive transition on 3-4 base. Aggressive creep spread and several redundant queens is the norm.
this game of Leenock vs Ryung http://www.gomtv.net/2012gsls3/vod/67561/?set=5&lang=
shows this sort of play. Up until about 10 minutes things play out pretty normally. At around 10:30 Ryung starts getting weird though, and the game gets all weird but the push he makes and the fighting that happens up until, say, 11:30 is pretty normal, then Ryung gets blue flame hellions instead of tanks. but yeah the opening is what you'd expect.
Cool, thanks. Is there anything special that's come up in ZvZ and ZvP in the past few months that I'd need to know about?
United States25550 Posts
I'm not super familiar with either MU, but i know in ZvP the lategame is infestors and broodlords, and in the midgame protoss can do a 2-base immortal/sentry allin that's very scary.