So there was a big nerdfest in Toronto last weekend (http://www.fanexpocanada.com/)that I wasn't going to go to until I heard that Summer Glau was going (<3).
So I get there check out everything, a whole bunch of cool shit but who cares I need to go see the terminator. So as you can imagine she has the biggest line out of everyone there (Shatner wasn't til the next day).
2 hours later and my friend and I are 6 people back from the line. An expo representative comes to the front and says 5 more people, and cuts it off right in front of the guy in front of us. So of course we're all like 'WTF m8' and the dumbass bitch who was gonna deny us Summer Glau was all like 'sux man'.
So the guy in front pouts and leaves but we stay to try and ninja in. The dumbass bitch walks away and then Summer's associate motions us forward and we get to go up even though the line got 'cut off' (sucks for the dude who left).
Bad picture from my phone: For Ryan, Come with me if you want to live. Pretty much the most awesome thing to put on an autograph ever imo.
Anyways after the autograph she did a Q&A after a quick outfit change, looking fine as ever.
In conclusion
Probably my 2nd biggest celeb crush for reasons too obvious to list. If you haven't seen her shows go watch cause shes awesome and the shows are too. Firefly Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles Dollhouse
Canada19447 Posts
Summer is just awesome. I really liked her in Terminator and Firefly. She embodies beauty but can also exude strength. And she is so hot...
On September 04 2010 00:48 Kennigit wrote: Shes really pretty :3
That's pretty damn sweet
Worth the 5 hour drive both ways from Ottawa :D
Amazing episode in Big Bang Theory when they encounter her on a train and try to pick her up
On September 04 2010 01:01 Catch]22 wrote:Amazing episode in Big Bang Theory when they encounter her on a train and try to pick her up
Ya that one was cute
Hyrule18947 Posts
Summer is a baller like no other female I've seen.
Ah crap I just got over my crush on her. Here we go again...
Summer Glau is really attractive in person, i must say. =0 lol "come with me if you want to live" is pretty a pretty epic thing to put on an autograph, though I wouldn't mind going with her ;D
That's River? She has grown up.
On September 04 2010 01:49 polgas wrote: That's River? She has grown up. Indeed I think shes 29 now? So she was 21 in Firefly or something around that.
Oh my god, she is so hot. I want SCC back.
was that terminator series ever any good??
On September 04 2010 03:35 Hawk wrote: was that terminator series ever any good??
It depends on what type of shows you like, I thought it was incredible. There are slow parts like every show but its worth the watch.
Oh and Firefly/Serenity too ^.^