On October 01 2010 03:59 KTF_CloaK wrote:
@ eatme, why should i find replays of guys winning under 10 min? my goal is to become really really good with bw, not to cheese my way to C+/B-/B+/A-. or am i misinterprating you? and i wanna get good at macro and micro not be a god of cheese althoug i like grilled cheese sandwiches but thanks for your advice guys, it really motivates me hehe :D
@ eatme, why should i find replays of guys winning under 10 min? my goal is to become really really good with bw, not to cheese my way to C+/B-/B+/A-. or am i misinterprating you? and i wanna get good at macro and micro not be a god of cheese althoug i like grilled cheese sandwiches but thanks for your advice guys, it really motivates me hehe :D
Winning around 10min means that the player used a strategy that worked vs a good opponent. Cheese is winning under 5minutes. Longer games as in our replay section are entertaining and there is always something to learn from lategame play, but you should learn what strategys wins the game and figure out why.
10minutes is plenty of time in a game and a average game of sc is around 15minutes. I doubt that good players are planning out ahead that they are going to win the game after 30min with Arbiter+recall. On the other hand I guess you can watch longer games from a players rep-pack to see why the game did not end in under 10minutes.