Once the community hate-snowball gets rolling, its pretty darn hard to make it stop (look what happened to destiny and orb, although both of them were actually being jerks). Im not a fan of Spades, but I have nothing against him and I hate to see an innocent mans reputation dragged through the mud.
Here is the so called "evidence" put forward:
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Overall: His camera gets blocked NUMEROUS times, much more than any non-hacking player. His camera NEVER watches a place he hasn't got vision of, neither for scouting, neither for sending units, neither because of a missclick, he ALWAYS make the exact counter without scouting properly (as he doesn't even scan) and he ALWAYS take the right positions at the right times without having even seen opponents army. Let's get into the games, make sure you put Spades camera on.
Since the camera blocks are always constant and you can see them by yourself i won't point them out unless they are really determining.
Game 1: Antiga Shipyard.
6:15 When he scouted he didn't see any evidence of fast gas, however, before scanning he already starts to build a bay for defending against cloack-banshee.
9:11 9 sec camera block.
9:30 New banshee from LucifroN is leaving his base, he moves his vikings, that had been waiting at the entry of his natural for over 30 sec to cover his main.
10:45 He gets 2 marines to send them to the xel'naga, however, his camera doesn't move to the center of the map, it gets blocked on his army.
11:02 8 sec camera block
The rest of the game is pure action on the middle of the map, always having vision over his opponent, so there's nothing really weird, just a few camera blocks here and there when he loses control over the xel'naga.
Game 2: Entombed Valley
2:14 He sends the SCV without looking at where he's sending it and the camera gets blocked for 4 secs. However, he doesn't even look at LucifroN's base when the SCV reach it.
6:00 Even if he didn't even watch it, on the minimap you can see LucifroN had a gas, he had done the EXACT same openning as on game 1, however Spades doesn't make bay, neither raven, he goes directly for a viking and waste ALL his energy on a mule, as if he knew 100% sure cloack banshees weren't comming (weird as he didn't even scan).
7:47 Notice how he sieges the tanks on the EXACT position for not being shot by the bunker
13:42 LucifroN advances 2 marines to kill Spades marine at the right of the map, would be obvious to think that LucifroN's army is comming behind, however spades doesn't move his army for about 30 sec.
14:10 LucifroN's army is getting out of his base to that spot, Spades doesn't see ANYTHING, but he sieges his tanks right in the elevation and move his marines out of his base and puts them next to the spot LucifroN is going.
20:30 first scan to LucifroN's base in the whole game!! Spots all his army and the third cc.
Since the camera blocks are always constant and you can see them by yourself i won't point them out unless they are really determining.
Game 1: Antiga Shipyard.
6:15 When he scouted he didn't see any evidence of fast gas, however, before scanning he already starts to build a bay for defending against cloack-banshee.
9:11 9 sec camera block.
9:30 New banshee from LucifroN is leaving his base, he moves his vikings, that had been waiting at the entry of his natural for over 30 sec to cover his main.
10:45 He gets 2 marines to send them to the xel'naga, however, his camera doesn't move to the center of the map, it gets blocked on his army.
11:02 8 sec camera block
The rest of the game is pure action on the middle of the map, always having vision over his opponent, so there's nothing really weird, just a few camera blocks here and there when he loses control over the xel'naga.
Game 2: Entombed Valley
2:14 He sends the SCV without looking at where he's sending it and the camera gets blocked for 4 secs. However, he doesn't even look at LucifroN's base when the SCV reach it.
6:00 Even if he didn't even watch it, on the minimap you can see LucifroN had a gas, he had done the EXACT same openning as on game 1, however Spades doesn't make bay, neither raven, he goes directly for a viking and waste ALL his energy on a mule, as if he knew 100% sure cloack banshees weren't comming (weird as he didn't even scan).
7:47 Notice how he sieges the tanks on the EXACT position for not being shot by the bunker
13:42 LucifroN advances 2 marines to kill Spades marine at the right of the map, would be obvious to think that LucifroN's army is comming behind, however spades doesn't move his army for about 30 sec.
