United States7488 Posts
OnGameNet @ 14:00 Korea Time 22:00 TL.net time
MBC Game vs Pantech EX
Game 1 Sea[Shield] < Python > Nal_keke
Game 2 HyuN < Nemesis > NaDa
Game 3 Shark[gm]/Bisu < Chariots of Fire > SiLvEr/TheROCK[3.33]
Game 4 Light[aLive] < Shin Peaks of Baekdu > HerO_V
Game 5 Ace Match < Monty Hall >
Results: + Show Spoiler + Sea[Shield] > Nal_keke HyuN > NaDa Shark[gm]/Bisu < SiLvEr/TheROCK[3.33] Light[aLive] < HerO_V --- Ace Match --- Pusan > HoOny
MBC Game wins! 3-2
United States7488 Posts
I can't report tonight, since I am at work.
There still needed to be a thread for this though.
39489 Posts
39489 Posts
lol i was late~ sea seems to have won quickly?
United States7488 Posts
really? is MBC already up 1-0?
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39489 Posts
39489 Posts
hyun scouting wrong way with ol~~
39489 Posts
hyun with 9 pool gas trick nada with... 8 rax near his gas.
39489 Posts
er nm that rax was @ nada's ramp. pool and rax finish roughly around the same time.
Hyun's ol sees that nada is not at 11.
2nd hatch @ ramp for hyun, 6 lings out, running to 5 it appears.
39489 Posts
nada only 2 rines on ramp, lings arrive as 3rd one pops, nada pulls 5 scv, rines runnign away, 1 dies.
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6 scv vs 3 rines, .....
lings get trapped in a corner but trades 4 lings for 2 rines.
nada now with 1 rine left, 2nd pops.
lings pick at dempot for a second, then attack rines that have come to kill them. BOTH RINES DIE
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39489 Posts
4 lings vs 3 rines + scv, 1 ling left as all rines die.
more lings come, as the 2nd hatch must have finished by now.
39489 Posts
8 lings now, attacking rax, rine comes out, dies after travelign a screen or so.
firebat out, immediately dies