everyone knows the best thing about Starcraft II is the Galaxy Editor. this program is awesome. it does everything. i spent like a zillion hours tinkering with things there and i still feel like there's a bunch more that i could learn.
i notice it's got XML or wahtever settings and then some more user friendly stuff though tbh it could be a lot lot lot more user friendly.
i think everyone who goes into programming and stuff or whatever i don't know that much about it computer science stuff loves two things. one thing is building things and the other thing is strategic games etc. and i think it's that the mind evolution that results in a computer science student is the same sort of thing with engineering and is rooted probably primarily from the development of human strategic social interaction with a particular emphasis on intertribal warfare kinda stuff
so in my opinion, blizzard should do some facelifting and some simplifying and user-friendliness stuff to galaxy editor and then sell it to universities and high schools because i think people would find programminga nd building stuff on computers a lot more interesting if they could build battles and cities and battling cities and stuff like that
like sim city in the classroom (if you've ever been to atlanta and seen the road system there then you can appreciate just how necessary it is that urban planners be introduced to sim city in the classroom)
plus i think that sim city would have a lot more appeal to people if there were dangers and strategic elements that were more than just playing against an pre-programmed ai with pre-programmed rewards and stuff
and the galaxy editor, especially if some of the engine elements were upgraded or whatever looks like it could create all sorts of games including 3D games of different types and you can import WoW models so it looks like you could make all sorts of thing
there are all sort of art programs selling $5000000 per copy or something so
in my opinon there should be videogame develpoing programs though they have to be more user friendly than galaxy editor cuz u need like 160+ IQ to even operate that program
but it is a great program and has a lot of potential especially if there were more support
anyway i notice that great sites like mapster don't get much hits like they should and i think it's because the galaxy editor is just so damn hard to use
fortunately there are persistent people out there making guides
and i'm guessing a lot of it is just a joke on the part of the developers about how annoying coding or whatever can be sometimes because no one publishes all the necessary information
but someone should publish all the necessary information and then people should put galaxy editor in class rooms because people would love to make video games and battle games and stuff that they can make in the galaxy editor
well anyway
I made a TON of maps in Sc1, it was really fun and easy.
In War3 it was noticeably harder, but I could do fun things like make AI that played fairly well, and have them fight each other. It took a lot longer to use, but I got at least 3 really good maps out of it, and a few good AI's.
I took one look at the galaxy editor and was like + Show Spoiler +
I don't even know how to create an unit. I spent 50min trying.
lol, it's a shame because it's probably the sickest editing program ever, it's just impossible to figure how to use it unless you're willing to invest like several hundred hours, which most people aren't at least in terms of the introductory stage of just learning how to build anything
the data editor is particularly tough (impossible), especially most of the 'complicated' features that don't have any description text, or at least they didn't when i was designing maps
pretty much the only way i could figure out how to make anything was to download other people's stuff and then rework it myself; after like a thousand hours of effort stuff started to be somewhat intuitive and i could make my own custom stuff but it definitely did take a lot of work; i'll admit i could probably figure how to do it faster these days with less stress in my life and i feel like my brain is operating pretty good; just i think that the casual user, and even the determined mapper might find it inapproachable
i get the impression that at some point in the process of designing everything they wanted to make for the game, the people developing the map editor said to themselves 'well it's obvious that there's no way any one other than us is gonna be able to use this'
the other problem is that some of Blizzard's brightest guys were the ones doing the work on it, and it reflects their thought processes and all the time they've ever spent learning how to do this coding stuff, so that's like some of the smartest programmers in the world and all their expertise being condensed into a program.
so if you do that and then you don't build quite an extensive self-help guide to learning users it's probably gonna be impossible for them to use it
On March 26 2012 07:56 CursOr wrote:I made a TON of maps in Sc1, it was really fun and easy. In War3 it was noticeably harder, but I could do fun things like make AI that played fairly well, and have them fight each other. It took a lot longer to use, but I got at least 3 really good maps out of it, and a few good AI's. I took one look at the galaxy editor and was like + Show Spoiler + Same here.
StarEdit was my first exposure to any type of programming (triggers are kind of like programming). I immediately fell in love, and currently plan on majoring in Comp Sci when I enter college.
But I can't work the galaxy editor for shit (or at least I couldn't last time I tried, which was before taking any formal computer science courses).