So, I get home from work all sorts of excited for my check, I go to the mailbox.... and no check... I'm thinking WTF!!! I had just moved 2 weeks ago, but I had put in the change of address to my company a week ago and figured that no biggie, I'll get the check at my new place. So, I call my company HR lady... SHE DIDN'T TURN IN THE FORM UNTIL PAYDAY, so my check is sitting in some strange mailbox at my old apartment. Being a semi intelligent individual I go over to my old apartment thinking that some good soul took the check and gave it to the apartment office. Well..... no one had mvoed into my old apartment and they've already changed the locks on my mailbox... So my wonderful beautiful check is sitting inside this stupid mailbox all alone. I figure.. well maybe they can void the check and just direct deposit into my account instead (i just straight up changed to that instead). So I call the HR lady again and sure enough they can do that.... BUT (and this is the worst part) They have to wait 24 hours to put a stop to my account and aren't open on Saturday.. so I can't get the money until after my Birthday and worse... after the weekend... UGHHHHHHH...
Anywho, this weekend instead of being filled with battles galore, crazy new strategies, and general learning of the game by me is now going to consist of sitting in a dimly lit room drinking something... alcoholic... staring at Livestreams, VODs and replays until beautiful wonderful Monday... Thanks for letting me rant, Ima go get drunk now...
So my grandparents pulled through without me realizing it, they sent me enough to go preorder for the birthday WOOTT!! Cya in Beta!
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