Ok, so everyone knows that Tastless (Nick Plott) and Artosis (Dan Stemkoski) rule the roost so to speak. And they should, they have EARNED it. Both great players and past champions with an extensive knowledge of the game. They are by far my favorite casters to watch/listen to. They can make a mediocre game seem awesome. They get excited which gets fans excited.. Who doesn't love to hear Artosis say: "now here's the thing".. and then go on to peg exactly what the player is thinking or doing. To see just how deep their SC roots go look up the old footage of them at the 2005 wcg.
Being a caster is much more complicated than just getting fraps, a mic, and going to town. An "entertainment factor" is needed or else the fans will reject you for sure.
Here are some of my favorite casters, and hopefully the future of eSports:
DAY [9](Sean Plott (Tastless little brother)) - Pure awesome! They guy knows the game inside and out and personifies the word professional. Love to listen to this guy cast a game! Who doesn't?
djWHEAT (Marcus Graham) - I find djWHEAT to be exciting to listen to! He gets into the game hardcore. He may not be as refined as Tastosis, but put him with a regular caster and let him get comfortable I can see him being a very entertaining and informative caster!
Husky (Mike Lamond) - If you have ever searched SC2 on YouTube chances are you have run into a vid by Husky. While having an extensive knowledge of the game, he is sometimes critized for saying too much. He can speak about 2k words a minute and doesn't need to breath apparently. I personllay enjoy listening to Husky, but I wish when someone asked him a simple question he would answer with a simple one (short) sentance reply that actually pertained to the question rather than a diatribe of information that didn't relate the co casters comment. No one can deny Husky's passion. I believe as long as he continues to work at improving his casting he will become one of the best.
I have really enjoyed watching the TSL3 matches due to the casting of the above mentioned. So THANK YOU for entertaining me on a regular basis.
While I don't believe iNcontroL (Geoff Robinson) casted any of the TSL3 matches I think he did a GREAT job on the clash of the Titans match with Idra. Another one of my favorites for sure!
Side note: GSL has seen some fresh blood also (Code A temp. casters (for now)):
DOA (Erik Lonnquist) - currently in Korea started casting some GSL Code A matches. Personally I like DOA, I think he is still a bit green and has a tendency to put spoilers on twitter, but I believe he is giving an honest effort and doing his best to entertain and inform.
kellyMILKIES - A rose amongst thorns? Well, some fans say she is the "thorn" due to a bit of an accent. Other fans feel she also lacks the entertainment and information factor. I say cut her some slack. It's not easy by any means. Give her a chance. As she becomes more comfortable her casting will get better.
Who do you like / dislike as a caster and why???
On March 28 2011 11:21 zOula... wrote: It's all about Chill!
Yup I love Chill, hes the best!
Yep. Two of these threads a day.
Artosis is my favorite because his passion for the game is unrivaled. Also he has a nice voice :D
Don't forget totalbiscuit
I like Tasteless and Artosis, but I remember Tasteless being funnier back in the old GOM leagues. I'm glad they're bringing in new casters to Korea so that we can get more variety. (Hearing about the tasteless build and the tasteless secret hallways is funny and all, but when its all you hear it loses its "freshness")
No Kellymilkies is the absolute best.
On March 28 2011 11:44 OmgIRok wrote: Where's the love for Chill? WTF????? CHILL BEST COMMENTATOR SINCE RAZER TSL HWAITING I think this guy hates Chill for closing his blogs or something. If you read between the lines, this blog could be a thinly veiled attack at Chill, since he praises everyone besides Chil for improving TSL, lol.
On March 28 2011 11:18 Tumba1 wrote: I have really enjoyed watching the TSL3 matches due to the casting of the above mentioned. THANK YOU for entertaining me on a regular basis.
i thought the main complaint about husky was NOT that he talked too much but that he didn't have lots of knowledge about the game.
LOL you don't thank chill...Chill is the best.
Dunno how you can leave out chill from that list:/ One of the best casters if not the best and he hasn't been getting enough love recently imo.
While this TSL should have started chills inevitable takeover of the casting world it's been delayed by inane criticism of his casting apparently being to exciting. This is regrettable but don't be swayed by such nonsense and get lured into the sleepy comfort of Huskys monotonous and superficial casting, djwheats barney stinson like salesmen speech or Day9s... umm dunno really like day9 but my diluted point at this stage is just that chill is awesome and one of the few casters who has good substance in his analysis, genuine passion for the game that shines through in his casting, a good voice and excellent wit/humor.
You better give Chill his due, goddamn it!
What's this, the official Chill Fan Club? -sign me up!! Eff playing favorites, you casters out there are ballers. :D
OMG No love for Chill!?!? Chill <3<3 Amazing caster. Clear, coherent, and knows the game.
I would like to see the OP's opinion of chill. How can you critique 3 of 4 casters?
I've heard mostly Tastosis, Day, HD, Klazart and Husky.
For the TSL, I thought Chill sounded good, Wheat is pretty funny as well.
PainUser was dual-commentating on a recent game with HD, he sounded great too.