Yeah baby, that's tonight. It's 6:40 AM right now, and I have to wake up by 8:30 anyway, so I'm thinking I'll just stay up.
I literally spent half an hour trying to find a vanishing negative sign in one of my physics problems. It was very satisfying when I finally found it.
Here's the issue: I have a 3.5 hour break in the afternoon, from 2:30 to 6:00. I have class right before and right after. Do you guys think I should take a nap during it, or just power through the whole day and crash a bit early tonight?
Lol, I got a friend who's done 7 all-nighters already, though. >< Not exactly sure what he's doing.
I'm thinking the latter, but idk.
Mentally, I feel alright. Physically, my body is hurting quite bad. I had Brazilian Jiujitsu practice in the evening, followed immediately by Lion Dance practice, so I'm pretty sore all over, and my lower back is uncomfortable.
Lion Dance is cool, though. We get pretty awesome gigs. We're going to Rutgers on October 7th, and apparently there's going to be a sweet buffet and open bar. :D
And since I always feel guilty writing about nothing but myself in these blogs, here's a video clip to at least make your time here somewhat worthwhile: + Show Spoiler +
only if you have a good method of waking up. 3 hours can make a giant difference even tho you will feel like shit when you wake up
After many, many all-nighters, I've learned even an hour or two of sleep is better than none, despite what seems logical. When I don't go to bed I start have REM sleep cycle waking dreams -_-
You know I never ended up pulling an all nighter in either college or grad school. I've worked until 3 then woke up at 5:30 to continue working plenty of times but never an all nighter. My mind would turn to mush after 3 and I always thought it more productive to recharge at least a little before attempting to push forward.
As for the 3.5 hour break you definitely should nap, but make sure to set your alarm and an alarm on your phone for dual redundancy.
Damn minus signs.
On September 30 2010 20:06 StarSense wrote: After many, many all-nighters, I've learned even an hour or two of sleep is better than none, despite what seems logical. When I don't go to bed I start have REM sleep cycle waking dreams -_-
Lol, at this point, everything seems kind of trippy. I just stared at my cell phone for a couple minutes thinking, "Wtf, does it seriously look like this?" Also, instead of using quotation marks there, I started off typing it in parentheses.
What a funny feeling
You sound so much like my little brother ^^ Best of luck with your 8:30 appointment. Try to avoid eating too much - it will make you very sleepy
If you are serious about school you should definitely not be pulling all-nighters as they reduce your capacity to take in new information and learning is reduced by 40%. Instead you should be planning your time carefully and avoid pulling any all-nighters. I can't link the source right now, but if you google "Matthew Walker" you should be able to find his lecture/presentation on learning, memory and how a solid sleep schedule is essential for maximizing your learning potential.
Coffee. Coffee. Coffee.
You will survive. Just your eyes will sting like a bitch.
You should probably take an hour and a half nap. And your friend is probably getting a lot of girls, that's why he's had so many all nighters.
16946 Posts
The only times I've ever done all-nighters were for video games or just hanging out with friends.
You kind of feel like shit after you go to sleep and wake up. It's a horrible feeling.
BIG TIP for allnighters: sleeping 1 or 2 hours (like from 5-7) can make a HUGE huge difference. It gives u just enough energy for that exam or presentation. The biggest pain is waking up but normally my body has enough adrenaline that I can throw myself in the shower and grab coffee easily.
On September 30 2010 20:59 SolHeiM wrote: If you are serious about school you should definitely not be pulling all-nighters as they reduce your capacity to take in new information and learning is reduced by 40%. Instead you should be planning your time carefully and avoid pulling any all-nighters. I can't link the source right now, but if you google "Matthew Walker" you should be able to find his lecture/presentation on learning, memory and how a solid sleep schedule is essential for maximizing your learning potential.
This is true.
However, sometimes there is really no way to avoid it.
As others have said, even 1-2 hours is waaaaayyy better than none at all. I try not to pull all-nighters at all, but I will have some 3-5 hour nights to try to get as much done as possible.
Lol, well that failed. Around 8:00 AM, I thought, "Maybe I'll close my eyes for a bit," and immediately fell asleep. Woke up at 11:30 realizing there was an hour left in my physics lecture, and I still hadn't finished the problem set. Quickly wrote it, ran to class, and handed it in as the lecture ended. In economics now, and just finished the problem set due in class today during class.
I'm anticipating crashing tonight around 10:00 PM and sleeping for 12 hours. It's going to be awesome. Usually I don't end up doing this, but this week has been strange and exceptionally busy.
so wait, you essentially pulled an all nighter for no reason?!
In most cases, an all-nighter can be avoided. In my class many of my friends pull all-nighters, where I have never had to. Many times it's due to bad time management. Especially during exams, always make sure you get enough sleep! Try to get at least 2-3 hours of sleep if you feel you must study for most of the night.
All nighters are never fun if its for homework. I'd say work on your time management. Not sleeping is almost never the right answer!!
haha i used to think like you do when i was a freshman.
getting 7-8 hours a night tho is so helpful (even if i still only average about 6 a night). try it for a week and see how much more you get done and how much better you do it.
Well cool but you should avoid them !
- It's bad for memorization (what you study most often stays in your brain for a very short time, sure you will get your exam but won't remember anything of it 3months later. - Having to do one during school weeks is the worst thing, you will either skip morning classes or just can't focus at all resulting in having to do more work later to understand the course. Therefore... the time you won staying awake will backfires - It's bad for health. Being tired : * makes you look ugly * put stress on your heart * decreases your ability to grow-up (or get bigger) * is just bad overall - The time you won staying awake, you will lose it by having to sleep for 12 to 14hours at a point or another. And most likely giving you a jet lag effect which is a pain to reverse. And well when you wake up at 4pm the week end, you kinda feel bad that your day is lost.
Working 1 to 2 hours here and there regulary is the solution.
Any way good luck at college.
Oh man, I thought college was supposed to be way easier than high school. Now, there's nothing to look forward to...
Osaka27115 Posts
Any sleep is better than no sleep. The problem is you think the opposite while in the midst of things.