You posted another one after the last one was closed?
That was brilliant.
why do i get the feeling you just got some guy to make that account? ahahahaahah
no one really cares, especially not in this forum
Ok so he watched your stream... but we can't even be sure it was him.
LOL seriously. You'd have to be an idiot not to be able to tell this guy is cheating. Never scouting, finding the proxy rax like that, I'm not even halfway thru the rep.
who cares, if you stream you run the risk of stream cheaters, there's nothing anyone can do about it.
What else do you expect from a vVv player?
I would take cheating accusations from this guy with a grain of salt, he lost to my friend that I am in the same house as at the moment in a qualifier and accused him of maphacking when he flew his dropship past a watchtower. :/
However, all accusations are serious - I don't quite get the point of the OP, can we see the old thread or get some more details?
HAHA 7:20 he's looking at the 2nd tech lab thru fog of war and a-moves there. Still no scouting what so ever. Blatant maphack, just sad that Maphackers aren't banned.
Blazint is not on team NMx, he just has that in front of his name
You're trying too hard. More effort in making sure we know he cheated than him actually trying to cheat.
10:30- moves stalkers up to kill fac before it appears on his screen.
why do you feel the need to make a thread whenever someone stream cheats you or blind counters? you're a cheesy player expect people to blind counter you, and you're a streamer so expect to be stream cheated. don't be a child. even if he is maphacking, report to blizzard, why the hell do you think TL cares?
Wait so was this guy stream cheating or map hacking? I watched the rep but was Ruff streaming at that time? :O this is gonna get closed too yo. pm me.
Also saying "NMx cheated" is fucking stupid. You are accusing one player, don't defame a whole team for one incident you have. You have absolutely no professionalism for some one who thinks he's a professional.
Blatant maphacker. Starring at both Proxy locations thru fog of war before killing them, never scouting ever period, never even making an obs, starring at flying fac thru fog of war before running up and killing it (before gianing vision of it) and then intercepts a drop without an obs. It really doesn't get more obvious than this, you would actually have to be mentally challenged not to realize this guy is a maphacker.
What does it matter anyway? You stream your games, someone will probably stream cheat. Its the risk you run, if you want to bitch about it, just stop streaming FFS. You'd blow up the website if Destiny / Incontrol / every other featured streamer opened a new thread when someone they were playing was watching their stream.
Accept it or turn your stream off, plain and simple