Im gonna talk about modern control engineering (MCE) and after that im gonna talk about the funny correlance between MCE and starcraft.
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In MCE you make like a bode diagram like this:
For the untrained eye its very confusing but its very effective for the guy who knows what its about. Basically we are gonna use the upper part so just ignore the phase thingy.
The bode diagram works in that way that you have a system, then you give that system an input and out of the system you get an output. Then you compare the output with the input.
And then you get a closed loop, because you start with input and you end up by the input again like this:
So the comparing between the input and the output will give the gain which is the vertical axis on the bode diagram and on horisontal axis there is the frequency. So basically what you do is you put an input and test it at different frequencies. The result will show up as a dot in the bode diagram and with enough dots you can draw a line.
The frequency is often depicted on a logaritmic scale, so the numbers goes like this 1 10 100 1000 etc..
This means the frequency can be very small when it crosses the vertical axis.
The area of interest in a bode diagram is when the gain changes value. So for a certain frequency band you get interesting stuff while the gain outside of this intersting band is just trivial, so thats why you dont have to draw the bode diagram with a frequency of infinity.
So this is a very short introduction and there a tons of more stuff to say about this but i have no time, and i proberbly forgot to mention a lot of stuff too xD so sry if it didnt make sense.
MCE and starcraft:
So i thought hey maybe you can combine the principles from MCE and make sort of a bode diagram of starcraft xD
So you have a system, like the protoss race or the zerg race etc. then you have the input. That would be the mineral spent and the output would be the damage inflicted o.0
The frequency would be the apm. Do you follow me?
Then the Bode diagram of starcraft would be like this:
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Red = zerg
green = terran
blue = protoss
The brown areas are the band of interest. As you can see there is the band of iccup and the very narrow band of pro. My theory is that if it was possible to go beyond the band of pro then starcraft would no longer be balanced, and the reason why we would like to think that starcraft is balanced is because at pro level all 3 gains for each race crosses each other.
The protoss has units that cant inflict damage unless you micro them (HT to mention one). Thats why i decided to put protoss in the negative at very low apm. But protoss quickly catch up because its easier to macro as protoss.
The gain of the terran race will continue to grow beyond the pro-band because their units are so strong but in order to utilise that power you need to micro them, and you need to micro them more than the units of the 2 other races, but also the advantage are bigger. Luckely for the bw scene that state of imbaness lies out of human reach, but it is there, in my beleive.
Also the bode diagram for starcraft may have been distorted at some parts but its so hard to draw in paint and with logaritmic scale lol. I still think though that the bode diagram that i managed to create displays my thoughts to an acceptable level.
Also dont take it litteraly because there still are a lot of things that needs to be taking into consideration like decission making and scouting, so you should only take this very generally.
So what do you think, do i have a point? o.0
Also i have like no experience in zvt...