I mean at least in my city the crowd of people is bouncing and leaning around like blades of grass in the wind, cheering out whenever the bass gets more in yo face, which kind of illustrates what zombies would do when they smell fresh brains, and zombies go well with dubstep.. but zombies can't be the only theme viable for consideration.
So welcome to the blog where we debate how the next level of dealing with this music at a party or concert would look like, and i have a couple of suggestions which you may or may not find conclusive.
First off, i think them projected visuals with cartoon characters and trippy computer graphics and patterns, totally unrelated to the music should be a thing of the past. It was fun and experimental while in the early days but it clearly has no purpose, the emperor has no pants. In its place I suggest: People!
.. people, who practice a particular move and then get on stage and show it off, you know kind of like Soul Train ..
.. and it has to be filthy.
It should never be taken seriously so you can be as stupid drunk and drugged as you want and do whatever whenever, but there should be unwritten grading criteria, triggering the right amount of cheers from the participating public.
You can take a second listening to your favorite song and imagine how this would look like in practice.
Or read on about my second proposal.
Story telling, yes you heard right. People getting on stage and telling a story using only body language while the WobWobbwob is pumping. Think about it. You had a rough day at the office and during your ride home some jerk rudely blocks you off with his car and you get into a verbal engagement but then he just drives away. Imagine being able to go to your local dubstep party and mime the events along with everything you would've liked to do to that asshole, things that would put you on the electric chair, while the crowd is cheering.
It could be orgasmic, fuck psychotherapy, this is the way to blow off steam. And it can be multiplayer .. sort of like a short theater play with a filthy ending. Don't tell me it's not fun, ancient Greeks knew it's awesome since the beginning of civilization and if they had dubstep.. .
When someone does you wrong and today's ambiguous social norms prohibit you from setting things right.. there's dubstep. Whenever something has offended or humiliated you and there is no technical way to do justice, to have your vendetta .. there's dubstep.
Let your world know what pisses you off, don't let your psyche eat it without showing resistance.. use dubstep for your advantage.