So here I was, all happy (yayay silver) which I've been playing pretty well in..until tonight. Lost 5 in a row, 4 zergs and 1 protoss. What confuses the shit out of me is that one of them was a plat player with over three thousand goddam games. How the hell did the system think I could compete against that? (Granted, his w/l was like 50% exactly)
I just keep falling back into defensive mode and my opponents out expand and kick the shit through me. Almost 400 games later and I can only see myself understand the game but not actually learn any further. There's more I can do, I just don't know what to do or how to do it.
I always make workers Don't get supply blocked Have a build that is pretty rounded for all races
I have an army and then no matter what I'm always out macroed and killed. I have no in game sense of what's happening or when I should be pushing out. Frustrating. After 400 games it's like I've learned a few nifty pointers, But that's it.
seriously, day9
he will help you on so many levels dude, go check his vods out at his blip archive, some really goos stuff is there :D
gl on improving!
Post the replays if you want some help
From my personal experience and a few others, what I've found that a hesitance to move out implies your mechanics might be a bit lacking; moving out in the past has resulted in utter downfall of you army due to not baby-sitting it or mis-microing, perhaps. That's my guess. On the mechanics side of things, just keeping your mind consciously working and thinking of things you need to work on and better habits you need to force and learn is important.
As for not actually knowing when to move out, or timings... well, watch the replays. Seriously. Watch all those Zerg games one after another, and you should get an idea of when they generally can get their second down, and third if they opt to take it, and what they had at any given point in the game when you think you could've moved-out or expanded.
For general tips and learning assistance: Day9, man. Like the other guys said. Check-out either #132 or #133 -- it's one of those; it's called, "Back to the Basics," I believe, or something similar to that. Good luck.
But seriously, post the replays so we can go over them with you and help.
United States4796 Posts
Day[9] is the second best thing a gamer can have to guide him. The first best thing would be a copy of StarCraft 2.
But no seriously. He'll sort you out.
Yeah, Day9 will help you. His dailies teach you advanced tactics and strategies (and are also pretty fun to watch).