14:10 LucifroN's army is getting out of his base to that spot, Spades doesn't see ANYTHING, but he sieges his tanks right in the elevation and move his marines out of his base and puts them next to the spot LucifroN is going.
20:30 first scan to LucifroN's base in the whole game!! Spots all his army and the third cc.
Here is what actually happened:
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Game one:
@9:11 Spades is making supply depots and pushing across the map with his army. There is a slight pause where he is selected on his units and moving them, but the camera is in his base. Controlling your army movements via the minimap isnt that uncommon.
@9:30 LucifroN <b>cannot</b> have a "new banshee" as he moved his starport over to a reactor around the 8 min mark. Spades vikings were not "covering his main" they were attacking with his army.
@10:45 Spades whole army is in his base. He never sends a marine to the xelnaga, and although there are a couple seconds when his camera is still, he is switching through his control groupes and raising/lowering his supply depots as he was just attacked.
Game two:
@3:01 Spades sends out a scout cross map on antiga, which I consider perfectly normal. Lucifrons marine repells it before it gets to his base. Spades doesnt look at Lucifrons base because the scoute never got there. Maybe a second or two goes by with out Spades moving the camera, but he is constintly moving units around and changing rally points ect.
@6:23 Spades scans Lucifrons base and sees a starport with a tech lab researching. Spades is already making an engineering bay, pretty standart timing for it. He doesnt get a ravin because he not only builds a turret in his mineral line, but also saves up energy for scan at his second CC
Im not even going to go through the rest of the games because the OPs post has been so obviously wrong up to this point that I have to question who he is, and what is motives are. Sure, nothing Ive seen can prove that Spades wasnt maphacking, but since its impossible to prove a negative maybe Spades was maphacking, maybe Lucifron was maphacking, maybe Im maphacking <b>right now</b>.
The sad part is that since 90% of the people who read this post arent going to actually watch the replays, this drolets guys obvious trolling will probably convince a bunch of people that Spades is a cheater, when the games show nothing but standart play. Nothing that the OP said happen in games 1 or 2 actually happened.
TL;DR another troll is trying to destroy the reputation of a player for his own personal gratification.
@9:11 Spades is making supply depots and pushing across the map with his army. There is a slight pause where he is selected on his units and moving them, but the camera is in his base. Controlling your army movements via the minimap isnt that uncommon.
@9:30 LucifroN <b>cannot</b> have a "new banshee" as he moved his starport over to a reactor around the 8 min mark. Spades vikings were not "covering his main" they were attacking with his army.
@10:45 Spades whole army is in his base. He never sends a marine to the xelnaga, and although there are a couple seconds when his camera is still, he is switching through his control groupes and raising/lowering his supply depots as he was just attacked.
Game two:
@3:01 Spades sends out a scout cross map on antiga, which I consider perfectly normal. Lucifrons marine repells it before it gets to his base. Spades doesnt look at Lucifrons base because the scoute never got there. Maybe a second or two goes by with out Spades moving the camera, but he is constintly moving units around and changing rally points ect.
@6:23 Spades scans Lucifrons base and sees a starport with a tech lab researching. Spades is already making an engineering bay, pretty standart timing for it. He doesnt get a ravin because he not only builds a turret in his mineral line, but also saves up energy for scan at his second CC
Im not even going to go through the rest of the games because the OPs post has been so obviously wrong up to this point that I have to question who he is, and what is motives are. Sure, nothing Ive seen can prove that Spades wasnt maphacking, but since its impossible to prove a negative maybe Spades was maphacking, maybe Lucifron was maphacking, maybe Im maphacking <b>right now</b>.
The sad part is that since 90% of the people who read this post arent going to actually watch the replays, this drolets guys obvious trolling will probably convince a bunch of people that Spades is a cheater, when the games show nothing but standart play. Nothing that the OP said happen in games 1 or 2 actually happened.
TL;DR another troll is trying to destroy the reputation of a player for his own personal gratification.
TL admins, apologies for bringing up a closed topic, but I thought someone should point out how obviously wrong the accusations against Spades were, if only because there were hundreds of posts in the thread damning him for being a cheater when he did nothing wrong.
edit: grammer