Okay, so I downladed utorrent yesterday and tried downloading the nony v idra games but ended up cancelling because it was taking forever. The next day(today) I try to go play some games on iccup and every time I join a game the game will start fine, then about 2-3 seconds into the game I get a drop screen and the other player disconnects. Has anyone else had a problem like this? Is this partially utorrents fault? Does anyone have any idea how to fix this problem? I tried uninstalling utorrent and restarting but neither of those things worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Canada8028 Posts
I seriously doubt that utorrent is at fault here. Has iccup always worked for you before this? Have you been experiencing other problems when using the internet? Have you changed anything regarding your connection?
ya iccup has always worked, I've not experienced any other problems with my internet, I haven't changed anything which is why I was thinking utorrent, everything else has remained the same
can't help with iccup but you should open your ports with utorrent if you want your downloads to go faster
I have the same problem, did you solve it??
Have no idea why it started with that
Did you reboot your router? Some crappy routers will fill up their NAT table with torrent use and then fail to work properly until a reboot.