Two questions:
1. I was in Bronze and playing silver players about 90% of the time with the odd gold player thrown in. Every match I was either "evenly matched" or the opponent was slightly favored. I just got promoted to silver and right away every single game is against gold players where I'm winning about 75% of games. Can you get promoted before the system figures your MMR is stabilized? What I mean by this is can I get promoted to gold again relatively quickly? Since being promoted I've played probably 10 games and all have been against gold players.
2. How much do you practice/play ladder to improve? I know everyone has different styles (mass gaming etc) but I'm just curious. I try to play 3 games per day at least (I work full time and go to school part-time).
Mass gaming is best but really its just total games played. The more time you dedicate the better you will get, as long as you are trying to improve and not being lazy.
I play one or two games per day and maintain a solid 1900 diamond rating so you don't have to mass game, really. You just need to understand the game and macro well.
you can get promoted from bronze straight to diamond methinks.
I played my friends accout who lost all 5 placements, i played 30 games where i cheesed scrubs and got put into platinum
I think it's more common to get promoted gradually than jump from Bronze to Diamond.
I screwed up my placements on US server and got placed in Silver...I jumped to Gold, then Platinum and finally to Diamond, all within about 40 games (I was facing Diamond players after about 10 games in Silver League).
When I played on my friends silver account he jumped from silver to diamond not sure if you can jump from bronze to diamond tho
I jumped from bronze to diamond. Whatever you're constantly getting matched up against is more of your real rating. It'll change when you start to go about 50/50 in wins and losses.
I am having a problem w/ not being promoted... I started playing again last week (busy work schedule) and since starting my w/l ratio has been above 70% and I am playing against plat players (I'm gold atm) constantly now but the system isn't promoting me. Is there any tricks to being promoted? or is it really just play until something happens.
Yeah just keep playing. My understanding is that if you're not playing often it may actually take longer. I could be totally wrong on this, but I think the ladder explained posts mention that perhaps the longer you wait between games, the more games it takes to be promoted.