I played the game since release and due to the sheer pwnerness of the muta harrass spent my newby larvae days as a member of the swarm. However I Always liked the cannon and art behind the protoss and once I heard the nick name BroToss I had to switch. So I have joined the newby masses warped in to Imba stop the lesser races.
I have read a few guides on how to get better at SC2 and the over arching theme is pick One build and play it Into the ground.
For many reasons; short game time, good against all races, I like winning, its Imba X 2 etc. I have picked 4 gating. I know, no One wants to see another Only 4 gater on the ladder so plz flame away. I deserve it more than poor little Kelly did in last season's GSL. So poor it on.
Right now I'M at the top of my gold devisionI I know MeGa GoSu, right? and yes, I will be at next seasons GSL with Stats like that.
Basically I'M posting here to get advice throw up replays and the like. I have been laddering plenty today and here are a few replays of what my 4 gate looks like. I know One thing I need to work on is Keeping my build order tight when I'M having to do something un-expected like a scout harassing me. If you see anything else let me know. If you WanT to Rage on me for 4 gateing plz do I hated this build as zerg so I will take my just flames! Thanks!
Also i am trying to follow the Liquipedia post on standard 4 gate.
Standard PvZ
PvZ 4 gate falls to roaches and Spine and its all down hill from there.
Standard TvP, I win but Only because he does not repair his bunkers
PvP lose to DTs, watch me try to base trade..... its would be funny if it weren't so sad
I would post One of me losing to Terran but I have not done that yet. I consider the TvP I posted a loss. What do I do when I see a bunkered ramp????
PS: Winter is coming!!!!!!!!