TvT: I'm fairly comfortable in TvT. (Assuming they dont' sneak an expansion after rpxoying like 4 rax (replay included) Anyways, TvT is probably my strongest matchup right now due to it's positional play, and balance. I'm not saying other matchups are imbalanced, but it's really hard to fight late game zerg or a deathball. In TvT, on equal footing, I tend to do quite well with tank, marine, viking (well, I do get thors once on a zillion bases >.>)
TvP: I can't figure out what the heck I want to do in terms of an opening. 1 rax fe? 2 rax fe? Lzgamer push build. Tank marine raven pusH? I don't know, but it seems like if I manage to do quite a bit of damage early, I'll win. If I fail to do enough damage early, I just lose. I probably should drop more
Anyways, I"m having a lot of trouble once they get any number of Colossus out, and it's as good as over when they ahve out phoenixes. It's not imbalanced: I just fail at dealing with it.
TvZ: Strange matchup for me. I've been doing a build done by rootkitty, and I'm having fair success with it, but if the zerg manages to snap the push (generally through excellent creep spread) then I'm in a lot of trouble. I can't seem to keep up with a macro zerg (well, my marine splits are bad, and I never keep my tanks sieged when I should )
Anyways, I'm comfortable with the build, but not the execution.
but still, the biggest barrier between me and masters is macro Gaaaahhhhhhhh So bad.
I'm incredibly sore but satisfied right now. I'm doing Starting Strength, and Starting to (gain) Strength, and am feeling generally better. Still have no muscle mass, but the exercise is quite fulfilling. And AP chem exam is over. It raped me, but it raped everyone. Yay for curving.
Also, mom is out of town so internet restriction is done. Which means I'm not sleeping. Gah. Time to sleep, and remember to not waste time
Replays Get stomped by phoenix colossus Win against some sort of one base build in TvP Push to victory: then am accused of OPness Facepalm TvT Other guy plays fairly well, snaps my push. I fail, and eventually lose to overwhelming macro.